Yeah it hit me in the feels too.
The song is on the single with man human op song. Weird how it's the same people.
Kill yourself with that cancerous feel shit
Why do people on Sup Forums forget that the script was written by Okouchi? You are giving Yuasa too much credit. The craziness and no shock material portrayed with no subtlety whatsoever is pure Okouchi.
This is the Code Geass of this decade.
Somebody's still upset.
Nigga, this shit is how it was written by Go Nagai. He's the original edgelord who inspired Anno, Miura, Urobuchi, Okouchi, you name it. Go Nagai is notorious for being dark as fuck, and Devilman is his most fucked up work. We wouldn't have the Eclipse in Berserk, End of Evangelion, Madoka Magica, etc. if not for Devilman.
Have you read the manga? Because I have and it's nowhere as edgy, graphic and shocking as Crybaby. They added a lot more spice to make it a crazy ride.
Anyway, X did head-holding scenes much better.
What would've happened if Akira did manage to save Miki in time?
anyone else Pop a boner at scene where Taro was chowing down on his own mom
Back in those days the simplest things were outrageous. The same kind of stuff we have now wouldn't even be allowed to air back then, heck an uncovered shoulder was considered as too lewd back in those years.
It's like you completely forgot about that.
She would have ended up dead anyway.
Satan woulda killed her out of jealousy or because she was human
pretty sure this whole thing is a cycle and God is doing this to teach Satan a Lesson
The world would've been destroyed by Satan anyway.
I think the post-credits scene the what-if scenario in Akira's head if he was able to save Miki
Miki would've been killed some other way or potentially God doesn't wreck the earth and she becomes the new Eve with Akira the new Adam.
They would've rode off forever, leaving the world behind
>Back in those days
Exactly. I'm talking about the present day and the present time.
>It's like you completely forgot about that.
>she becomes the new Eve with Akira the new Adam
That would be deep.
its all about the looks
It is called classic for a reason. Next you niggas complain about how old movies and cartoon were all in black and white
Retarded as fuck
To add to this, what if Akira did manage to beat Ryo as well after he became Satan again?
Go Nagai was restrained at the time. If he had his way like he did with Devilman Lady, it would be rape every chapter.
happens in one of the spinoffs
>Steven universe image
So this is the power of 2018 Sup Forums
>comparing pure mary sue Migi to the dumb air head who doomed humanity and got them kicked out of Eden.
Satan didn't kill god?
I remember him/her saying something implying that but it's been a year since my last reread of devilman
Where's my Violence Jack adaptation Netflix?
They wanted to start a war with god in Devillady I think but they all got BTFO.
its fucking God man.
Yup, serves me right for having preconceptions of goofy-looking 70s manga/anime, I mean just look at this dork. Then I watch and crybaby and...well yeah.
But I remember satan saying it killed god at the end
What happened after satan declared war on God?
Why did god fuck off for the whole time and let satan have his way if he was alive?
Fuck I might have read a bad translation
On the second episode and this series is too good. When people said these Netflix funded shows were going to be a train wreck they didn’t know what they were talking about.
>Devilman is his most fucked up work
Cool but let's not lie to ourselves here.
Have you even heard of Violence Jack?
Devilman is literally nothing compared to those. This is the same series where some buff dude eats his tranny gf and literally becomes a demon.
>the name Go Nagai didn't tick you off
I’m not liking what I hear about there being sequels to devilman and such. It’s great on its own, anymore would ruin it.
I love how all the episodes are released at the same time.
Who cares? You don't have to read them.
They're only there for the curious.
I've read violence jack but never finished it
Devilman was far more fucked up compared to the 2/3 that i read
Is the end really that fucked up?
Thats what I'm saying, I only had a passing knowledge of Nagai and Devilman as some old sentai-looking cartoon. I was totally wrong. I only
In terms of just pure coolness this has got one be one of the best anime I’ve seen in a while.
