How Much of Your Power-Level do You Show?

Particularly for those non-NEET out there. How much of your power-level do you show in your daily life?

>wear normal college clothes, nothing expensive or flashy
>Cheap Chinese backpack with Touhou and anime buttons
>touhou phone case
>normal POS car with a few animeme stickers

I don't sperg out about anime to everyone, but they make nice conversation starters if people ask. Otherwise I'm great at acting normie.

>pic unrelated

None. I have extreme autism and just keep my mouth shut at my salaryman job. I only do small talk and work related conversations. Nobody enters my room either so I’m sorted there.
Fuck off.

>reddit spacing
>blog shit
Kill yourself

I have a few buttons in my cubicle. They are for my own motivation not to start a conversation. Thankfully nobody bothered to talk about them.

>blog thread
end your life

Other then occasionally browsing Sup Forums in public, nothing. No one I know gives a shit about anime, so I have no reason to bring it up

I have a few pins within my coat and if someone looks at it, they can notice a related picture in my wallet as well. Otherwise, I act like a foreign visitor or exchange student in my own country, because everyone is a lot nicer. But in the field of power levels, I guess I only show it if someone says something related it or the internet. Luckily I can start a conversation with even a rock, it's rather easy to be honest but keeping it flowing though...


You should chill out OP since you have nothing to hide anyway.

Kuzu no Honkai did this.

When I first read Yotsuba&, I bought the first volume for all of my friends. I don't think a single one has read it.

Who needs friends anyway?

what does a persons wardrobe have to do with thier powerlevel? i only wear high fashion, what does that say about me in regards to anime? as for your question: i dont openly show that i watch anime, but if it comes up in a conversation i admit to doing so. then again, i also point out that i speak japanese so most people probably assume that i watch cartoons to study.

What if they're dressed like Naruto?

Some people wear anime and con t-shirts a bunch. That's more what I mean, I don't do that often

lets be realistic here, how many people dress like anime characters IRL and is that demographic really worth paying attention to?

To my friends and family, they all know I'm into anime and it all I watch and see all my posters in my apartment but that's the extent of it. I don't wear power level shit because it's tacky and I care about my image. I have only ever talked about it at work once. One of the more open minded guys on my team was talking about how he 3D printed a Totoro for his daughter because she used to be obsessed with the movie, he's also really into flying RC planes so I suggested he give The Wind Rises a watch. But I work in a maintenance depart with a bunch of older trades guys so if I ever really got into talking about anime I'd get crucified. It's about picking your battles if you care about your image at all.

Nice thread, faggot

>reddit spacing
It's called formatting.

Isn't there a specific board for recommendation requests? I've been told they'll tell you fairly quickly.

Okie doke. Deleted my off-topic post.

Fuck off. Sup Forums isn't your blog, retard.

I keep my powerlevel on par with who ever I am speaking with, Goku style.
If someone mentions anime, I will talk along but I will always keep my powerlevel down to their level.
So if by some chance someone mentions nardo /DBZ I will talk about that and only that, I might recommend other shounen shit like HXH, FMA or Aot, but that is generally it.

I show nothing during daily job. Never mention it to anyone ever, unless I know they're already into vidya or related media, or that I can trust them not to be judgemental dipshits, in which case I briefly mention it and then never discuss it.

With my close friends I'm completely open, my home is filled with figs etc. but if non-weebs are to enter I put them away beforehand.

My parents know (I live in a seperate country), but they generally don't ask and I don't push it on them.

If someone asks my co-workers or roomate's friend group about me I am usually described as "the anime guy" or something along those lines. I constantly make fun of people for their relationship issues or 3DPD desires and tell them about the liberations of 2D. I see no shame in my hobbies, only pity for those who do not understand.

Nothing unless someone gets close enough to see my phone wallpaper. Any time I hear people talk about anime in real life it's always about trash like Boruto or SnK, anyway, so what's the point?

>acquire girlfriend
>tell her I'm a NEET and I like anime, especially CGDCT
>she goes on a rant about these weird japs who love little girls in school uniforms with miniskirts
>lose girlfriend
All according to keikaku.

>literally an ironic weeb
Fuck off normalfag.

What the hell is reddit spacing?

I have Ren's Ringtone from Dies Irae as my phone's but it just sounds like random rock/metal to the uneducated masses anyways so it's not like anyone will ever find it odd.
Other than that nothing. I have loads of weeb shit on both my PC and laptop but nobody but me is ever going to look at that without my explicit consent.

I think it means posts that overdo it on formatting

Most people know I used to watch anime. They all think it ended about 5-6 years ago, though.

I don't really tell people and they can't tell from looking at me, but my roommates know and so do most of my friends

MODS, move this thread to /qa/ just like every other fucking thread like this.

Why there are so many threads about this lately?

A guy in my dorm in uni had a tattoo of the brand. I never asked him about it and he never talked about anime either.

>reading manga before lecture
>some guy comes up to me
>"Oh, are you reading anime?"
>"huh? Ah, um, y-yeah."
>"Cool. Do you watch dragonball?"
>"Bleach? Naruto?"
>"Uhh, no not really."
>change topic as quickly as possible

Daily life is at zero
With friends over 9000

I watch anime on my phone and read comic books at work so it's not a secret that I'm a big dweeb.

>>"Oh, are you reading anime?"

>reddit formatting

>I keep my powerlevel on par with who ever I am speaking with
Best solution.