45 years of existence

>45 years of existence
>several interpretations of the story and characters
>old as fuck fanbase
Is Devilman ripe for a Hollywood adaptation? It would be a fresh air compared to the crap that Marvel and DC put out. Maybe it can even earn a spot in the next Avengers or Justice League movie.

Other urls found in this thread:


*breath of fresh air

>Devilman saves Miki after test screenings where found to be too depressing


I can see it as a hollywood movie

but it will suck because the type of people adapting it will be the type that will want to make it "appeal to a wider audience"

>no Hellboy III
>no Mountains of Madness
Hollywood can burn to ashes.

i mean, crybaby already tried to appeal to a wider audience and it kinda worked?

How about he does a new hellboy movie instead of baiting all kind of "imagine dude, what if" projects that are never going to happen anyways?

They snatched the license from him already. There's a new Hell Boy coming out and he's not part of it.

Crybaby appealed to a present day audience

Hollywood would treat Devilman like they did Spawn

>Del Toro has free time
Someone send him a link to Fire punch

Is that del toro? Why is he such a weeb? Seems like he hangs out with half of Japan's writers and artists

Isn't there a new Spawn movie in the works?


What did they do? There's a new movie or do you mean the one from 97 or whenever it was?

He's mexican, of course he loves anime.

>Devilman ending EVER happening in a Hollywood movie

Its at least 90% Christianity approved.

Why would you want that instead of his Madoka Magica movie?

>Black kid as Devilman
>white Miki
>IT Pennywise actor would be Ryo Asuka.
I'd rather not.

I mean it can't be as bad as the Japanese attempt to Live action Devilman

>Hollywood adaptation
It would be censored to shit and back.

>>Devilman saves Miki after test screenings where found to be too depressing

This user has seen the light and was benevolent enough to share it.


do it


no thanks, pic related

I would unironically support that decision


Still waiting for his Monster adaptation.

So what happened to that Monster miniseries? or Pacific Rim 2? this guy seems to have a lot of projects and end up going nowhere

Not going to happen, we need to support him to do other adaptations.


>you will never be this happy

what a weeb.

He looks so happy

>Own one additional house to store your Chinese figures
Buyfags can't even compete.

>fresh air
You Netflix shills are out in full force

Hollywood's involvement in anime should only be financial support
Everything else misses the point
I mean, look how they are handling Slenderman

>devilman liveaction
It was done once, and it was god awful. Let's not.

Why is Dell Toro so highly praised? I don't think any work from him is that exceptional. Is it just because he's a weeab?

>pan's labyrinth

Dunno, strangely everyone loves him.

Hellboy and Blade 2 were cool

I was talking about the original Devilman and not Crybaby you retard.

That guy is adorable, I feel bad for dislike some of his movies.

>Devilman saves Miki
>Apocalypse still happens and everyone dies, including Miki

>Devilman gets a faithful bid budget hollywood adaptation
>All the normalfags hate it because of wtf everyone dies at the end

Based Guillermo Totoro

Supposedly he doesn't play well with corporate.

Pacific Rim 2 is happening

The entire cast would be whatever meme teen actress is hot among Hollywood at the time.

Guilhermo Totoro chan make people happy

Anything would be better than that garbage ass adaptation

He isn't involved with it at all though. Looks like he made the smart move.

Pan's, Pacific RIm(I know its mediocre at best but still fun), Hell Boy and Blade 2

Fuck, I didn't know that until you pointed it out, just saw the trailer but it looks worse than the first one.

Not him, but they simply modernized some shit (cellphones, modern high school cliches, etc) but kept most of if the same or in the same spirit of the original.

Hollywood would simply use the original for tablesetting and then do whatever the fuck they wanted with no respect to the original work.

It's not like spawn is a masterpiece to begin with though

A movie about a movie? I like it

Sure, but Spawn isn't going to sit well with the modern movie audience unless they take extensive liberties. And of course this is on top of the modern box-office superhero movie mentality.

