Violet Evergarden Discussion Thread

Here's a thread for anyone that want to actually discuss this show. If you want meme, buzzwords about Kyoani or just shitposting in general, feel free to participate in other shitpost thread and please do stay there.

Also Violet is my waifu.

Fuck you.

I personally separate my life to pre-VEG and post-VEG periods, as watching it has completely changed how I view the world. It taught me to appreciate life much more (or rather in a different way) than I used to and also be more honest with myself. It may have a similar effect on you, or it may do nothing if it’s not your kind of thing, but one thing is clear — you’ve got to watch it even if it’s the last thing you do.

My life has been an ongoing quest to discover life-changing works of fiction, and despite having gone through thousands of books, movies, games and the like, I have yet to find anything to even rival Violent Evergarden. I’m honestly getting goosebumps just remembering it.

All I can say is that it’s like nothing you’ve ever experienced.

So why would the taint the artistic merit of the backgrounds by filtering them with various blurring effects and then adding CGI lighting? The CGI lighting is terrible, because you can clearly see it doesn't blend with some of the tradition shading still present.



Wait for Netflix 1080 version as show is native 1080 and Asenshi completely fucked it up (though Ohys raws is not much better).

There actually already is 1080 version out and contrast to asenshi is immense. Still Netflix version likely to be better.

>beautiful but boring
Exactly what I feared it was going to be. I guess Euphonium was just a fluke.


That's exclusively been done digitally for at least 2 decades

Why're you so mad friendo, did they hurt your whinie or sth?


>Euphonium was just a fluke.
That series got defended by a lot of autistic /u/faggots.
Real shame they doesn't defend this too.

How was it boring? It has the same feel as old Europe novels with some Japanese tropes,
I guess you could say that those novels was boring, sure then you uncultured murrica.

>robot learns about muh emotions

Name a more cliche plotline.

Now this is advanced shitposting.

She wasn't a robot? You're so dumb man please watch the first episode again.

>There actually already is 1080 version out and contrast to asenshi is immense
So can't you just mux out Asenshi's subs?
>netflix version
How do you explain the state of the Crybaby quality?

I thought it was actually going to explore some interesting themes like the cost of war, depression, and making meaning, but instead it was just some cliched bullshit about a girl liking a guy because wish fulfillment.

>can't punctuate properly
>calling anyone dumb
You have no right to when you can't even use a comma.

dropped this within 5 minutes.

She's a doll


>cost of war, depression, and making meaning
They do. It's what Oscar's metaphor about Violet being on fire was about.

It's a metaphor only

I thought she was a robot, that would be the only explanation for how utterly dependent she is on Gilbert

christ, you'd have to be SO autistic to reach that level of ignorance. It actually breaks my suspension of disbelief that she's a human

well, my point still stands. "robot/autistist discovers love" is the most cliche premise you get use for a story, and it didn't even seem like they tried to spice it up

That's because she was a feral child raised by Gilbert to become a soldier so he's pretty much her entire world.

I agree it's cheesy as hell. If they want it to be cheesy/sentimental in a kind of faux-intellectual way, and still be on point they should have touched deeper with the dehumanization and the concept of otherness (and the disaster from the disavowal of it), rather than with pseudo-psychological (PTSD) theme.

To be fair this is still just the first episode, so we'll see. I don't think it's as bad as people make it out to be, aside from the filters (sadly).

>Violet is a robot
Haters don't even watch the show, what a shocker.

I loved every bit of the show, Ishidate did not disappoint. Every moment was filled with nuances and truly expressing the thing in a way not vocalizing them - though my impression is of novel reader.

The key in my opinion was well harmonized body language, voice acting and sound in general and music that seemed to always be at exact feel of the moment as if was written specifically for storyboard (which does not happen in anime really, so just great work of sound director).

Every bit of imagenery, especially of Violet herself was meaningful. There was no unnecessary scenes, and while it was pretty much KyoAni original episode rearranging stuff from novel and adding few own bits - it fited the story perfectly.

The one thing i noticed, but can live with is that while KyoAni portrays the war and violence - they seem not to make it as brazzen and graphic as novel. Seen both in visuals (the bloody scenes are.. aesthetic) and writing - in finale of episode Gilbert tells he "Go!" while in novel the trigger command is always "Kill!".

Liked a lot how they handled Benedict, Cattlaya, Iris and Erica. The characters look interesting, especially liked the dorky Erica look.

The show is not that much "super animated" as is "super cinematic". It really felt like watching a movie, despite it lacking really fancing scenes and blamed "overanimation". Animation was precise, and nessessary - showcasing character emotions and beuty perfectly.

What standed out was some scenes of very high quality animation - like the tea scene (it has fucking shadows of splashing in the air water as teacup breaks), the war scenes or few effect ones: not sacraficing bit of complexity of character design and detail (typically for Ishidate, the truly great frames are put together in quick sequence flashing by, able to truly see the detail put and complexity of them if you go fram by frame).

