ITT: Characters people only like because they want to have sex with them.
ITT: Characters people only like because they want to have sex with them
For what other reason would you like a character?
I want to have sex with Miko!!!
[donkey noises]
hee-yah hee-yah
if people were honest this thread would be filled with every popular female anime character ever
I liked her before she turned into a hobo-fucking devilman.
If it wasn't for the huge tiddies I'd mistake her for a boy I'd have sex with her anyway
>she will never sit in your face
why even live bros
Any even slightly attractive female character in anime.
Man the last time I saw Sup Forums collectively masturbate to a character for this long was Hotaru. Except this time its with a borderline hentai character.
>Except this time its with a borderline hentai character.
nigga what
So disappointed by the lack of porn for C93.
Why does she look like the guy from Gurren Lagann?
what the fuck is this
Lucky bastard
I like how she just keeps going.
Or any character from Fairy Tail.
>for this long
What, one week? I found it barely noticeable in amongst all the other Crybababy shitposting.
Every girl from K-ON
What a dogshit artstyle
She felt pretty fleshed out and I liked her character development
Any attractive female character. Prove me wrong.
I don't want to have sex with her. She's a thot and possibly killed best boy.
What the fuck was up with the Donkey Noises shit?
Did you miss the "only like" in the OP?
>she will never grin at you
What a waste
that ballroom neck tho
i liked her before she fucked old men and then a hobo
so all anime chicks?
You still didn't prove him wrong
Uncensored when? I literally couldn't help myself but fapped to this when I first saw it. It was the first time I fapped to something that's not hentai in an anime.
>thought people were just exaggerating and making fun of the VA
>watch the episode
>literal donkey sounds
Fucking Yuasa.
Not every man is a horny ape.
Her expression reminds me of the autistic fapping "le me" rageface comics from like 5 years ago
Why episode does she fuck people?
I like that she starts going faster
I'd say the opposite. Horny apes are an endangered species.
This whole board proves you otherwise.
Skin becomes darker once they become devilmen what did they mean by this?
What if I prefer her pre-devil form for the same reason?
>It was the first time I fapped to something that's not hentai in an anime.
It's basically a hentai scene. Even the censorship isn't much worse than actual hentai.
>Characters people only like because they want to have sex with them.
we call those "waifus"
I love my waifu because she evokes feelings of warmth, safety and comfort within me, not because I want to have sex with her. She is still an extremely sexy girl,
but she wouldn't be my waifu if all I wanted was to have sex with her.
Can a man get a name?
She's a lot cuter, but Chad Miko is a lot lewder
Guess which one my dick prefers
This ad infinitum. Saber is waifu-tier shit that doesn't have anything interesting about her aside of the fetish of fucking a king.
Get off of Sup Forums Frederica
Monogatari series characters are all bland and terrible so I'm going to have to go with those
I wonder if anyone would even be jerking off to her if it weren't for her fuck scene.
Sure. We do see her tits.
I had a few faps to her rape fantasy.
I think you're closer to the original meaning of waifu, and not what it degenerated to
Miko, I think