Classroom of the Elite

More illustrations from volume 7.5 have been released. This one is Hasebe chasing Sakura in the snow. Also TL user please bless us with translations again today.

Ichinose + Sakura or Hasebe + Sakura?
Which combo is best for 3some?

I hope Hirata and Kei will get one illustration together. They really need one.

fuck off with this garbage

There's this one. I don't know whether you'll like it or not but here's another 10/10 couple that have already gotten an illustration for volume 7.5. It might not be Hirata, but I think you'll appreciate this one too.

inb4 muh Whorikitafag and muh Keishitter try to ruin another thread.


they're always gonna be here :(

楽しそうに遊ぶその姿はとっても可愛い! 2人ともとっても仲良しです。

>So now……here it is!
Sakura and Hasebe, the 2 of them are playing in the snow in this one illustration. Those figures playing happily are extremely cute! The two of them are very close friends.

Translation of the text that came with this illustration.

I've already seen that one. Hirata needs one with Kei too.

NO he doesn't.

There's this too.

>comfy at first, then tragedy later
Don't do this Kinogasa!

He does. Hirata is still Kei's boyfriend, which is common knowledge, and they do look cute as a couple. A special scene together is needed so they could talk before Kei moves on to another boy.

Horikita-chan is cute and best.

I actually agree with you. Like it or not, Hirata did Kei a favor by pretending to be her boyfriend. Even if she's breaking up with him to move onto 50%, he deserves a final moment with her to at least let her give her thanks to him. Maybe it'll be one of those black-and-white illustrations in 7.5 where it happens and Kei finally thanks Hirata and ends it with him.

>the former is most probably be non-existence in this coming volume
>Kinugasa and 50% acting like kino wingmen they are for Sudo and Horikita
I can see why they are so depressed and lashing out in every thread.

Hasebe and Sakura are best friends. Nothing's going to happen. Relax, user. There's nothing to fear here.

Inb4 the snowballs contain rocks inside.

Hasebe silently trying to off her competition by wrapping rocks in snow and having a "snowball fight" with Airi that ends with Sakura quietly disappearing from the school. Bonus points if they're "playing" in an isolated area with no surveillance cameras so Hasebe can show Sakura how to properly throw a "snowball"

>he deserves a final moment with her to at least let her give her thanks to him
At the very least to what Hirata deserves.

Sakura is having fun!

Hasebe is also having fun! I really like Sakura and Hasebe's friendship. It's so cute.

>that filename
>best friends
>nothings going to happen
>repeats nothing again

So much sarcasm.

Why is this so perfect?
I demand Sakura as a pet

Will Hasebe becomes Hasebro or Harucuck?

When the fuck is the soundtrack getting leaked?

You mean
>inb4 tinfoil-kun which happens to be a HUGE keifag, not hating, just saying. ruins another thread.

>Hasebe + Sakura
This is literally best threesome. If only because of the dynamics between the two girls. If you pay more attention to Sakura during the sex, Hasebe will try seducing you away from her and if you go with Hasebe, that'll make Sakura jealous and she'll go full gravure idol mode on you.

As a Sakurafag, this makes me very very happy. But Hasebe you better don't make her sad! On the other hand, why is Airi-chan still wearing glasses. Megane Sakura is cute of course but without it she's literally an idol.

meant for

no no, it'll be
>Hasebro -> Hasebae -> NTaiRi

Yea sure belive that

I'm guessing uhm uh oh OH! it's Hasecuck.

Hi tinfoil-kun, still not permabanned across all board?

They'll probably get one supposing they really break up, but not a colored illustration, but the black and white one from the novel

Hasebe yes

Says Keifags will ruin the post.
Some send him a sarcastic answer when he is clearly biased and wrong.
Gets triggerd and calls names.
Ruins the thread himself.
Oh the irony.

Nice try

>this ESL-like form

Ok user sure.

She's still too shy to stand out and attract attention to herself like that. Both her and Hasebe would be literal 10/10s if they stopped covering up and started dressing themselves up fashionably.

Let me guess Horiktafags

>mob characters like Satou and Hasebe are getting developments
>reminds me of Kei when she was less relevant
>early popular characters are slowly getting shafted
>upcoming arcs are booked for other characters yet to receive developments
>link each of the backstory and motivations seamlessly with intriguing plots
My man Kinogasa. We need his picture so that I can worship him.

Let me guess, tinfoil-kun?