Well, I have to say, I for one am very impressed. The use of post-processing effects to amplify the mood and create dynamic and tensely focused compositions was exceptional. The CG effects used for the water were almost photo-realistic. I could almost feel the salt spray on my cheeks.

The designs were quite frankly the peak of the medium. The way all the detailed linework was obscured by the intricate filters created a truly perfect aesthetic balance, and highlighted what is probably KyoAni's most daring deviation from their house character style.

The story itself is already on the par of the medium's greatest works. The thematic exploration of what it means to "love" something (a concept I feel, is under-explored in art) elevate the narrative to the level of high literature. Of course, the historic tinged fantasy setting is also quite unique, and something you rarely see. The entire aesthetic is so well crafted, that it's hard to believe that it's a TV show.

Just look at the way they obscure this detailed background to highlight Violet's moody and distant profile. Truly masterful.

Truly, a masterpiece.

I enjoyed it and I'm looking forward to the next episode. The fact that it makes Sup Forums upset only makes it sweeter

It is native 720p animated litterally in flash

Don't use my webm to shitpost, you filthy ape.

I'm starting to enjoy this type of shit posting

It`ll going to explore a lot of themes, especially in the episodic part of story later. But it is obviously not for a connosier like you, so you can move to a better written medium like Slow Start or Fate Extra and spare us your presence.


>Sup Forums upset
Yeah, sure.

it was very beautifully done dog shit.
aesthetic turd.


I like it, well written, assumes to know things, makes a point about being smug towards the reader and is purposefully vague enough to mean anything. Pretty good pasta but it doesn't have any bite to it.


She's depicted as a robot. She's shown bleeding and eating but I thought it was just one of those absurdly human robots like Bladerunner

Where are blur, bloom, & bokeh effects?
Please improve it

This, when we have daily Violet threads lets see how triggered they would be. Top kek it's like an addict to them
>Gotta shitpost Kyoani
>Gotta shitpost Kyoani
>Gotta shitpost Kyoani
>Gotta shitpost Kyoani


I enjoyed it and I'm looking forward to the next episode. I wish Sup Forums could let me have decent threads.

didnt read lol

>OP: NO meme buzzwords lets disscuse the show

>Also OP: Look at my waifu :3

being a robot in this subcontext is largely secondary in importance, there exist a whole genre of romantic comedy that revolves around boy meets girl under the same context, whether or not you're a robot has no meaning

She is not robot, but neither is she human.

She is not autist either. She is just infantile, as her whole being before consisted merely serving as Gilberts weapon. She does not think of herself as human. The speculation hinted in novels is that she might be avatar of goddess of war, or alternatively something artifically created to emulate her shape and war abilities.

She is naturally gifted in murder, since the moment she is found. Dodging bullets and fighting outnumbering enemies is nothing to her. She possesses above human strength (she was already a murder machine used on battlefield as 10yo girl) and speed (being able to run few steps on top of water surface before submerging).

Characters and readers are all confused by her beutiful appearance, but her self identefication is of either tool/weapon or monster. She is not autistic, not traumatized, does not have PTSD. She is just angel of death with only purpose to serve as a weapon of her Lord.

Are people in post WW1 era aware of invention called 'ROBOT' in the first place?
Potential major flaw right here.

well said, well said hyuh hyuh hyuh

hyuh hyuh hyuh hyuh hyuh

>being this mad

She was used as soldier before Gilbert by Dietrich. Its just that Gilbert was the only one who threated her well and gave her a purpose (also he didnt want her to be a soldier, but if he didnt "train" her she`d simply be given away to someone else as war asset - killing is the only thing she could prove her worth with and stay near him)

Europe novels, like 99% of all novels, come with decent hooks, interesting characters and plot elements.

This show has none of that, it's pretty when not completely smothered in special effects, but the characters and plot are completely uninteresting and generic.

Kyoani shall rule the earth. Hyuh hyuh hyuh hyuh hyuh


>This show has none of that
Well you're wrong and I say the opposite

>actually discuss this show
hmm nothing to discuss, bye.

The character designs are the same generic KyoAni style they always use, and anyone who claims otherwise is delusional.

The protagonist is a boring blonde rei. The settings are typical otaku pandering light novel shit. This could still turn out great, but the first episode was not impressive at all. For something supposedly was the only light novel work ever awarded the top prize by Kyoani, it has not made a good impression on me so far. If this doesn't pick up soon, I'll seriously doubt Kyoani's taste in the selection of light novel adaptations.

Actually, based on all the crappy adaptations they've chosen for the past few years, I wouldn't be surprised if they really do have shit taste.

I'll give this a fair shot though, I honestly hope this will prove me wrong.

What the fuck is a "Europe novel"?

