Gather your strongest warriors Sup Forums TOP BUN is growing out of control!

Hurry it's growing stronger!

I want to touch it.

No matter how strong it grows, it CAN be fucked. Can't beat the cock.

Stop having fun.

Careful defeated several cock masters how do you think it got so big!

this series is max comfiness.

Do you guys think Akarin's bun bazooka could defeat TOP BUN?

Just fucking give me Ep2 already.

user NO!




Never, Rin has the Buns of Babylon
Someone post it, cant find it right now

They're just buns. What's the worst that could happen?

Episode 2 never.


Well... that could happen.

This thread reminds me of that epic parasitic ahoge thread from forever ago.

Can it even be contained?

I guess it can't helped. I'll have to use "that"!

This is a good thread



I'm sorry Sup Forums I failed you her bun was stronger then mine.

Don't give up before I have even finished my shitty image!

Akarin's just a little girl user you can't expect her to last long against the toughest girl ever and her TOP BUN.

There is no peace, only the bun


Did someone say bun?

>I am the bun of my sword


I want to touch the bun! what happen if i touch the bun?

Only the dead and the mightiest of wizards know user neither are very willing to share their secrets.

Oh no Sachiko look out behind you!


Femanon here, how do I get a bun like hers?

Show us your tits.

So this is your home board eh?

Ladies and gents, I present to you the Vampy buns of nib nib.


I'm here to save Sup Forums Sensei!

Can you make it into a gif where the buns move like the teeth of a chainsaw?


You have to be very tough, little, skilled at camping, and above all, comfy.

hhmmm tetrahedral configuration

Is that the annoying kid from Hero Academia?


This is getting bunbearable.


Does it smell good?

This bun appears to have two others hidden beneath her clothing.



So when exactly is the next episode coming up? I need my weekly dose of comfy camping and Buns...


Is the show good?

I can't believe Akarin is fucking dead

Hooray for buns.

You're a friend of mine.

sp3 hybridized bun is unbreakable


Even strongest magical girls can do nothing against bun.

My favourite bun.

>Sat in PS for an hour staring at some black guys dick trying to force a joke
Why do i do these things to myself?

There's a bun in the OP

Pretty sure /out/ would have something to say about all the gear she took with her.

/out/ is fucking stupid. Half the board is gear threads.

>didn't even earn the title of Ace

Well you do need some gear when inawoods.


New warrior

Bunch of sticks

I want to cum on that bun

What class are they?

Look at this huge faggot.

Currently only advertising

Judging by the PV:
>Nadeshiko, Warrior
>Rin, Mage
>Aoi, Knight
>Ena, Alchemist
>Chiaki, Priest

A hungry girl for a long time

The same shape


Is this diamond?

Looks like this

Is this the new Etrian Oddisey?

Like what?

Like diamond


Just put the message first?

Hair bun vs. Hare bun
Who wins?

Your bun looks like shite.
Rin's got that one on the bun

My heart stopped


They have a thread already.


These girls spend more in /fa/ clothes than camping accessories.

>all that autistic screeching that they aren't all naked in the wilderness


She's hiding her power level!

>voiced by Naobou
>owns expensive camping gears
New enkou champ

BEAR hair