Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai / BokuBen / We Never Learn






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Another one?

Translate it weeb

I was going to, but then I saw your post and decided not to.

1. Study group. Miharu ties to sexually distract Yuiga but got flustered herself. Yuiga noticed this but decides to ignore all these as mental training.
2. Sensei whispered to Yuiga about their family history and how even their dog ran away due to how strict it was.
3. Miharu saw them whispering and thought they were sweet talking. So she exposed her collar even more, but sensei thought she is hot and turned up the AC.Miharu thought sensei is trying to get in her way.
4.Sensei stood up to get a can of peach for snack but her legs are numbed. So she leaned onto Yuiga's shoulder. Miharu follows suit. Turns out sensei doesn't know how to use a can opener, so Yuiga had to do it for her...

5. Blah blah blah why sensei doesn't quit being sensei. Yuiga countered and said Sensei is actually a very good teacher. Miharu got angry and yelled "what do you, a high school kid, know about real world difficulties!"
6. Sensei got really mad and said Yuiga tries his best to help everyone around him.
7. Turns out she drank alcohol.

8. At the end they studied overnight etc.

>overnight studies with sensei and sensei's imouto
doujins pleaseeeee




>you will never feel sensei's senseis press against your body

>ywn get headpats from sensei

Is this the first time Sensei smiled in real time?


Are we really sure this girl is not just Fumino with a wig?

did anyone check on the senseifag with the collage? is he doing ok? this might push him over the top if he hasn't already

>even their dog ran away due to how strict it was.

>Miharu ties to sexually distract Yuiga


I haven't found the viz version of the last chapter. If you have a link, I'll get to it right away.


Nah, it can't be her.

>tfw sensei will never give you a drunken headpat of congratulation

haven't seen it either, sorry user. i think box had it out though, but i understand if you don't wanna use that

Fuck off

Title: She "X" Him With Much Charming Flirtation

Being a Toukei All-girls University Student, and expressing concerns towards Nariyuki, Miharu tutored the former very thoroughly. However, because she has no immunity towards men, Miharu, in embarrassment, does separate herself from him without realizing. Miharu then got close again because she remembered that she has to use her own charm to entice him, and to make him forget all about Mafuyu. She also told him to call her "Miharu-san" instead of "Imouto-san", but was visibly shaken because it felt like he was proposing.

Mafuyu told Nariyuki to be careful because Miharu has a tendency to be stubborn because of how much of a perfectionist she is. In the past, they had a dog called Pero, and Miharu absolutely loved it. But because of how strict her training method was, Pero ran away after it had enough. Nariyuki, however, will try his best instead because he never had the chance to be tutored by a college student. He said that he could teach the incapable girls better if he firmly gained the strength here.

Seeing the two whispering, Miharu, once again, jumped into some strange conclusion, and closed her distance toward him once more. Using the excuse that it's hot, Miharu tried to entice Nariyuki by showing her cleavage, but Nariyuki was too focused on studying that he didn't notice. Miharu then was about to show her appeal a bit more drastic when Mafuyu took her words seriously, and turned on the AC. Miharu was not too happy because it sabotaged her plan.

Miharu then remembered something she read from a Shoujo Manga about extreme skinship, and attempted to make Nariyuki's heart race through shoulder touch, but Nariyuki completely ignored it. In reality, Nariyuki did notice it, but he thought it may be a special training method to not lose focus.


Feeling relieved seeing them properly studying, Mafuyu decided to get canned peaches, but lost her balance when she tried to stand due to sitting straight for too long, and landed on Nariyuki with her breasts on Nariyuki's shoulder. Miharu got the impression of it would also interfere with her plan, tried the same thing. She believe that it went well because it managed to get Nariyuki to be very flustered. However, it was actually due to her skirt got turned over from the rhythm of how she fell that Nariyuki flustered. Miharu, though, thought about this positively because now she felt that they're even.