Thanks, will pick up. I'm currently enjoying Citrus, which takes an intimate look at the feeling of being a high school age girl, and Sora Yori mo Tooi Basho, a wonderful illustration of the explosive energy of innocence.


>shilling for their animu ITT to keep the threads from dying
Butthurt as fuck.

This show is basically going behind just their usual anti-lolicon gig, and now trying to make old hags the next in-thing, with heavy effort at that.
And of course, it works like a fucking magnet for the worst kind of normalfags.

It looks good and it works, so what's wrong with that

>Generic style
It's like... your opinion man

Novels about Europe.

who the flying fuck is oscar

>I...I'll show them with more shitposting

>Europe novels
I can safely assume that you haven't read more than ten books in your entire life.

Some esl falseflagger replying to himself

I swear to god if faggots that've never read a book start talking about books in Sup Forums.

>usual anti-lolicon gig
is that why they made kanna thick.

Chances are it's just going to be just like Kyoukai no Kanata threads.
>Shitpost the hell out of the first episode because autists don't understand
>Interest dies down as their attention span is drawn to something else
>There's some meme episode that 'confirms' the show was shit after all
>Ending blows everyone away and there's enough retards that go 'I don't get it' to fuel conversation for a few days, and a lot of people marathon the show now that it's 'good'
>Years later we get a compilation movie that was supposes to be S2 and a proper ending to the series

It is not. The only one in novel who actually gets trolled into thinking she is a robot is drug addict who lived away from the happenings for multiple years because of death of wife and daugther, so when he sees her he thinks "wow technology sure advanced in those years i was hermit" and assumes she is robot since she is called Auto Memories Dolls and she heard before its mechanized things that helped write.

Pic related is real AMD

Best copy pasta.

This is truly the "In Search of Lost Time" of anime.

>Europe setting
Have you spotted Black guy in this series yet Sup Forums?

are you upset?

>Europe novels
Meme of the season potential right here

Wait, Kyoukai no Kanata was good?

Bro your shows don't even have threads up, that's how dead they are.
You and your buddies shitposting here isn't going to make people like your shows. You'll have nobody to talk to anyway, so spare us of your misery.

>I'll give this a fair shot though
Please dont, just fuck off to Franx threads.

KnK was never good.


this is Kyoani, not British Broadcasting

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class, and I’ve been involved in numerous battles on Telesis, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in meme warfare and I’m the top soldier in the entire Leiden Army. You are nothing to me but just another shitposter. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before this season, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit about my anime? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of shills across the continent and your post is being traced right now so you better prepare for the blur, maggot. The blur that wipes out the pathetic little screen resolution you call your TV. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can filter your background in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare metal hands. Not only am I extensively trained in Adobe After Effects, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Photoshop toolbox and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable crisp lines off the face of the TV screen, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” thread was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking keyboard. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will score top ratings all over and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

I personally don't like European century settings much so the story being told wasn't that captivating but it's only Episode 1. Violet, her delicious tummy and underboob, moe actions are what's carrying it right now for me. Hoping the next two episodes are better.

Bullshittery aside
It's fine, I'm a sucker for faux historical fiction and this looks like it will do nicely, I'm interested to learn about Violet's history.

And maybe I'm just a hard to please fuck, but I kept hearing people cum about the visuals and while they're nice they're nothing all that special. Hell, it's not even the best looking series of the season Sora yori mo Tooi Basho has it beat there

>Amerifats telling other Amerifats what Europe is like despite never leaving their shitty flyover state
What's it like to not own a passport?

Yes I am. /lit/ is already bad enough, but I can't imagine how fucking shit Sup Forums will be if we start have pseuds trying to talk literature when they can't read for shit.

the Nissan GTR designs are the same generic skyline style they always use, and anyone who claims otherwise is delusional

that's so beautiful user...

How does Kyoani do it? I mean HOW?! How did they even MANAGE this level of nuance that could only be accomplished by the likes of Charles Dickens and Oscar Wilde and J.K Rowling? It's INSANE. How could anyone look on a Kyoani anime and not think to themselves like "wow, thats some good anime" like i mean COME ON. Why are majority of the humans of the planet so LACKING in intellect?


It is the situation of Hyouka airing again.

Same type of ADHD fags complaining about "boring story" and how it makes them sleep.

>WWI German soldiers bayonetting British Tommies.

I guess Japan's nazi fetish extends to WWI as well.

There're already fags that criticized this show with some kind of pseudo intellectual attitude.

*raises paw*

I only read the communist manifesto. Is it okay to talk about it here?

Because it's the same fucking Nissan GTR. A fucking same character if she is an anime character.

Use your brain next time.

Literally everything except Lucky Star and Nichijou could be in the same show and you wouldn't notice.

I know you are trolling, but the episode direction actually was superb and nuanced, displaying exactly whats important in thousand little touches. It is like throwing pearls before swins. I just hope at least by episode three majority of shitposters will fuck off.