Was it stupid that, after all that hype and 100% of 100% boasting...

Was it stupid that, after all that hype and 100% of 100% boasting, Toguro was brushed off as B class in the following stories

Togashi can do nothing wrong.

It made sense though since he wasn't a true demon.


The editors controlled that manga. Read HxH and Level E if you want unfiltered Togashi.

Power creep man

The cancer that affects all shonen battle manga

Sensui wasn't a demon at all.

Why does Japan love their strictly defined Numbered/Lettered power rankings so much? And using 'S'-class for super high ranking above all the others, is that something they originally all just started copying off each other?

they did the same thing with meruem in HxH

I heard the anime had a better ending than the manga, which just sort of sputtered out. That true?

I'd have been okay with it if Sensui was kept as the "technique, skill and experience can rival unrefined/raw power" especially with his Minoru personality but nope, turns out Shinobu's schtick is just another fucking power creep with "muh sacred energy" BS. Which is a shame because majority of Chapter Black so good (even better than most of Dark Tournament) until it reached the climactic battle. It's like Chapter Black and Dark Tournament are inverses of each other in terms of quality, except most people remember Dark Tournament more fondly since it ended with a bang (and undeniably so).

Yes. Manga had Togashi barely stringing together plot points and time-skipping/barely showing what happened. Anime actually tried to give a more cohesive final arc which says something considering how many people already think badly of it.

Anime ending is still lackluster but is a bit more complete.

Which is weird since I never got the impression that many of the future characters were stronger than Toguro. I thought he would probably be above average in the final Tournament.

His henchman had a bit of that "technique, skill and experience can rival unrefined/raw power".

This guy managed to challenge the MC just by using his special power to make trucks chase after him, and the 'power' of carrying a handgun.

>.45 ACP
>Stopping Powha

Was so cool he even managed to get into that weird turnbased fighting game for the SNES along with the likes of Toguro.

I liked it. Like, Sensui was special. He had his own personal energy
This. He never seemed THAT much weaker than the S class guys. I do like the fact that it gave Yusuke a solid reason to get way better, but still

Also sucked that everyone else together just jobbed to Sensui so the MC would be stuck fighting him solo, and only winning due to a bullshit 'powerup'.

That's what I mean, the whole arc had that great setup where it's technique, skill and experience that made the "Sensui Seven" dangerous and not just raw power creep (Sniper being a great example as you point out).

Sensui was initially hyped up that way in his martial arts, and it was really good with how his main Minoru personality was depicted as completely outclassing Yusuke in actual hand to hand combat and chi energy manipulation. The whole reveal of Sensui's Sacred Energy and Yusuke's Yokai/Mazoku Heritage ruined that final battle and it was downhill from there.

No they didnt. DC is not powerlevels. Already it was stressed that survival skills are more important than fighting ability.

makes it easier for children to follow, I guess.

Is this Peak Performance?


>The cancer that affects all shonen battle manga
Power creep is fine if it makes sense. For example if you're a martial artist that ranks up or you're some bounty hunter that goes after tougher and tougher jobs then it's fine.

It gets stupid when villains are built up to be this world ending threat only for an even bigger villain to show up next month that is even bigger and badder.

Toguro was never some world ending threat.

>Toguro was never some world ending threat.
You missed my point. It was an oversimplification to try and make my point easier to understand. I wasn't talking about a specific character.

The point is that power creep in media is often poorly implemented and that is the problem, not the power creep itself.

It doesn't help that most writers in series with such power creep are just shit to begin with.

Like Toriyama.

Even Suzuki ended up becoming much stronger than Toguro ever be.

The same exact thing is going to happen to Meruem, where everyone and their mother will surpass him in the DC.

You guys expect characters to not get stronger? Why would Toguro who had a wish granted to be a demon be one of the strongest demons in hell? Since CH1 we knew all the demons that Yusuke fought managed to slip out of hell.

He managed to be stronger than all the demons that took part in the tournament before being transformed, and then just stopped?

Why was this faggot so weak despite a ridiculous special power?

What I don't get is that Yusuke's demon-king ancestor got weak/died due to not wanting to eat humans but how the fuck were humans even on the menu in hell/the demon world? Like how'd they get there?

He wasn't in hell when he was eating humans. Also weaker demons could get through the gate so they likely could bring humans over.

one million percent huge

Short of it: Yes
Long of it: Yes, it was

He's a big guy.


Did they ever say if there's anything else that demons eat? Or was Raizen just a special snowflake?

I would think so, especially with Togashi's last-minute reveal that "demons don't normally attack humans unless they're being manipulated by humans, i.e. no, John, WE are the demons"

Yes, they hyped it up way too much for him not to be an A-class demon. And to add salt to the wound in the last story arc a handful of characters from the Dark Tournament got powered up off screen to be stronger than him.

It makes it that much more "Epic" when the MC beats someone who's a number of levels above his perceived power level. Just makes it easy to quantify strength.

Fucking this! I am so tired of fanboys telling me how great Sensui is when he is the weakest part of his own arc!

I got to admit, this has always been a guilty pleasure of mine

The hell is this?

Pretty sure that's a jpg.

Toguro was an A class, probably high A class. Only reason he was pegged in B class was because they had never seen him in his powered up states, hell i doubt his high B rating accounted for 80% even, far from his 100% of 100%.
Toguro, like A and S class could not pass through the barrier, so he cannot be B class, even in a reduced state.
It's not like the spirit realm rankings were accurate anyway.

Autists tend to think in more concrete terms. The concept of variable fighting skill, knowledge, and luck is too abstract so assigning a number to denote martial proficiency is much easier for such people to comprehend.

even worse

>every shonen ever
Why are you surprised are you dumb?

>They said outright that he is B class but according to my headcanon he isnt

Fucking faggot, kill yourself

>Super short leg


Sometimes, headcanon is best canon.


How to you get "stronger" than Brion?

>power creep
>battle shounen

Really makes you think...

>WE are the demons
No, that was King Enma.

How do you know he even HAS a leg under there, he might be more like a giant mushroom

>unfiltered togashi

Demons in YYH are allegories of delinquents. Most demons are just normal punks while Toguro is simply yakuza muscle. S-class are straight up Yakuza bosses.