Not knowing where the can opener is located, Nariyuki told Mafuyu of where it's stashed. Remebering that Mafuyu had been cut by the can before, Nariyuki opened the can in her place. Seeing this event unfolding, Miharu felt like that she's not even close to even.

None the less, Miharu regained her spirit, and thought about how to get Mafuyu to quit being a teacher when Nariyuki asked why Miharu hates seeing Mafuyu being a teacher. Miharu revealed that Mafuyu is a lonely genius, and literally perfect that she is very difficult to approach. She wouldn't even open up her heart towards her family that she wouldn't believe that she'd change her job to being a teacher. Nariyuki replied that while she does have that side of her, along with her absolutely terrifying side, and is easily misunderstood, she is also very considerate of her students, is adorable at times, and he thinks that she is actually a great teacher.

In contrast, Miharu was mad as she screamed at Nariyuki, asking what would a high-school student who never had any hardship know. Mafuyu interrupted Miharu by telling her not to yell at her student. Mafuyu then continued by saying that she has never met someone who'd go through so much hardship for others without out as much as a displeased looked, and is proud to call someone so kind and hardworking a student of hers, as she petted Nariyuki's head. Miharu, who was surprised as she has never seen her sister like this, asked if Nariyuki changed her, and exactly who is she.

The real reason why Mafuyu is praising Nariyuki? She drank alcohol. (The alcohol was from commorating Miharu turning 20 years old, and is left in the fridge. Mafuyu thought it was juice because of how similar the package was, and mistakenly drank it.)

Seeing her sister asleep, Miharu, who has never seen Mafuyu drunk, reckon that she must be tired. While Miharu admits defeat this time, it doesn't means she has accepted Nariyuki and Mafuyu's relationship, and declared that she will save her sister in due time. Nariyuki doesn't understand what she meant by that, and asked to end the night for now, and tried to go home. However, Miharu was not kidding when she said that she'll tutor her for the next 24 hours, and there are still 16 more hours to go.

Next morning, Mafuyu woke up, and gave Nariyuki a giant "I told you so", while Nariyuki basically turned into jelly.

could be six pads.

>Miharu then remembered something she read from a Shoujo Manga and raped Nariyuki
These doujins just write themselves.

I want to use the highest quality versions available when possible. Especially with as many Kirisus as there were in Ch. 45

godspeed, user. you are a man truly dedicated to your waifu

Haven't caught up yet, why is Sekijou creeping into heroine territory?

great another shit sensei filler chapter

There's no need to be upset, user.

just marry already, Yuiga even knows where everything is

Check out this salty Urukafag.

>smiling sensei

She can't even use a fucking can opener without cutting herself? How does she even survive without moeyuki taking care of her?

Next Chapter Preview:
>Who is the mysterious genius that appeared at cram school?
God, I hope it's either imouto or senseimouto in disguise trying to keep tabs on Nariyuki, because if it's another girl, I will personally mail anthrax to Sueisha.

>it's a boy that will later ntr's Moeyuki

>How does she even survive
This is the great mystery of sensei.

>Mysterious Genius

Its probably /chem/. I'll place my bet on her.

>How does she even survive without moeyuki taking care of her?
That's easy to explain.

The Mafuyu is a creature with deeply rooted survival traits. She is able to create enough routines and habits to function and survive in society alone. However, once an appropriate mate has been identified, her brain will slowly phase away these habits in favour of maximising appeal for the desired mate.

In nature, we find examples of animals using their unique features to attract partners, like male peacock's tail feathers or a deer relying on his large antlers. Mafuyus use their gap moe to snare a mate. Much like the way the bowerbird constructs an elaborate nest out of garbage, a wild Mafuyu will create and mantain a messy enviroment to project the impression of uselessness and vulnerability in hopes of making their desired mate see them as precious creatures in need of protection.

Once this is achieved, the Mafuyu will latch onto their mate and will try to achieve impregnation to ensure a long-lasting commitment.

nice projection, her chapter are boring and is just filler, you can remove it from the story and nothing would change

She's probably too spoiled by her family/imouto.

