Who is the better written character?
both are shit
Nobody gives a fuck about Stain, what a fucking shit and irrelevant character.
Garou, Stain acted contrary to the beliefs of his supposed idol and just came off as a fanboy murderer that wanted to be caught by All Might, Garou never had an idol.
How can you get so much wrong in one post?
muh just for sake of evil characters
Garou, for not being a creep.
We at least know more about Garou, how he wanted to become a monster and how he got his strength. But we don't know much about Stain's backstory, maybe in the future
Garou. both are subpar, but Garou is just better all around. Mostly because it's a nice satire character.
Stain's whole philosophy points out the hypocrisy of the hero society which is shown throughout the manga. Garou was just a manchild.
>But we don't know much about Stain's backstory,
They explained his backstory during his arc you fucking retard
Stain is actually a cool character. Garou is just annoying.
He's not wrong you know. Garou has a nice mix of being /ourguy/ and having a redpilled view on the hole hero vs monster shit.
Stain was just annoying to watch during each and every second of his appearances.
Sorry I got dyslexia. I meant to say, Garou is actually a cool character. Stain is just annoying.
Though, I loved monster Garou.
Stain is miles better in terms of writing. imo.
Wow what a fucking bitch.
Don't samefag OPMfag
Sorry, the tumor in my brain shuffled. I meant to say, Stain is actually a cool character. Garou is just annoying.
>Stain is miles better in terms of writing
How so? There was like one chapter with an info dump of how he used to be hero academy student who screamed about the hypocrisy of hero's on the street.
Don't speedread so much user
Yes we know we can change the settings manually now why are you showing this to us?
Not even an OPM fag. I think it's just above mediocre in terms of writting, but BNHA is worse.
Both are shit-tier compared to actual deep villains.
>He didnnt answer the question
We haven't see much of him, not as much as Garou. We just know his ideals
You don't need a whole bunch of chapters dedicated to a character when you wind up with the same conclusion in every appearance.
When are we getting to Gyro? I want off Kurapika's boring ride. Only good thing in his arc are the Nen Beast and Tserriednich Hui Guo Rou, especially his nen beast.
Both of their motivations are pretty retarded, Garou's just butthurt about kids being mean to him, and Stain is just butthurt about the meaning of a word changing alongside society. I guess Garou's was framed better so far, but within the scope of OPM being a parody on the whole it kinda gets stuck without a concrete meaning, one moment it'll be shown as noble rebellion about unfairness of the status quo as he rises up to fight more heroes, next moment he gets smashed by Saitama's power and it's supposed to be just a funny joke about dumb asshole hurting people for no reason getting what he deserves. Stain comes of as not much more than a psychopath, but he does have more consistency within the narrative.
>OPM being a parody
Nah, OPM is just another generic shonen now
Stains ideals are an actual criticism of society and he's actively changing it.
Garou was mad about a TV show as a kid and the series does little to help reflect how his ideals can be right. He tries to paint heroes as the bad guys and try to be a sympathetic monster like the thought of the one in the TV show.
This is wrong since the actual monsters the heroes fight are dangerous and not trying to coexist (see tokyo ghoul on how to present this correctly).
2.He himself isn't sympathetic since all he's done is attack any hero regardless of what they do.
>actual deep villains
That dumb fuck ideology has been put to rest hundreds of years ago.
The problem with Garou is that there's no underlying theme that fits with the narrative. Monsters in the OPM verse are complete fucking shits and so are the people who turned into them so Garou wanting to become a monster because he got picked on as a kid is the most stupid motivation to give a character since there's no reason to care. He just comes off more of a hindrance than an actual message to showcases that heroes and monsters are no different.
True, it boils down to Garou being bullied by other kids in his childhood. Still, he's written better than Stain.
In fact, that his motivation is grounded in a complex from his childhood and not in some grand philosophy makes him a much better character.
He might be a hypocrite as a person, but as a character he is, despite this or maybe even because of this, a well written character, better than Stain at least.
>He's better than Stain because I say so
That's really all this posts says
>killed people for not providing him enough entertainment in a board game
>killed children just to eat their brains
>killed people with no meaning whatsoever, not even for any entertainment value, but purely because he could
>suddenly decided to protect the weak because he fell in love with a girl
>still wants to do it by killing more people
OPM is a pre-teen show. BNHA is show for teenagers.
>In fact, that his motivation is grounded in a complex from his childhood and not in some grand philosophy makes him a much better character.
