bloom filter is the hottest new cancer in anime
but its by kyoani so it's AOTS
Watch something else then.
>everyone will just ignore how bad the first episode was and shitpost away to hide this fact
So glad you made a new topic instead of using the catalog.
Enjoy your ban.
Anime is literally in the same spot video games were in 2007
Get ready for it to go mainstream
>le only one thread per show guys! cmon reddit!
fuck off
What's the matter not enough dank memes and epic pop culture references for you? Stick with Pop Team Epic, kid.
This is Hyouka 2.0
>anime is just going to be about a 10/10 girl discovering what 'LUV' means by writing shitty letters for peasants
>will obviously fall in love with the red hair dude
>by writing letters, she will also discover other basic emotions, such as fear, hate and jealousy!
>join robot girl on an epic journey to find out what it means to be human
Where were videogames in 2007?
desu i hate it when they try to make an anime look too good. I can't talk about veg without being /contrarian/
I don't see any issue with that. I actually enjoy shows about autists turning into humans.
females cant be autists
life is handed to them on a silver platter
nobody cares if she doesnt have emotions because shes super cute.
I was more interested in Hyouka's first episode than I was for this show. Oreki was entertaining and I was intrigued by thought process that went on halfway into the show.
VE spent too much time with scenes that flexes the studio's animation skills and nothing else. But to be fair, I became more interested when the man came in to ask for someone to write him a letter, which is supposedly the main premise of the show.
So another pleb filter?
It's actually the eyepatch dude she's after.
Why even put bandages on her hands to begin with?
To make the reveal more dramatic.
so the metal can stay warm
i can't imagine it becoming corporate
I meant from an in-universe perspective.
Because prosthetic arms are unsightly.
Oh yeah, the show that made me hate KyoAnicunts. Never saw "2deep4u" so misused.
We seriously need the 5chan model of AnimeDiscussion/KusoAnime separated threads. Sup Forums at current state is pretty much disfunctional. Devilman shitposting, PTE shitposting, VEG shitposting, soon Franx Shitposting and then Extra.
It already did. Anime industry in 2017 was worth 60% of Hollywood and growing 10% a year.
But Hyouka was good.
Have you ever had a revelation? That moment when you experience a sudden and complete flash of understanding? You suddenly realize that you've been walking around half-blind, missing so much of the world around you, but unaware. Ignorant of all that you were missing.
That's what Violet Evergarden was for me. I could feel my heart open up, as sharp and clear as ice cracking. I began to sob. In fact, I cried so hard, for so long, that I completely missed that last twenty minutes of the first episode. So I rewatched it. And then again. I watched the first episode eight full times before I felt I had a fundamental understanding of its depth. And then I watched it another ten just to make sure.
Violet Evergarden is my Revelatory Text. My New Testament, my Quran, my Pale Blue Dot. I will never again look at the world with tired jaded eyes. Better yet, I'll never look at myself that way either.
I know right? It needs more memes and epic fights!
I like it.
Maybe it protects them from rust.
Sorta in that neutral zone between "Mainstream entertainment product" and Being seen by the public as for "kids" and "nerds". 7th gen consoles helped boost mainstream vidya appeal a lot.
That's because your little normie brain processes all that sakuga as DEEP and THOUGHT PROVOKING, when in reality the story is mediocre.(so far).
Fuck off.
And here folks, is a fine example of somebody that discovered Sup Forums during the 2017 american election cycle.
Those of you who are like him would do well in fucking off and infesting another site with your stupidity. The rest of you, point at him and laugh.
There's none.
That would requite them to be good authors.
>other shows are considered good because they are "comfy" and "boring"
>VEG is considered bad because its "boring"
Really makes you think
This is frankly amazing when you consider Japan's population versus America's.
I've been here since 2008.
No you haven't. Lying is wrong and you should feel bad for it.
those shows worked because they had a relaxing atmosphere
everything feels dramatic and overdone in this, which forces me to try to look at this anime seriously, and thus loses that comfy appeal because im taking the anime too seriously
Is there a spotlight right outside her house?
she's a human
I think everyone saying she's a robot means mentally, like a /r9k/ tier robot(autistic), not literal robot.