Not an expert but Satan came to Earth saw demons and dino's, God wanted to destroy everything cause of the demons. God casts judgement day which causes the ice age, dino's die but demon's are frozen. Satan who stood up against God was thought to be dead or whatever until he is reborn as Ryou.
Demon's appear again, Satan returns. God recasts judgement day at the end when humans have also perished.
I am not entirely sure on Satan's angle though, I mean I guess he wanted humans eliminated? But he would inevitably be destroyed by God anyway? Or did he think Amon could stand against God with him as a team up?
I still dont know how to feel about this adaptation... its not bad but neither good by far.
There were so many plotholes, uninteresting characters, recycled animations, rushed story, the art design is shitty at some times making it look like tumblr Sup Forums shit.
But I fucking loved the action scenes and overall the atmosfere of violence.
I hope this opens to a new generation of ultraviolence. I would fucking love that shit to happen.
What would happen if Akura did win and killed Satan, would god still reverse time, would he be pissed that Akira killed Satan or would he be like "oh shit a human killed Satan, well kudos to you human good luck rebuilding earth."
Nah they got btfo. Satan tragically learns and loses his love so it doesn't even matter.
Nagai does manga for all tastes.
Nobody is claiming it’s some kind of masterpiece. Just enjoy the show.
Railgun Nagai?
The fact that we keep on talking about it does grant for something.
Is the 70s devilman the exact same thing? Should I bother watching it?
Can someone explain why everyone(Hyperbolic) seems to love Crybaby?
I finished it and even rewatched it to try and understand that people saw in it, and the only conclusion I could think of is that this is most people's entrance into Devilman and believe it's a "Perfect" Adaption despite not reading the Manga.
A fucking disaster. Even Yuasa cannot overcome the dogshit that is netflix
I don’t believe it’s a perfect adaptation. I just won’t ignore the immense enjoyment I got from it because some guys say the manga is better.
Art style and OST. The techno tracks are great. It may not be as good as the manga, but it’s pretty good overall. There’s several differences though, so I can see why people who read the manga would dislike it.
I am just happy I got an ending that is close to the true manga ending. I have waited this for more than 10 years.
Explain...? Which shortcomings were the platform responsible for?
Fuck knows. Either netflix interfered with yuasas directorial ability or he has lost the plot. Judging by the fact there are only 10 eps i am going with the former, but also because the latter is just too horrible to be true
I hated it. It's not at all the adaptation I had hoped for when I first learned Yuasa was doing Devilman. It focuses too much on anime original content to the detriment of everything else and completely changes Ryou, Akira, and Miki's characterization as well as the overall themes of the work. It has none of the emotional impact of the original, despite trying much harder to be emotional. It was also fairly boring aesthetically for a Yuasa work. I expected a lot more from this.
I expected liberties to be taken one way or another due to a generational gap between the source material and current day, but some of the choices really don't fit or barely stick.
I'm a fan of Techno, but I don't believe it or the Rap should have been the majority of the soundtrack, I couldn't really take most scenes with it seriously because of it reminding me of a Toonami commercial break.
Speaking of the art style, while some parts look great, it's jumps in quality and sporadic jumps between "Character Model" to "I let my five your old draw this lol" really pushes me out of the mood that some scenes really want you to be drawn in. I believe if the animation was a bit more on model and "On a leash" that it would've presented itself better and been more appealing, granted the last two episodes were the best on the ten, but I cant really say that I'd rather have two great looking episodes at the cost of 80% looking mediocre.
I guess my major gripe is the pacing, it seemed that the series was trying to rush the series and sacrifice a lot of potential Character development in order to get to the ending as fast as possible, but that cant be the case as we spent nearly three whole episodes on Miki doing Photo shoots with a scumbag and six episodes full of sex.
Again, I enjoyed the ending, but it seems like the reason people claim it was so great(The ending) was due to them being blueballed on a proper animated ending that adapted the Manga's version, leaving them only to like this as it's all there is.
