Shokugeki no Soma

Chapter 246 spoilers

>As Momo has made a lot of roll cakes, she allocates them to the crowd. While the venue are mesmerized by Momo’s roll cake, Erina continues with her cooking.
>After observing Erina’s cooking procedures, the rebels realize that Erina is also making a sweet. They are concerned that she’s being reckless to battle Momo in that field.
>Meanwhile, the judges make an interesting remark by saying that she’s the one who holds the key for the Central that Azami dreams about.
>Erina has finished as well.
>What Erina made is called “Souffle Leger du Grasse”.
>It looks like two pancakes being piled on, but once the judges taste it, they realize what Erina did.
>She squeezed “brown sugar bean paste” between the pancakes.
>The true identity of the sweet is Dorayaki made out of pancakes and brown sugar bean paste.

>Urara states at Erina’s dish and wants to eat it but she controls herself and continues to do her job as the moderator.
>Erina: Ohh…you don’t need to be so patient. Don’t you want to know how delicious this dish is?
>Erina brings her dish right in front of Urara’s eyes.
>Urara: Ye..Yezzz. Erina sensei…
>After eating Erina’s sweets, Urara blows up due to the deliciousness.
>Erina then goes on and recommends Momo to eat it too.

Other urls found in this thread:

Erina sama is best girl


>he rebels realize that Erina is also making a sweet
Are they stupid? The theme was sugar.

Are we going straight to the final matches after this? Unless Tsukuda wants to give the fujos something with Takumi/Eishi.

>Are they stupid?

>Are they stupid?
Yeah, that's why they got expelled.

yeah a bunch of them are the PSD crew after all.

>hmm our rankings aren’t doing so good lately
>guess we dragged this out long enough, time to give the readers what they want
>hey Tosh your job is to destroy their dicks

between her and Isshiki is possibly to defeat Tsukasa

>he's never had sugar crusted lamb

Urara's heart pupils are in full effect.

My God.
Erina-sama is truly a miracle of the Universe.

well, that escalated quickly

Don't be silly, user. Isshiki is getting eliminated this round.

You can do a lot more with sugar than just makes sweets. She could have made Glazed Ham.


>that's an actual thing

I don't see Isshiki's match getting offscreened at all no matter what.

Mehgloomi a shit
Mehgloomi shit cook
Mehgloomi a shit one-dimensional character
Mehgloomi a shit mother
Mehgloomi a ugly

I know you don't like Megumi but some of the stuff you say aren't true.

False flagger please go


I know my eyes should be drawn to the center image, but Erina looks so seductively confident in the first and third images.

I'm agree.
In his last shokugeki he don't use all capacity his have

>worst cook of the 1st years that matter
>one dimensional only character trait is "im helpless please help me oh i can't do anything right but i have potential maybe"
>beta as fuck would raise terrible children who wouldn't respect her and become delinquents with a husband that NTRs her
>she isn't really ugly but she is a 7/10 at best


>she isn't really ugly but she is a 7/10 at best
Megumi would be a beauty in just about any series, she is just unlucky to live in the SnS universe.

I'd turn straight for Erina.

I thought you can't make the perfection better but fucking Tosh did.

Jesus fucking christ, are you going to post this every thread?

I want Erina-sensei to teach me new things.

I want Erina-sensei to teach me new thighs.


She is 16 actually.

sixteen, but yes.

Who is her mother I wonder. Holy shit those gens.

Souma approves this shit

Where is the Excited face of Souma!

best teacher.

Erina aside for a second, I wish I could see that food she made in color.

damn erina has a dick?

Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you?


After results probably.

>damn erina has a dick?
I always thought she had balls. Didn't think it would be literal.


what the fuck is up with the color of that gif

>those fucking pages
My fucking god I literally can't control my boner right now.

I just realized I only read this series for Erina now.

It was post-produced by Kyoani.

Get in line.

Shit. When the scans come out have to clean out Urara and the shit judge.

Most of us do.

Next chapter loli gonna foodgasm again, isn't she?

>heart pupils

Nothing makes me cum faster than the appearance of heart pupils.

Tosh going back to his roots.


Calm down. Megumi is shit, but what's new?


Momo a cute

a literal loser flag

>Glazed Ham
Is that regional dialect for Steamed Clams?

Momo pleasing old men for money

Wow, Erina's dorayaki is nothing like Megumi's. I'm glad it wasn't a copy and paste dish that just taste better. Props to you Morisaki for making her dish look stunning and very gourmet like.