Wow, OP, I'm actually impressed at the intricacy of this thread you've made. Very few things on Sup Forums are so expertly orchestrated that they can be distinctively designated as "shitposting," but you have managed to do it so effectively and so succinctly that I cannot help but applaud this valiant effort. Virtually every inch of your thread, from the OP image portraying some emotion clearly distinct from happiness, joy or anything that could be deemed positive by anyone to the snarky, derisive tone of what little words you've written (all of which are unrelated to VEG, I might add) are perfectly structured in a way fit to make only the most agonizingly autistic people on this board reply. Too many shitposters these days go straight to the single-line, canned phrases and anime reaction images, but you have taken a degree of subtlety in making the board worse and have totally succeeded at it. I'm almost tempted to preserve this thread in some sort of digital carbonite, just so I can refer to it later on when I want to infer just what the absolute qualities of a bad thread or reply must contain. You have made a checklist of all the things this board does not need posted on it, and you yourself are some sort of flawless specimen of the jizz-stained, mentally defective contrarian condition that would even find making such blatant garbage an acceptable endeavor. Because of this thread, I hereby crown you the official king of shitposting. You are now given total authority over all future mediocre contributions to the board (nay, all boards on the site, and possibly the entire internet) and may take them under your wing so that you might properly refine them into exceptional examples of anti-intellectualism, simplistic opinions, baseless ridicule, ignorance of facts and a general desire to foster divisiveness in a congregation of people you do not know. With your help, they will surely learn what it means to lower the overall level of public dialogue on the internet.
Ok but like that's not what autism means
I assume you dropped it and never want to talk about it again then?
Stop lying to yourself OP, Everyones loves Violet. She is a waifu material.
>9 VEG threads on Sup Forums right now
Come on shitposters, you gotta get more creative than "b-b-but it has filters, Reddit told me filters was bad!!!!!" if you want those (You)s.
when can i see more of this?
A waifu has to be pure.
She already has a lover, even if he's dead.
You can however, orbit her.
>an autistic combat android in love voiced by Ishikawa
>but no good male lead so far
That Gilbert faggot is better off being good character
I guess kyoAnus just can't get rid of those K-on faces, huh. You'd think their talented character designs would be capable of emulating a variety of styles.
no wait she literally is a robot.
Baioretto chan
why would you ruin art by pasting fateshit on int?
OC donut steel
reminder that violet wants to learn what love is
the fucking state of Sup Forums
I've killed eight men in my life. Five in Iraq. Two in Afghanistan. One in my own hometown. I had nightmares that left me swimming in my bed and exhausted by my fear. At first the cigarettes helped, though they never cured me. Then I turned to strong drink. At last I fell down a hole I couldn't see myself climbing out of. I'm not proud of those times and won't expound on them.
But then I found Violet Evergarden.
Never before had I seen a show that understood the soldier's plight so well. Never before had I seen a greater understanding of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and its cascading effects. And never before had I seen a show that healed me as truly and purely as Violet Evergarden.
I'm going into the police station tomorrow to confess to the murder of an innocent man. I know now that the only way to reach true salvation is to atone for my crimes. I only hope that, while serving my time, they'll allow me to watch the rest of Violet Evergarden.
>what did he mean by this
So which dub fits more?
>its another emotionless waifubot discovers the meaning of love
If you'e one of those "muh filters" fags, then I'm just gonna go ahead and assume you're from reddit
Is there an anime where english dub isn't the absolute worst?
>Implying it's not reddit stealing our shit again.
All dubs sound terrible, none of them have a VA with an autistic princess voice.
No it isn't. I'm crying tears of joy watching this. They basically reorganized a later chapter to form an intro for her. I loved every second of it and it was beautiful to watch. It does just enough to world build, character build, and tease a good story to keep those who don't know the story hooked. well done. I can't wait to see them start the episodic stories.
Holy shit.
Is this your first time here?
Best dub right here along with the french one.
Wow that's a new low even for KyoAni
Why is every KyoAni show so fucking girly? Why is this shit even popular? Is everyone on Sup Forums an actual woman now? Can't they just make a normal show that isn't the most feminine trite thing imaginable?
>check comments there
>everyone likes the blurred versions because "muh art"
P-please don't say bad things about my show
Yeah, no.
I riked it.
That voice makes me picture a fat spic bitch.
And french is the most faggot language out there.
I like the French one.
I need to wear sunglasses for this.
What if I like girly shit?
Put this over her head while you watch it. No need to thank me, you fucking faggot.
So when the yuri bait start?
Then you're a faggot or a woman.
Either way, fuck off.
The japs like you, Violet-chan.
The biggest problem with this anime is not the visual effects or post-processing like what the sakugafags keep shitting on about. The biggest problem is the voice acting and dialogue being boring and predictable.
It was especially bad during the sequence where Archer introduces blondie and Archer delivers those lines like he didn't even care about what was happening.
Kill yourself
Where's chinese and korean?
We're all little girls here user.
spoken like a true neckbearded autist