Violet Evergarden

Why exactly did KyoAni decide to slap a washed out grey filter on every single scene when it objectively makes the show look worse? What was the thought process behind this decision?

Maybe the town is just really dusty

They tried too hard to be artsy like the typical instagram user.

They try to create the atmosphere of a 'dated' film.

Pretty much they want to create a retro look.

This show looks like it was created by a pretentious art student

i hope that youre wrong, because if that was what they were going for then they should fire the clown in change of it. retro deos not mean washed out colors and space filters.

What was the thought-process of giving their best novel to the biggest hack director in the studio?

So they can sell the unsaturated version on the Blu-Ray. How fucking new are you cunts?

I won't do it because it'd just look pretentious and turn into a laughingstock. But everyone seems to be ok when Kyoani does it.

This will be one of the most revered shows in history and there's nothing Sup Forums can do about it.

The heck I didn't notice that, looks shit.

>we make it look like shit on purpose so that we could sell CDs

Sounds scummy as fuck

Yes? That's been a thing for awhile. Same with censorship.

he's right, the Berserk Blu-Ray was way better animated than the TV show. The Blu-Ray in Princess Principal fixed loads of errors as well. Plus steam/beam/mist censorship removal.

This is not Shaft.

this the only filter that annoys me that they use

Retro as in...? Old photos aren't hazy as fuck, old films aren't hazy as fuck, old anime isn't hazy as fuck, sepia toned flashbacks in fiction aren't hazy as fuck, what are you even referring to? 90s soap opera flashbacks?

But they want to BE like Shaft. We all know that.

Why would anyone want to be like a dying studio?

>Only shaft does bd fixes

>dying studio

Airing this shit on television doesn't bring money.
It's the blu-rays and merchandise that comes after it.

Yea in this case I believe the filters are mistakes that are needed to be fixed as well.

>showcases shit on television
>expect people to buy the bluray
The TV version is basically the advertisement for the BluRays. If that's shit nobody will buy the BDs.

Except in Japan this is a known and understood practice. TV Anime is essentially a massive advertisement. It's only filthy gaijin that don't fucking understand this.

But this isn't the same as censoring or fixing animation errors. They're in a better position than most studios when they're producing this show. They don't have the audacity to purposely 'make' it look like shit as it is. 4 years in waiting. Netflix money. Hundreds of staff. Tons of advertising. Competition winning novel. And this is the kind of production they handled to us.

>oh but it'll be fixed in the bd just buy it goy

Shut the fuck up and stop riding their blurry dick. I see you do enough of that already.

How does posting a dead show prove me wrong?

I dunno. But the fact of the matter is that they want to be like Shaft. Aren't you sad?

No, I just know that after forking out for various things, they can double dip. I mean it's simply a filter, so turn it off. How hard is that?

>dead show

>Rebellion was 5 (five) years ago
>no sign of a continuation
It's over user

By having better reaction faces than viopleb evergayden.


>anuslickers will say this looks worse

Holy shit I can actually see

The post-processing is the least of this episode's problems. All the characters are extremely fake and flat. It's so hard to sympathise with any of them and yet the episode is constantly trying to build up these elaborate sequences around them, as if to scream "look at me I am a tragic character" or "look at me I am socially stunted". It's all so phoned in. The entirety of episode 1 is several false starts to the story. You get the overlong opening with Violet in the hospital, and that letter that flies out of her window that is pretty much pointless (not to mention the animation is also jittery in parts, and makes it look bad). Hardly anything is set-up, and very little about her character is essentially revealed. Then you get the false start with her at the Evergarden family mansion which doesn't really set-up anything either. And finally you get another false start when Hodgins gives Violet a job as a postman.

The real start of the story is at the very end, when Violet asks to become an Auto Memories Doll. So basically, 80% of the first episode is redundant. Why? Because most of the details about her character established in those scenes I mentioned above are spoonfed to you by Hodgins himself during a couple scenes in the second half of the episode, and they are overlong.
Also, the flashbacks always come at very odd moments and break the flow of the previous scene.

The filter crap is just like the music. Overbearing, entirely superfluous shit that is mostly a distraction. The real problem of the episode is with the meat and bones of the story, not the body spray-paint all over it. Pardon the lame analogy, but there's plenty of worse dialogue in VEG than this.

It's weird because I didn't notice it at all on Netflix.

It's fairly noticeable and even more when you have the images side by side.

The netflix version is cleaner to be fair. Still washed out but better than what OP posted.

When does the rooftop scene happen. I just finished watching the episode and I don't remember it.

So that tumblrinas don't have to edit the gifs saturations

>average Sup Forums poster have a better cinematography sense than a kyoani director

Oh well. You have a bright future ahead of you user. If these 'experts' could do it then you could do it.

If Im not mistaken it's right after the restaurant scene, when they tell her to rest.

rundon flog

After the scene where she was told she was burned.

The filter is obviously horrible, but the character designs are also atrocious. The hair looks so fucking weird.

That shitty amusement park show was similar in its awful character designs.

Both of these look fine, The filter isn't that big of a problem to make a fuss about.

