Left or right, Sup Forums?

Left or right, Sup Forums?
i'm going with right

I choose Reine.

Origami, obviously. I'm not a faggot to choose either of the shitty characters you posted.

> (OP)
>I choose Reine.
This is the only right answer.

[X] Touch Tohka's tohkas


refined taste

Kurumi but in black lingerie thanks.

Tohka is best girl

liek dis?

fucking hell, wrong pic


I'm ready to have Doctor.Yoshino inspects my body!

Someone’s inner BLACKED is showing

[x] Touch Tohka's tohkas

People should have stopped doing that back when we stopped calling anime "Japanimation".

Left is juat an overrated mainstream used goods waifu bait insane edgy cunt
Right is a cute and adorable retard
Right of course
Is a shit
Shit taste as fuck
Good taste
Imouto da

Spotted the homosexual faggot

That is her official name though, Japan also uses it in polls sometimes.

>Ellen Mira Mathers
>160 CM
>Not 170+
Into the trash she goes this really disappoints me.

Right appears to be in desperate need of KAIHOU!!

All of them

good taste, user

Doctor Yoshino I'm DEM, Ah you don't have to bring friend.

>silver hair

I'm not a lesbian

>Shitting on best girl of this show
Kill yourself my man.

That's not all of them though.

Japanese people can't English, more news at 11.

i know, i couldn't find time to draw the rest yet

Except the name is used inside and outside Japan. The official anime page even had her Japanese name misspelled.

Monkey see, monkey do.

>right is not waifu bait
ohohoh okay user

>Fanart to start a DAL thread.
Tsunako isn't appreciated.

Kurumi fag is another fucking superficial normie.

Please die.

Yes she is

That's cool. It kind of reminds me of pixelanon.

Now, we're talking


Right is an edgy retard


This thread has too many animeonlys. Where are the LNbros at?

Try /lit/

Mayuri anime's design and Tsunako's desigh looks different both are cute, but the anime one makes she looks like a girl who would engage in enkou while Tsunako one she looks more girlish and sweeter.

I only read the licenced translation version which current translation volume is vol.14 in my country and read the rest of spoils from DAL threads, but never touch those which were translated by facebook group.

I'm a wiki-only fag, I only read through kurumi's profile but she's obviously best girl.

Wait, was Kurumi inverted? She looks even hotter than with her usual outfit.

Is that Kurumi Alter?



I like this. Looking forward to each having their own text.


I want a Yuzuru
Or a Muku

Why do you have such a great taste, user?

>Yamai's twin
Shit taste, user.

I just like soft and sweet girls.
Braids and large chests just happen to be a trait they both share, it's not completely mandatory.

I like them for their sweetness and personality. They just happen to be really soft like you say.



Current LN volume I read is vol.14, they still not appeal to me.

so is cock clock's series actually any good i've never bothered

>Current LN volume I read is vol.14
If you say so. Even if you don't like Kaguya, Yuzuru still got a very good date in volume 8 which is why people in the threads consider her to be the better twin however I can't deny the lack of screentime hurts but to claim some user has shit taste because he likes Yuzuru sounds like bait to me.

Kill yourself clockfag

I'm only vaguely aware of her existence, I don't know a single other character from the work. I wouldn't I even like her that much anyway, I just think she's kind of cute.

What's not to like? you get a cute wife and a cool Chunni sister in law

Then you're off not reading the books. She's barely even there until shit happens.