The Great Debate

The Great Debate

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The great IRCfag

>Violet everflop
Both are shit

Devilman turned me into a Crybaby. Violet Evergarden made me want to violate Evergarden.

Is Devilman Crybaby even good? You fucking niggers haven't shut the fuck up about it for days now.

Kyoani is better than some westen pandering trash.

Debate what? Which one’s inducing the most shitposting?


It's okay. It doesn't exactly drive you into the story because it rushes shit and the narration is bonky as fuck. In the end, I never cared for the characters or the reason behind the story. That said, it carries a fairly powerful anti-war message that is very much needed in current times so you can't exactly dismiss it.

Crybaby has its flaws, but is still an inventive adaptation of an iconic manga. Evergarden is genuinely bad.

Watch it and find out.

>I have to choose between shit and dogshit
Yeah, fuck off

Thanks, will probably pick it up.


Never watch any anime airing on this season.

Fuck off newfag

It's not even a contest

If the great debate is about which one is getting shilled the hardest then you Crybaby faggots have been going pretty hard the last few days however the Evergarden shill has been working for weeks now. Violet Evergarden wins.

8/10 barely watchable

You first crossboarder.

Kind of sucks.
The aesthetic is simultaneously engaging and bad at the same time.
The emotional value and writing in general is a lackluster string of mistakes that barely holds itself together.
I'm still confused why I bothered marathoning it when I clearly didn't like it.
Maybe I'm dumb.
Anyways it's okay at best and basically introduces devilman to the west.

>Both shows shilled hard on Sup Forums
>Both shows are on Netflix

Is devilman crybaby a faithful adaptation?(as in they don't change important plot points)

the main points yea

Generally speaking it's surprisingly faithful, but they did change key aspects of the character personalities (mainly with Ryo being more of psychopathic asshole and Miki being genuine waifu material) that serve to benefit Crybaby's more modern take on the same story.

It's not pleasing on the eyes so I couldn't make it passed 10 minutes.