Er, no, that's precisely the opposite of how characterization works.
Trying to call out samefags is pointless since anyone can fake (you)s
The whole thing was just him overcoming and battling his nature. Even Netero acknowledged this when Meruem tried to sit down and have a discussion, he was flickering between sides and could fall on either one, but it didn't matter simply because eitherway Netero had to kill him.
Him protecting Komugi, a weak frail blind girl was just him deciding that he has to use his power to protect people. But the mere fact that he's a Chimera Ant King basically means that co-exsistence between ant and human would be hard as fuck.
Later on in the fight he just decides to regulate humans to camps or containment zones where only a certain few of them would be given to ants as food, all this simply due to the human ego.
So much for protecting the weak.
Considering without his rule his species were just killing/torturing mountains of humans for fun, it would be better for him to shift humans away.
Both are obnoxious edgelord kids, the difference is that Garou at the end recognizes it, unlike his fans.
>Er, no, that's precisely the opposite of how characterization works.
No, of course not, you obviously relate better to characters experiencing things that are familiar to you, in some form. And having a childhood complex is a common ground that generally hits home closer than Stain's philosophy.
Especially since Stain's whole struggle only happens because BNHA society is retarded, so it breaks the suspension of disbelief, which makes you relate less. OPM's setting is more coherent than BNHA, despite being more ridiculous, so that suspension of disbelief holds.
how powerful is stain compared with garou?
maybe at the same lvl of garou vs tank top master?
Wow so deep I thought about this stuff when I was fucking sixteen
Obviously Garou is stronger, Stain barely has superhuman strength and while his quirk is useful, Garou is one of the fastest character of his setting.
That’s because his backstory is irrelevant, his ideals in his society is all that matters
I think what really sells Garou for me is that what he believes in is just misjudging, not just a "way to think", he thought monsters would be X way. So he wanted to be a monster, turns out monsters weren't that way so instead he tried to become the strongest monster to make monsters the way he wanted them to be. By doing this he was still clinging to his humanity, thus not being a monster. Saitama said it best, he's a softie.
>Especially since Stain's whole struggle only happens because BNHA society is retarded, so it breaks the suspension of disbelief, which makes you relate less.
No it doesn't. We live in a time in America where cops are constantly being called out on how they poorly do their jobs.
There's also the idea of idolizing a career path to the point where seeing things done differently from tradition can trigger a zealot.
Man, even shigaraki is Garou done right who's using his actual harsh childhood experiences to go forward and change society.
OPM is seinen dude
The one that was originally made by Murata. Right one looks like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle rip-off.
Garou actually has a complete, ridiculously long character arc in a series where it's a luxury. The amount of development and detail put into his character is much greater than that of Stain, who sperged out and got jailed by a couple of perfect hero material kids on arrival. Even the visual design for Garou in scribbles is better thought out.
Except it is, while the situations you said are true, no one reacts to them the same way Stain reacts to them in the manga. And especially, the mangaka shows how Stain is actually somewhat popular (I think there were even masks of the hero killer going around in the background once), which is completely retarded, like what the fuck kind of sociopathic society is this?
Also Shigaraki is an autist, and you're probably mistaking the fact that the author has no idea what to do with him as "development". This excuse sucked in the new Star Wars trilogy and it still sucks now.
>like what the fuck kind of sociopathic society is this?
>He never read about strong, idealistic, “just cause” drawing people in
I’m not even that user, but must not read a lot of news or books
Both have pretty retarded ideals, but the execution and how they are presented is done much better with Garou than with stain.
>no one reacts to them the same way Stain reacts to them in the manga.
terrorists? Rebels?
>Also Shigaraki is an autist, and you're probably mistaking the fact that the author has no idea what to do with him as "development". This excuse sucked in the new Star Wars trilogy and it still sucks now.
ok so you DON'T read the manga and are just spewing shit.
One is a parody of muh bad childhood archetype while the other is a character born out of their respective universe’s views. Go figure
No matter how many times you sau it it doesn't make it true.
Both have pretty retarded ideals, but the execution and how they are presented is done much better with Stain than with garou
>Garou actually has a complete, ridiculously long character arc in a series where it's a luxury.
His character arc is incredibly longwinded it it winds up being incredibly simple in the end anyways.
I love how retarded Hunterfags always shamelessly shows their asses in a discussion unrelated to their series
It's an OPMfag trying to derail the thread.
>Implying it’s not one guy
Garou easily.
That's the beauty of it.
