Post your favorite sad moments

Post your favorite sad moments.

My pick: Goodbye Mitty.

Nanachi, the saddest floof.

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>tfw your waifu bursts into treats
Just fuck me up.

Total agreement. When I want a good cry, I'll watch Reg put down that poor little moe blob.

>tfw your waifu bursts into treats

>that image
its even painful in samurai jack

Never has a piece of media made me cry harder in my life. Kudos to KC and all their staff.

When did furry shit become acceptable here

>not liking the fluff

What are you, some sort of FAGGOT?

I usually can't stand it either, but for some reason I didn't mind it in Made in Abyss.

When the best anime of this century featured one.

Dont talk shit about fluffy bunny.

They were always allowed as long as they're anime/manga related you newfag.

That's horrifying.


You ready for the upcoming Age of Kemono?

This was a surprisingly good show. The ending pissed me off though.

Ok thats beyond allowed furryness

Kemono friends is okey tho

Wait warmly for S2 to eventually happen then get pissed off about the ending even more, then wait 5 more years for S3.

It's okay, buddy. It's just a matter of time before our kemono overlords take over.


Is that some comfy story or just some porn?

Shitty porn.

That is the top of sad scenes. No other scene can be as touching and effective when plucked out of context like this.

Damn, what a waste.
Not that i won't fap if i find it, but still.

I did ok even when she started crying, all the way up until she said:

"My... my treasure..."


Yeah, Nanachi's seiyuu is God-tier.

Comfy porn


It's more like a melancholic moment but whatever

Remember that dilbert episode where they research what people like and come up with blue duck or something as the most effective because of common denominators?
That's what this is, for sadness.
>little girls
>little bunny girl
>torture and deformity
>crying little bunny girl and shota

And i though hachi was sad.