Who'd win?
>some nobody who got punched the fuck out by some normie
>1-hit hero with gag armor
>who'd win
Saitama beats accelerator in one punch
accelerator wins.
Saitama got hurt by a weaker psychic.
What part of One Punch don't you get?
>stick of the series is Saitama is literally an unbeatable god that nothing in the world can take down
>"who would win"
ohh gee I don't know why don't you try using your lard infused brain for once to figure out the obvious answer you amerimutt fuckwit
know what?
just fuck off don't even try to figure it out you brought down the quality of this board by 40% with your incomprehensible fatass yankspeak
>punching backwards
Dunno what other things Saitama can do to counter but if he does the same thing he'll end hurting himself to the point of fatigue.
To defeat Accelerator you simply need to deprive him of food, water, or air. It's been shown that Saitama's punch can annihilate the atmosphere. Even if Accelerator deflects it he'll suffocate.
Stalemate for about an hour or 30 minutes until Accelerator's battery runs out and he gets flattened
Saitama has no fucky attacks that could get around Vector manipulation. I'm also assuming that Accelerator can't just fuck with Saitama's blood flow because the vectors inside his body are just too strong or some shit.
But yeah probably gonna be a loss for Accelerator unless his instant kill abilities work on Caped Baldy or maybe if he blasts him into space.
Alternatively Accelerator takes Saitamas head off in one punch depending on how you feel about Saitama having strange conceptual level defences.
And for all you retards who don't know who Accelerator is his passive ability reflects any and all attacks off of him back onto the attacker, simply put Saitama would just be punching himself.
yes Touma's a fuckin normie
Accelerator rapes Saitama anally
The Flash
no he didnt
there's a limit to how much he can deflect you know
>saitama would be punching himself
unstoppable force meets immovable object basically
Saitama has survived going to the moon and back
The point of his character is that he is consistently stronger than whoever he's up against..
>muh gag character
Power levels in OPM universe are considerably low, though.
I mean, Boros isn't even base Frieza tier.
The point of your post is that you make things up from your ass.
What if he doesn't get to throw any punch?
He's been shown to make a big ass crater on the moon by jumping. Any physical contact between him and someone else means they are fucked
For everyone except Saitama yeah
Yeah, and Accel could just launch himself across the planet to a place with atmosphere.
There's a reason that Accel doesn't show up as often in the novels anymore. It's really difficult to find a character who's strong enough to match him. It's implied that basically everyone stands 0 chance against him from the get go with his automatic reflection. This is only circumvented by high level magic users and people with specific powers or skills to get through it (Touma, Kakine, Kihara, etc.).
Saitama doesn't possess any of these, meaning any punch, no matter how strong, thrown would reflect onto himself. At this point you have to ask the question if he could survive a punch from himself. If he can, then he eventually wins the fight by having Accel's battery drain, or if not he loses after the first reflection. A fight with pre-cripple Accel or Accel with his wings would probably never end, since he's not restricted by battery.
t. didn't read the webcomic
if accelerator reflects everything away from him how does he breathe wehn he reflects the air away from his lungs?
Tats didn't do shit to him. They dragged each other around for a bit and she drove him into the ground then he came back unscathed.
His brain automatically lets shit like light, gravity, etc. through. It's what Kakine exploits to be able to attack him. Did you even fucking read?
Saitama would only playfully punch at accelerator and then at the last second pull his hand back to not hit him... but accelerator reverses it and hits himself with it.
Saitama can do more than just throw punches though.
>Serious Series Table flip
>Table flip all the way to space
>Accel suffocates due to lack of oxygen
saitama would punch him hard enough to break through his reflection and turn him to paste.
For the purposes of this argument, let's say Accelerator's power can block all of Saitama's punches indefinitely. Then the question becomes can anybody with unlimited physical strength beat Accelerator in a fight?
I'd say the only solution is to throw the fucker into space. If that won't work, because you can't grab Accelerator, then throw the thing he's standing on, or the very ground beneath his feet, up into space.
She was able to lift him for a second eventhough he's resisting so a stronger psychic would win against Saitama.
Or he could just launch himself back onto the Earth with his vectors.
You don't die instantly while in space, so in those couple seconds of clear thinking before his brain gets fucked up and dies to the pressure, he can just do a quick swimming motion, enhance that vector to basically just launch himself back onto the Earth. He could also just do this before leaving Earth to avoid any danger at all.
you do realize that he has already gone against a psychic that could imitate the gravitational pull of a FUCKING BLACK HOLE and he just stood there wondering if that was supposed to hurt him
accelerator got beaten on multiple occasions by normal people throwing punches. saitama has never been beaten.
it's proven that accelerator can lose fights while it's not proven that saitama can lose outside of fighting games. we can only assume accelerator eventually loses
Has Accelerator been shown to have a limit in his stamina?
>accelerator got beaten on multiple occasions by normal people throwing punches
iirc Accel has only lost to Touma and Aiwass. Touma can get through his reflection with IB and Aiwass is basically a fucking god. The only "normal person throwing punches" that even touch him is Kihara, and he literally spent his life dedicated to training to be literally perfect at pulling his punches for the sole purpose of getting through his reflection.
I honestly just wish Kihara had some device to temporarily fuck with his choker, like the SkillOut guy, as it's way easier to explain and makes more sense
Accelerator would never be able to calculate a saitama punch. It's nonsensical.
>it's another Accelcocksucker versus One Munch Pan thread
Wonder which side can make up the most ridiculous shit out to pull out of their asses so they can prove their superiority
>kindergarten kid has never been beaten while a soldier has been beaten multiple times therefore kindergarten kid is proven stronger than soldier.
>Raildexthread autism vs. OPMthread autism
He wasn't trying to hurt her so he wasn't trying. Saitama would fucking thrash Tats in an actual fight because she can't restrain him
It wasn't even a real black hole. A real one, even a micro one, would've destroyed the world in the same nanosecond it appeared.
No it wouldn't.
that is not how FUCKING BLACK HOLES work Jim