So you have no idea. Got it.
>Again, I enjoyed the ending, but it seems like the reason people claim it was so great(The ending) was due to them being blueballed on a proper animated ending that adapted the Manga's version, leaving them only to like this as it's all there is.
I honestly think it fucked up the end. Miki's death was handled poorly and was way over dramatic. They pretty much ignored the demons in Crybaby, only to throw in some cameos at end.
Go Nagai
Nigger, i have been following yuasas work since Mind Game. I think i have the ability to judge when he has completely missed the mark. This doesn't hold a candle to -ANYTHING- he has done before. NOT EVEN THE FUCKING ADVENTURE TIME EPISODE. Fuck this garbage board and my life
no they're completely different. you should probably read the manga.
Yuasa is just a shit director who got lucky. He completely ruined Devilman and fans are pissed.
The Demons were fucking wasted and clear were an after thought for most of it ironically. Most the action felt as if they were either trying to hide most it or rush by it so they could continue the "plot" that barely existed.
I dont understand why they even bothered with most considering that the named Demons outside Amon appear either in one episode then killed off, or introduced and does nothing until it's time for the to die.
There could've been more thought put into the Battles, even making them more dream like and something that seems unreal rather than actually happening, while after the world goes to shit it's made clear that these battles have been going on and it's finally blended the line of Dream/Reality.
He cant retroactively ruin devilman you cretin. And he's pretty lucky to have done like 4 different anime which between them take a dogshit on whatever most directors are capable of
hard as fuck
But will we ever get a proper adaptation of Devilman with Crybaby out? It's certainly not going to happen for a very long time now.
I fucking knew it. Yasuhiro Imagawa should have directed Devilman. I've been calling it since he did Shin Mazinger. It will always be the number 1 Go Nagai adaptation despite what spics said about it.
Yeah, if only. Is he even doing anything now or is he in retirement?
Lmao. Any disappointment you had with the direction is probably valid, but it's irresponsible to imply Netflix mucked around with it without actually having any clue. I was under the impression they only throw money at the studio.
Maybe it's the Dune of manga. Every adaptation is bound to fail
Seeing the amount of episode numbers it probably wouldn't fit into what they were given by Netflix.
I agree though, a lot seems rushed which makes you not give a shit about certain people. The new characters are given time and a spotlight but the old ones that people looked forward to just died off quickly.
I also feel the ending is rushed a lot and feel that the scene of "I like running" "me too!" just felt stupidly out of place, it is okay just not at this moment and time.
If they stuck to the manga they could have easily adapted it in 10 episodes without it feeling rushed. Two episodes a volume would have been plenty.
Have you watched many netflix shows? They all feel like an AI watched a human show and then tried to neural network copy it. NONE of them are good. I'm officially declaring it. Anyway that's my only explanation for how rushed everything feels
Let's be honest here. If they had 12 episodes instead of 10, this would have been one of the greatest anime ever made.
Worked on Gifuu Doudou's script, directed first season of kid show Wasimo, did Final Fantasy Worlds Opening.
Yeah he's still in the business but he hasn't done anything major since Shin Mazinger. A shame because that show deserved a much better reception than what it got, especially for the little budget Imagawa had to work with.
Ironically, the end of the world in Shin Mazinger was really well executed too and hit similar Devilman themes, with a fantastic plot twist at the end. Also that godlike OST.
Imagawa is a hack that would have far more worse changes than Yuasa. Shin Mazinger was a complete mess thanks to him. No amount of cool ideas will change that.
Even if you hold the opinion that no netflix originals are good, that doesnt change that Netflix lets the showrunners do what they want. Theres very little meddling when it comes to their shows
So, Satan's fated to relive a cycle of love, rejection, and madness, then loss and reincarnation, and for whatever reason, never learns a lesson?
At what point does it stop being a punishment and it's just God being a petty dick? It's a pretty shitty punishment if the one being punished doesn't learn anything from the ordeal.
