ITT: Your favorite edgy character

ITT: Your favorite edgy character
>already raped and murdered people at 14
Doesn't get much more badass than that


>at 14
oldfag gtfo

But did Killua ever rape someone?

why did they water it down so much?

Killua's a reformed edgelord now.

It's not like it was all that explicit in the original.

He didn't even threaten to kill an innocent blind girl like this ball of sunshine

Killed his parents

tfw this shota already had more sex than you ever will


I always forget that this manga exists until someone posts a screenshot of it and then I wish I could forget it existed again

It wasn't rape. It was corps desecration. She was already dead.


That's hot,picked up.

Too bad he's a background character and you get a standard self-insert boring MC and his in-game waifu whom he meets IRL.


Sounds like living the dream. Picked up.

Not edgy

>posting shitty fanart
come on son



the seires is generally much lighter I mean


I liked the MC and wished it had been drawn out more. Both the MC and his rape baby were so similar.


Feels bad that the manga hasnt been scanned lately. Ive read the raws and wish that chapter where the blonde mc get to force sex Ryouta, got a boner right there.

>2003 series

Did this asshole really killed the MC?

Nothing wrong with it.