Baki Dou 187 translation

didn't we cover this with Retsu or something; I don't remember

>Chapter 187: Variety



>Audience: Huh?
>A: What!?
>Motobe: A slash with virtually zero distance between them...
>M: And...
>M: To be cut at that range...

>Narrator: The boy had felt it.
>N: "I was cut!"

>N: He was not cut in a physical way.
>N: In truth, he wasn't cut by a katana.
>N: Yet!?
>Doppo: It...
>Shibukawa: It worked...

>N: Even if you try to resist it,
>N: There is an irreppresible, absolute sense of "I was cut!".
>N: Even if you try to deny it,
>N: The body itself accepts it!

>Musashi: I, also, like close distance.


>D: Hard to learn lesson...

>M2: Hmm.






>Kureha: A tackle!?
>Chiharu: Like a street fight...
>D: I see...

>M: Not even I've seen that before.
>M: It's a new variety of tools upon which to call for him.
>M: Passed down to our modern world,
>M: The Miyamoto Musashi of the battlefield.
>M: The fight does not end...
>M: With but the crossing of blades.

I went really liberal with the second line because I couldn't make it make any sense in a straight TL.

>M: Cut!
>M: Pierce!
>M: Stab!
>M: Strangle!
>M: Throw!

>M: "A barehanded Musashi isn't strong."
>M: Don't hold out hopes for a miracle like that...

End chapter.

Next week - a color cover!

Itagaki sez:

>That "pikopiko" sound that they use in shows about small animals, what the hell is that? You screwing with me!?

I have absolutely no idea what he's talking about.
Makes me think of Popuko, with the strange non-sequitur rage.

End transmission.

Thank you very much

I am completely lost as to how the fuck did he end up in that position after raising his blade up

By stepping forward?

Stepping forward doesn't exactly answer how is that whole hit supposed to look like in motion, and how it looks like he's going for an overhead swing, and then suddenly it's like he struck from below

Oh, you mean the arm arc. It's just a follow-through. You see the same concept in tennis, golf, whatever. Hold up your arm like you're about to *start* a heavy backhand swing in a tennis match; you'll (probably) see that it's basically the same position as the one at which Musashi stops his follow-through.

He does it all the time. Dunno why you'd only notice it now.

Thanks, watching a few golf clips helped let me visualize it