The absolute Madman blesses you with one day with your girl of choice, but only if you amuse him

yes more best girl sakura

You can see it live, here in this thread.

Ok ESL-kun. Don't know wtf tinfoil is, but w/e keep shitposting.

No, and I see no relevance there in regards to pointing out ESL-like form.

I just want Nagumo senpai to notice me.

Happy Sakura makes me happy!

>Both her and Hasebe would be literal 10/10s if they stopped covering up and started dressing themselves up fashionably.
It's really only a matter of time. For both of them

>Don't know wtf tinfoil is


Do you think 50% secretly keeps those gravure idol photos of Airi for himself so he can jerk off?

You're the one shitposting, also I have no idea who esl-kun is.
Hell yeah!

If Sakura has a scene, then Horikita is likely to have one too. In that case, I predict her scene willl be related to the student president business.

50% jerking off. Get the fuck out.

>tries to impress him by jumping from tree to tree
>fell down
Kouenji-sama, please teach me!

50% only jerks off to Kushida

How is that shitposting.Keep being delusional.

Do you think 50% has jerked off to the feeling of Kushida's breasts? Or the smell of Kei's panties? Or the sight of Ichinose's thighs? Or Nagumo's six pack?

Talking about yourself, right?

Again, you're the one shit posting.

You obviously don't know what shitposting is so please don't use that word.

>student president business
This reminds of that previous thread where this one user keep on trying to make his points on this. Also user, no. Volume 7.5 is centered around Karuizawa Kei and the love that is going around her. If anything, it'll be Sudo and Horikita. He won't stop trying and no user I know it's a depressing time for the first girl of the series, 50% is already confirmed to have his developments around Satou and Kei, with Hasebe and Haruka on the fringes.

Hahaha, yeah yeah, you're right!

Nope talking about you, read again. Maybe this time you'll get it.

There will be no monologues for him jerking off because he is lost in thoughts. Once he is done, it's already the next day.

Next time try to be funny when writing something sarcastc please.

Alright, lat (You) from me for today 0%-kun.

Do you think if Nagumo went 100% he could impregnate all the girls in the school?

Please post more gravure idol Sakura!

Can you be more unfunny??

Here we go again.

Do you count the teachers too??

I know she's a top slut and has a loose flabby pussy but damn Ecchinosex Hoenami never fails to make my buddy rock hard.

Only the slutty ones, Chibashira included

Well, she IS designed to be perfect.

Nagumo is the right man for her since he won't mind a moving brothel as his girlfriend, her influence is going to make him much stronger too. 50% and his allies vs IchiNagu is basically a fight between vigilantes vs pimp cartel.

Will Hasabe betray Sakura?

Hm? It's based off old speculation that originated from Horikita's nii-san asking 50% to deal with the student president business, and he mentioned using Horikita.

>centered around Karuizawa Kei and the love that is going around her.
That doesn't mean the story can't focus on other girls though. We can still have that and other plots unfolding. Sakura and Hasebe scene is one obvious example. Sakura will probably try to do another attempt at a romantic gesture that won't succeed.
>it'll be Sudo and Horikita.
I doubt it since Horikita isn't romantically involved with him. So it makes sense she will be busy with something else. Sudo probably will be dragged along to help Horikita if she is involved with the student president event with 50% though.

No. Why would she? They're best friends.

Nah. But Kei might betray Satou when she can't stand being a cuck any longer.

>why would she?


OP, why didn't you post the text with the photo?
>H: Here comes another one!
>S: Kyaaa!
>H: Hahaha, you should wipe that snow away before we meet with Kiyopon.
>S: Y-yeah...
>H: Wouldn't want him to think you're a klutz
>S: Eh? What was that?
>H: Nothing, nothing, just wipe it off. You got some on your face
>S: Okay!
>H: Ah, she's so cute... Too bad her head's all empty
>S: What?
>H: I bet he'll find your reddened face so tempting
>S: S-stop it Haruka-chan... You really think so?
>H: Yeah! (Would tempt him more if you dressed better tho)
>S: Eh?
>H: I said Kiyopon's really a proper gentleman, no?
>S: H-he really is... Always so gentle with me...
>H: (But he has that feel of an alpha predator, just hiding...)
>S: What was that murmur?
>H: I bet he likes you too, just trying to hide it.
>S: Y-you're just saying that...
>H: (Oh, God, whenever I remember him running in the relay race...)
>S: ...Sorry, what?
>H: I said we're meeting soon, finish up with your face
>S: Awaa! Yeah, I'm done!
>H: ...I'm so gonna fuck your man
>S: What was that!?!
>H: I said Kiyopon knows you're 10/10.
>S: Oh... I l-love you Haruka-chan, you're my best friend.