Garou, of course. He is shown both in a posive and a negative light so while he's without doubts an antagonist, there's a method to his madness. Stain meanwhile is just a cookie cutter edgy villain with a very poor excuse pretending to be a criticism to society to justify his evilness
hes right though
>capeshit the thread
kek at the little boys arguing
Yeah dude fuck people and FUCK humanity
Garou. He’s a dynamic villain that stands out from the other parties in the story for various reasons, as intended, since he’s all about changing the status quo.
I don’t get faggots who still try to “discuss” Stain when the theme of hero corruption is barely explored in the manga. OPM’s hero industry is full of problems and ridiculed since the beginning.
>32 posters
Literally just 1 OPMfag samefagging
Yes, I knew they’re retarded
Garou is not a well written character.
>hero corruption
But Stain is not about hero corruption, more like the idealism in his universe that All Might brought (symbol of peace which is hero worship) and how he figured out that anyone that doesn’t measure up to AM or shares his idealism deserves to be culled
>actual deep villains
We need to go deeper.
I am glad i am not the only one that thought he looked like a TMNT
>hero corruption
>the theme of hero corruption is barely explored in the manga
True. Stain wishes he got an intro where he gets to prevent a heroic association from hiring a bunch of murderers, for instance.
Everyone and their mom sucks All Might's dick in BNHA. Fucking Kacchan is a raging All Might fag just like Stain, and Stain would try to kill him because he doesn't believe in something as simple as second chances, even when it comes to fucking teenagers
You think he is deep, but just you wait, layer 6 is even deeper!
>deep villains
everyone knows the best villains blur the line between good and evil and make the hero question themselves and their convictions
a good villain makes the hero feel like a villain
user, I...
Just from memory, Garou in a landslide.
What was even Stain's problem? Every hero we see up until him was a paragon, whilst OPM established that there were cunts like Sweet Mask calling themselve's heroes.
You fucking what?! What?!
Not even BNHAfags like Stain
>theme of hero corruption
That has nothing to do with hero corruption. Stain's ideals are about the fact that heroism is an act of self-sacrifice yet people that are called "heroes" are neither willing to put their lives on the line most of the time and also do it for monetary compensation which becomes the very opposite of heroism. Basically in BnHA the word hero just became to mean a social worker with nothing replacing it to determine actual acts of heroism like the ones done by AM and Deku.
Wait until anons brings up muh definition of heroes and changing the words supposedly sidesteps the problem
They can be all called janitors and Stain-like character will still exist because the problem lies in the idealism of what being a “hero” is (or janitor or whatever you want to call it) and not the word definition
One is a dead series and the other is on the peak of popularity.
But they're both in top10 manga sales for 2017...
>Stain's ideals are about the fact that heroism is an act of self-sacrifice yet people that are called "heroes" are neither willing to put their lives on the line most of the time and also do it for monetary compensation
That is the theme of hero corruption. Don't even try to semantics this.
BNHA barely has any pro heroes with "corrupt" (selfish) motives, in fact you don't know most people's motives, and the structure of the industry itself is not presented as corrupt. So there's nothing to even discuss. OPM's hero industry actually started changing because of all the shit going on inside, so a whole new organization was made.
So, stain is pretty much like an edegelord who goes around killing policemen just because they get paid to enforce law and not always go full suicidal to stop criminals?
By Stain's definition all of them are corrupt because they perform heroic actions for money and that in itself sullies the idea of heroism, which is supposed to be done at your own expense for the good of the others, not a monetary compensated service.
Also, when the hell did anything changed about OPM's hero association structure? They just built a new HQ but the structure is exactly the same as it was from the start.
Being a hero for money isn’t corruption you retard.
He kills people that sully the title hero not police
>my shitty superhero manga is better than your shitty superhero manga
>Angry about the title of "hero" losing it's value
>Kills "fake" heroes to bring back its former glory
>Doesn't like that monsters are always portrayed as evil, since evil is relative
>Kills heroes because he wants to side with evil
I mean both are simple characters, I prefer Stain though. He seems more interesting than just "muh evil"
Stain was such an idiot, oh my god
>doesn't like that some heroes get paid to be heroes
>decides to kill all of them
>doesn't embrace vigilante justice to kill villains
>doesn't try to become his ideal vision of a hero
>doesn't kill heroes who are actually corrupt
>kills heroes and not villains
>thinks this will help society
>thinks this will encourage people to become heroes
>doesn't realize he's just helping villains
How is a character this stupid taken seriously?