Then again, Satan could just be stupid enough to not get the fucking lesson... whatever the fuck it is.
Do we ever learn why Satan rebelled to begin with? Because in most iterations, they rebel, THEN they find and empathize with the Demons, and then everything goes to shit forever. I don't think the reasons for their initial rebellion is ever explored... like, at all.
Shin Mazinger is 500% superior to Yuasa's Crybaby.
He turned a frankly ok manga, into gold. Yuasa couldn't even make a better version of Devilman.
Nah, Shin Mazinger was a masterpiece. Easily superior to the source. Are you spic?
>I hope this opens to a new generation of ultraviolence
pls no
No, it had a lot of issues that more screen time could not fix.
I would really love a Devilman adaptation that followed the Manga's story and appearance similar to how the Kikaider anime did, it would likely be about the length of a short OVA series, but it would be simple enough to have and please the old and some new.
I highly disagree, they mismanaged the episodes they had and adding two more episodes would've just lead to more pointless sex scenes and random characters getting development while the main cast got bare bone explanations.
This felt more like something of MD Geist, especially with how rushed things got towards the end.
>Nah, Shin Mazinger was a masterpiece.
I will never not be mad at people over unceremoniously ignoring this show.
Still dat OST.
Is this proven? Very unusual for a multi billion dollar corporation to be letting people 'do what they want'. But if this is what yuasa wanted, then it is a truly sad day. Jesus wept
I also really enjoyed Dororon Enma-kun Meeramera. It's another great Nagai adaptation. Unfortunately, it's not talked about much either.
This is the first, and probably last, original Netflix show I've enjoyed. I thought some parts were fucking stupid but that didn't stop me from really enjoying it. I'd give it a solid 7/10.
Same. Imagawa's Shin Mazinger and Yonetani's Dororon Enma-kun Meeramera showed how to do Nagai adaptations right.
Also dat jinmen scene in Cyborg 009 vs Devilman. Kawagoe nailed the manga version perfectly. He even went for that black and white scene like in the manga.
If only they finished the first two OVAs. They were doing pretty well.
He changed it into something else alright, but the execution was incredibly mediocre. It felt like constantly going in circles on Kouji’s mother’s not-so-wild ride with barely any catharsis apart from the ending. It’s so dry for a show of that nature. That’s not acceptable considerinh the length.
It’s got good ideas on paper and had potential. That’s the most I can say for my experience of Shin Mazinger.
Nope not a spic. Being superior to the source isn’t exactly setting a high bar in this case, but losing its spirit is something else. Which is one if the reasons why I find it ridiculous when people like you shit on Crybaby. Shin Mazinger is like some 15 year olds fanfiction with a clusterfuck of plot threads up its own ass. At least Crybaby felt thematically well done within its own story and hit all the right emotional notes despite its flaws.
Google Netflix creative freedom. Many industry people confirm even when criticizing them that their shtick is being much more hands-off than a traditional production company. They can be consulted if desired. Possible Yuasa did that because he was unsure about the international market. Still his decision, RIP.
>but the execution was incredibly mediocre
Far superior to Crybaby's.
The ova series would have been the perfect adaptation if they actually fucking finished it.
Don't even give him that. There's nothing mediocre about Shin Mazinger.
>At least Crybaby felt thematically well done within its own story and hit all the right emotional notes despite its flaws.
Shin Mazinger hit all the right emotional notes as well. The difference is that Yuasa had a superior manga to make it even better.
I'm not saying Crybaby's terrible, but holy fuck, he's been given gold and he only gave back silver.
That entire Miki death scene was more traumatic even in the Amon OVA.
>while some parts look great, it's jumps in quality and sporadic jumps between "Character Model" to "I let my five your old draw this lol"
So this is your first Yusa I see.
Oh shit! People talking about Shin Mazinger on Sup Forums? This is a pleasant surprise.