Alright user. Allow me. I'm not going to talk about the speculation since it can work in many ways. If someone says that it is Manabu just dropping name as an example, he's not wrong. If it's about him purposely nominating her sister, that is not wrong either. That exhibit number 1, not taking external factors into account. Exhibit number 2, with external factors. Upcoming arcs are booked for Ichinose, Nagumo, Katsuragi, Sakayanagi, and Hirata. For those characters, Horikita has almost nothing to do with them, except for Hirata since he's the leader of her class. If you are talking about student business president, and taking into account that Hirata owed 50% for taking Kei from him, 50% can just ask him to try for StuCo. Hirata is a good candidate, and a lot more popular than Horikita. Next in terms of popularity is Kushida but we all know she ain't getting any. This user, just me talking about the speculation.

>me: centered around Karuizawa Kei and the love that is going around her
>you: that doesn't mean the story can't focus on other girls though
user, you don't get it. Centered means the volume focuses on Karuizawa, which involves Hirata, Sakura, Hasebe, Satou, and also 50% himself. Side note: I'll let it slide that you just said 'other girls', the boys can love and unloved as well user. From your examples of Sakura and Hasebe, those are 'the plots unfolding' right? What makes you think Sudo not giving up on Horikita is not a plot worth mentioning? He has been trying for so long, that user is a plot.

>me: it'll be Sudo and Horikita
>I doubt it since Horikita isn't romantically involved with him
Let me ask you user. Are Hasebe, Sakura, Kei, and Satou romantically involved with 50%? I'll answer this for you. It's a yes. You don't use the term 'romantically involved' like that. Horikita hasn't shown hints of her accepting Sudo beyond friend, but he is her friend now. I'm not trying to make things worse for you or anything. Please eXcuse me.

Thanks user!
Mah nigga!

Quints confirm Harucuck

I feel like I'm looking at a savior about to give me salvatiom

Quints of two confirm this is how that scene will play out. Poor Sakura, she really doesn't deserve any of this and I really hope all of this is just a red herring but Hasebe's volume 7 SS was foreshadowing central and it's really hinting at the whole 'no regrets the 3rd time' thing with her so if 50% ever shows off his 100% in front of her, that friendship's a goner.

I wonder how Haruka would've reacted to 50% if she saw him save Kei

Where am I? J-Jesus?

Who will do live translation on this monday? Was it TL user who will do it?

Not that user but
>Upcoming arcs are booked for Ichinose, Nagumo, Katsuragi, Sakayanagi, and Hirata. For those characters, Horikita has almost nothing to do with them, except for Hirata since he's the leader of her class
Hirata and Horikita are class leaders. That's 50%'s words. And it's what both Hirata and Horikita want and Horikita has earned, post vol 5. So I expect her to interact with those characters you mentioned in the competitions among classes.
As far as StuCo business goes and if 50% decides to have someone respectable interfere with StuCo business within the council, both Hirata and Horikita are possible candidates, tho I agree that Hirata is more likely. Horikita has a strong desire to walk in her brother's shoes, would need no persuasion. But MC has nothing over her, whereas it's been foreshadowed Hirata has scars of guilt, something much easier to use against him.

monday? you mean the VA event on sunday?

Is this real, user?
Can't believe we have to explain this simple thing to them in almost every thread since the synopsis of volume 7.5 dropped.

You basically just want to say you think Hirata will be used instead of Horikita? Okay. That's fair. Time will tell.

I know what centered means. But what does Sakura and Hasebe have to do with Kei personally? The synopsis mentioned romantic events that are happening around Kei and herself. The former means' romantic events other girls take. That's where Sakura obviously comes in and she might not be the only one.

>Are Hasebe, Sakura, Kei, and Satou romantically involved with 50%
Those girls like him. It's one-sided so far, but they like him. As such and since 50% has the position of a harem MC, I don't regard his feelings. Ultimately, the answer is yes. It's the same with Horikita, but she doesn't like Sudo that way. Since she's a heroine her feelings matter rather than Sudo's. That's why it's doubtful Sudo will have an event with her. I'm just being real here.

Nagumo and Ichinose were mentioned in 7.5 synopsis and they don't sound like romantic events related, so it makes more sense for Horikita to be involved with that instead.