Kumiko was the last good Kyoani Main Character

Kumiko was the last good Kyoani Main Character.

she is heterosexual

Do you think so?

I want to smell her fluff

this is heterosexual anime

And you are a shitposting dumb faggot.

you insult me



Also the cutest.

I want to have sex to her voice alone

I want to fluff her tuff.

Kumiko and I are happily married!

Best eupho, best gembutt.

She's so fluffy, I'm gonna die!




In the first LN she holds hands with Shuichi.

How is Kumiko so cute?


I'd like to have unprotected sex with Kumiko, doggystyle, if you know what I mean.

I know what you mean, and Kumiko isn't for that.