Is Sup Forums ready for AOTS today?

Is Sup Forums ready for AOTS today?

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Oh jesus christ this shitshow got an anime?
Let me spoil it for you:
-God's blessing (cheat)
-Slaves, one is royalty, two are petgirls
-Elves are all powerful
-Halfway in it becomes a cooking show

God damn it. Another kirito kun tier protagonist... Isekai sounds like fun until they ruin it with their self insert gary stu and harem fantasy

>loli doggos

Is it at least as entertaining as Smartphone?

Can't wait for blond Megumin.

no let me spoil you
-isekai trash

Can we repurpose this thread into a recommendation thread?

Anyone remember reading any fantasy setting mangas that don't concern themselves with desperately trying to make the MC look cool?

Liz is best girl

Will the dog slave scream nodesu~ every fucking 10 seconds in the anime as well?

>Harem shit

More like 600 times per minute


Isn't this the one where he uses a meteor storm to kill a bunch of lizardmen, giving him a bunch of levels or something?

>lizard girl
>Takahashi Rie

And new PV out-

I wish the entire series was about actual nip code monkeys instead.

So it's Overlord but even less original?

>Halfway in it becomes a cooking show
Oh shit, I might actually watch it now.

Is this Smartphone season 2?

Yeah, but this time he fucks prostitutes sometimes.

Pretty much

Oh boy they're going to go completely ham with the CG in the opening lizard scene. Thankfully that's going to make a lot of people drop it early on and the threads are going to be smooth sailing after that.

Yeah, but MC don't give a fuck about his harem.
He fuck prostitutes.

It might have been welcome last season as a much-needed injection of cute girls and fanservice.

This season? It's a block of granite among diamonds.

I'll watch it just because I need something a bit more on the junkfood as well this season as a change of pace.

Also lolis. Can never have enough of those.

>-Halfway in it becomes a cooking show

Okay that part sounds neat.

I'm honestly only giving it a chance because I like the director and maybe slightly because I enjoyed Smartphone a bit too. A little bit of wish-fulfillment isekaishit never hurt anybody.