If you accept black can't possibly exist in the world.

Tumblr gifs unironically look better than the show.


>devoted VEG fan who went out of his way to read the novel, but couldn't even find the scene because the episode itself isn't very memorable

Oh i am laffin

To simulate the feel of watching anime on a shitty LCD screen.

There are many other problems aside from the filters which others have pointed out before, like the music being misused in some places, the characters being unlikable (to some), the directing consisting of too many quick shots and close-ups that ruin the pacing etc. It's just that the filters are the most obvious problem and the easiest to shitpost about.

Is Kyoani racist?

So, who is right. I deleted the episode and can't go back and check.

I don't know but I remember lots of early 2000s anime with colors like this. I know that's probably not what they meant but that's what I associate with that kind of washed out color scheme.


>restaurant scene -> you're burned scene -> rooftop

It's practically the same. was between the restaurant scene and the rooftop scene.

That fix is good too, i'm the user from that other thread that was messing around to fix the images.

If what this other user here says about trying to create a 'dated' look to the film, then heres me messing around with some different settings to emulate that idea for comparison. again, not particularly great, but better than The Kyoani Washout for me personally. more interesting to look at, at least.

Figures I don't remember it. I was starting to doze off by the time the restaurant scene happened. What exactly was the point of it anyway? Other than pretty visuals I mean.

It's a scene that serves to explain why Violet won't be staying with the granny, as well showing a bit more of Violet's robotic side and establishing a bit more of Benedict's character.
I can't understand how anons doze off watching this. This go far better rythm than a lot of shows every seasons.

Fucking hell that's disconcerting

>It's a scene that serves to explain why Violet won't be staying with the granny,
This does not give that scene purpose, as the scene with the granny was itself pointless.

> This go far better rythm than a lot of shows every seasons.
Let me guess: you liked Kyoukai no Kanata.

>Can't see shit
>Call it an improvement

It's darker but it's meant as an alternative without negating the idea kyoani were going for a 'dated' look to it

i'm just fuckin' around in here man, i don't got kyoani budgets

>This does not give that scene purpose, as the scene with the granny was itself pointless.
So a scene that establish characters, give plot-related informations and progress the plot by giving Violet a new home have no purpose ? So what gives purpose to a scene if establishing characters, giving informations and progressing the plot don't ?

>Let me guess: you liked Kyoukai no Kanata.
I dropped it after 4 episodes. I'll save you the detective work and let you now that my favorite KyoAni shows are Hibike and Hyouka.

>2 dark rooms and 2 night scenes
You may be retarded, but you're at least not blind.

>So a scene that establish characters, give plot-related informations and progress the plot by giving Violet a new home have no purpose ?
It does none of that. It establishes jack shit. We already know that Violet is a socially stunted girl that behaves like a dog/robot from the opening scene. There was literally no point to her going to that house. They even left moments later anyway.

A scene is not useless if once it's over, things aren't the same way as how they were before it began. The house visit was filler. A detour.

House scene ends with Violet stating to Hodgins that she wants to be useful, wich is what get het to work at his company.
It's also the climax of the conflict set up for Violet and Hodgins in the wagon scene. So no things aren't the same once it's over, it's defnitely not a filler.
Restaurant scene end up with Violet staying at the company rather than Granny's house, so things also changes there.

Please user, you can do better than that Im sure.

>Violet stating to Hodgins that she wants to be useful
This could have easily happened in any other circumstance. They could have set it up from the very beginning in the hospital. It was obvious from that point already that she does not like being idle, and always eager to receive her orders. Hodgins could then say that the war is over and she won't be receiving any orders any more, just be free like Gilbert wanted etc to which she would reply in the same way she replied at the Evergarden house "if I'm useless then just throw me away", at which point Hodgins could offer to give her a job at his company and go straight there.

So again, the house visit establishes absolutely nothing about her character, and plot-wise it's just a detour.

Restaurant scene is similarly padding as a consequence of the Evergarden house visit being pointless filler.

>I don't understand rythm, set-up, foreshadowing and climaxes.

I understand all that perfectly fine. Sorry you have no argument. But that's okay. We can't all have a discriminating eye.

Come one, your only argument is "I they could have put everything from the house scene in the first scene so it was a useless scene". Wich is dumb since it comes down to choice in rythm. They obviously wanted to pad things out to show the growing conflict inside Hodgins and Violet, so that they could have a big climax at the end of the house scene to make the resolution of that conflict carry more emotional weight.

But it seems like you can't even grasp the concept of rythm.

>They obviously wanted to pad things out
>it's intentionally shit
Nice one.
>your only argument is "I they could have put everything from the house scene in the first scene so it was a useless scene".
No, my argument is that all that is already obvious from the opening scene. Violet is constantly bringing up Gilbert and wants to know what his orders are etc. The whole "conflict" drags on for too long. What I pointed out is that they could have easily moved the "climax" of the Evergarden mansion visit to the end of the hospital scene and nothing would have changed, i.e. everything in between is pointless.

The pacing of the episode was bad.

Is there going to be yuri?

No, they're not in Russia.