>Erina's dorayaki is nothing like Megumi's.
Of fucking course.

>Megumi matters to him
>he wants to help her
>worried about her future and want to rise her children
>think she is cute

Wow, user. You are truly in love.

For Erina's first real shokugeki it was such a boring and lackluster match. I guess Tsukuda had to rush it and get to main event as soon possible since everyone already what the outcome would be.

You are giving him to much credit, he is just shit and sometimes gets lucky with a good match.

Tsukuda recently tweeted this, could someone translate?



>Chapter not out
>Match is not over according to spoilers
>It's boring
What are you even expecting? It's obvious Erina will stomp.

Till Royal or some anone comes by, Google-san had this to say about it:

>It does not matter, but Erimono of this comment is cute as she sits regularly.

>No, I had a relationship, so I'm very active in Soma next week, so please wait looking forward to it!

That is one of the most boring matches and food reactions I've ever seen. Thank god it's over

I'm going to marry Megumi!

>I had a relationship

Did he broke up with Souma?

>What are you even expecting? It's obvious Erina will stomp.
That's really the problem of this match. Everyone already knew the outcome but it falls completely flat. Tsukuda could have at least made it half interesting. But instead it turns out to be an Erina obedience foodgasm fest.

keep whining

Not an argument

I don't think that's really the problem. Isshiki/Julio, Takumi/Eizan and Saito/Mimasaka were obvious as fuck matches but ended up entertaining.

He's just saying that Erina looks cute sitting in seiza in this pic and to look forward to this chapter.

You agree then it was such boring lackluster match. I suppose Erinafags like you will take anything just see your tsudere waifu have a spotlight no matter how fucking lame it is.

>Isshiki/Julio, Takumi/Eizan and Saito/Mimasaka were obvious as fuck matches but ended up entertaining.
But that's precisely my point. Erina's match is so dull compared to theirs. And she's suppose to be the main female protagonist.

I love Erina-sama

It doesn't need to be an argument. Why would Tsukuda postpone a simple match just to make it "interesting"? Just so you know, no duh every match is predictable, it's fifty fifty for whoever wins so every match doesn't always has to be something "interesting" even if it's Erina. Just because you don't feel excited from this match doesn't mean the match is automatically flat/ boring. Each match is different in their own way otherwise it's just copy and paste just like how in the second bout, the judges decided to judge all the dishes at the same time instead of one by one. The formula is the same but done differently and that's what made the judging interesting. Erina and Momo's match is done quickly since they both made simple dishes, that it self is interesting for their bout instead of any other bout because it's done more quickly.

>I suppose Erinafags like you will take anything just see your tsudere waifu have a spotlight no matter how fucking lame it is.
Well yeah, generic waifu is the reason why many read this manga in the first place. Where have you been?

Don't we all do?

I get what you men but the thing is, this is the first time we're seeing Erina in a full Shokugeki. No shortcuts or off-screen or hearsays. This is Tsukuda's moment to show why she's all that. I suppose you can argue that what we're getting is serviceable (Personally, I'm fine with what we're seeing) but I kinda understand why people wish there was more to Erina's first on-screen shokugeki.

That said, I think our first witness of Erina's cooking being a stomp on an Elite Ten is fine.

>no matter how fucking lame it is
Hey, as long as we get hot pics like the in the OP I don’t care how “exciting” a match is. At this point most people are tired of the tournament format anyway


>this is the first time we're seeing Erina in a full Shokugeki. No shortcuts or off-screen or hearsays. This is Tsukuda's moment to show why she's all that
That's like saying because Megumi got her training and it's her first match, she should've been able to defeat Momo. Not everything has to be done perfectly in a way to hype someone or deliver. Tsukuda doesn't cater his characters but does things how he sees that should go that way.

>At this point most people are tired of the tournament format anyway
I cannot wait for the BLUE Tournament! Amiright? :D

>Erina's match is so dull compared to theirs.
So, you read the chapter?

>At this point most people are tired of the tournament format anyway
I suppose you have point there. The only thing that's keeping me from reading this is Tosh's art and some of the supporting characters. Other than that the writing has been sub par to average since this whole Azami arc began.

Surprisingly, not everyone here love Erina-sama.

keeping me on reading this I mean

Soma and some others should've been expelled, then he and the expelled travel around the world turning the series into an adventure manga, finding the secret super ingredients and 7 legendary cooking utensils so they can return 2 years later and liberate the academy.

The most exciting thing the expelled people did is get into a cage.

Be greatful for the fans she has

For sure I will.

Oh shit!