Well unlike other wingmen she had some interactions and dynamics with him.Nothing else beside that so far.

>it's a boy who will later ntr the girls

There's also this. But that's about it.


/chem/ > /lit/ > Sup Forums > senpai > sensei

She also has a good opinion of him.

Bumping until korean scans are out.


>mfw it's still summer

You're gonna keep bumping for the next 24 hours?


*83861 **84158 We Never Learn
We did it, bokubros!
How long until it starts selling 100k per volume?

How good is it compared to Nisekoi back then?

When Rizu starts kissing moeyuki again

Source? Latest I can find is

We Never Learn 4 58,755 59,052

For comparison:

Nisekoi 4 73,943 73,943

Fumino - Senseimouto axis when?
Them spying on Moeyuki's and cosplaying Sensei's "date" when?

>smiling sensei

>will try his best instead because he never had the chance to be tutored by a college student. He said that he could teach the incapable girls better if he firmly gained the strength here.
Such a good boy Moeyuki is.

Is he the purest romcom MC we've ad?

What's next? Kiss on the cheek?

>sensei smile

new spoiler

Where could one acquire such tight fitting clothing?

Godspeed user.

At first I was really annoyed that she didn't get much focus, but the competition is so crazy that I'm glad she's not in the moebowl

This chapter proves that Sensei doesn't like Nariyuki and won't come to.

im just waiting for doujins continuing their illicit actions in the park

Moeyuki Harem Expansion Project

Was there any semi-recent popularity poll for this series in Nipland?

Yo, wheres my sawako x moeyuki at?

You are in luck then but not poor Fumino

Must be the minimalist kind. Like the one that's just barely a knife that you seen on multi-purpose knives and whatnot. I honestly have no idea how to use those either. If you get cut by those ones with the twisty parts there's something wrong.

I wonder how Fumino would handle him getting so close to sensei and her sister? What would she do about that almost kiss? What if she learns that Rizu and Yuiga have kissed?

She's going to rape Moeyuki. Then other girls will do the same to him.

Viz is low quality, JB uses the best quality every 10 chapters or so, like this one

>Turns out sensei doesn't know how to use a can opener, so Yuiga had to do it for her...
Clumsy useless moeblob gapmoe has gone too far.
Why would she even have cans of food if she can't use a can opener?

Die of stomach cancer.

>1. Study group. Miharu ties to sexually distract Yuiga but got flustered herself. Yuiga noticed this but decides to ignore all these as mental training.

At first I thought you were talking about Nariyuki's own imouto and got hopeful.

Pic related came during the time of the chaoter of sensei using the school uniform.

An official poll would be interesting to see, I think any girl can come at the top at this point.

>sensei at the top
based nips

Reminder that Fuminos big chapter ranked low


>liking actual development

Yuuna flops everytime that happens.

01 Kimetsu ch.086
02 One Piece ch.885
03 Black Clover ch.133
04 Dr. Stone ch.035
05 Neverland ch.063
06 Hero Academia ch.159
07 BokuBen ch.039
08 Sōma ch.239
09 Gintama ch.659
10 Haikyū ch.278
11 Yūna-san ch.087
12 Robot ch.033
13 Cross Account ch.021
14 No. 01 ch.053
15 Full Drive ch.004
16 Golem Hearts ch.003

Doesn't Viz get their scan directly from Jump? I understand not liking their translation but this is the fist time I heard someone calling their scans low quality.

I guess nips like group chapters better and they have shit taste as always.

That's a really cute pussy

If you can find the same chapter, you should compare themMadokami seems to be fucked up so i cant find it atm

But Viz's stuff is low resolution and blurry

It's a dog, user.

If we compare solo chapters, Rizu's chapter actually rank the highest

Still cute.

Wow most of these methods look extremely unappealing. Though I guess technically they are solutions.

Viz doesn't clean their digital releases. It's more noticeable if you know what to look for, but 99% of people wouldn't know the difference