Say what you want about him, but he has good kaiju taste.


>The Devil's Backbone
>Pan's labyrinth
Del Toro has two modes: Hollywood blockbusters and Personal Projects. The first are good, but his more personal works are fucking amazing.

hot on the casting couch!

No. The actress for Miki has to be pure.

>teen girl in hollywood
She'd have fucked half of the men and women in hollywood while trying to get her big break.

>his daughter's name is Marisa

which one is Crimson Peak

It was a good gothic horror story, but it was closer to his Hollywood mode I also liked it because my 3D husbando was on it

>weebing out on jp television

Del Toro is living the dream

It would feel much too short. Even if they went to LotR lengths, for a single feature there's just way too much to cover to do the story any justice. The entire thing hinges on the Ryo-Akira-Miki relationship, and I just don't see a film being able to do all that build up in time to make the ending feel earned without it being rushed as fuck, or split across multiple movies.

Crybaby was ten episodes at roughly 25 minutes apiece. Let's trim off the opening and ending and you're looking at maybe 20 minutes, so 200 minutes total. You think audiences will sit through a 3+ hour movie that dark and bleak?

They'd have to break it into three films; first the origin and monster-of-the-week type fights, maybe culminating in the fight against Siren. Second film ends with Ryo's betrayal, and is the turning point towards everything going to shit. Final film, everything DOES go to shit, Miki dies halfway through, and we end with the tragedy of Satan and Akira.

MAYBE that works, but all three would have to be hard R-rated and well acted as fuck. As much as I love Del Toro, that just sounds like a minefield of probably fuckups that I don't think even he could navigate successfully.

>Typical "second film in a trilogy has a downer ending but the third film has the heroes winning".
>Moviegoers get into the last film expecting their happy turn of events. Except this time it would end with the heroes losing even harder.
That would be pretty good.

>mfw Del Toro kind of did that already in The Strain book trilogy.

I can already see the stacks of 'reviews' all bitching about the last movie being such a letdown and a betrayal of all the build up that came before.

I'm waiting for Hentai Kamen, and a proper Kamen Rider BLACK anime adaptation voiced by Will Smithu.


Eh, The Strain series still had a happy ending (good guys win, bad guys lose, humanity gets another chance) and there were main characters that survived. If Devilman made it to theatres with the ending intact the normies would REEEEE for months, maybe longer.

It would be beautiful.

How would they cast Ryo/Satan?


>find a dead-eyed twink
>feed him hormones
>give him a gay haircut
>pimp him out to studio execs to get him in the right mindset
And there's your Satan

as long as God wins in the end it's fine.

>Hollywood adaptation

I don't watch marvel, dc, or really 99% of Hollywood movies. The fact that you have to compare shows that you shouldn't be on Sup Forums.

Do not know is not the same?

Cage is the only white man who can over act as hard as black requires to.

>fresh air

the issue was that a lot of his projects at the time were tied up with legendary pictures, which was essentially about to be liquidated. nobody was gonna give him the money to actually make the shit he wanted to make until legendary got bought by chinese studios

the process took so long that he was basically forced to move on to other projects since there was no guarantees of anything ever happening , and so he ended up taking the backseat /producer/ role

No fucking way americucks can shit a good devilman adaptation.

No fucking way americuks can shit a DECENT manga adaptation

70s Devilman is cool as fuck. Who cares?

Crying Freeman was pretty decent.

Can japanese even trust devilman live action to hollywood?
Even when the japanese one was considered "Kuso-Eiga" by them self?

that was 2004, they learnt a lot since.

After SnK live action, i don't think so.

I don't want that. Hollywood would force it to have a happy ending because they're Hollywood and that ruins the entire story


It can't be worse than the existing live action one.


>hollywood movie where the protagonist heroically rapes his female opponent mid-fight
yeah, no. it'd be impossible to adapt without butchering it.

The rape only exists in Yuasa's version and Nagai's version if he had his way with it.

The actual manga doesn't have rape.

If I had to guess, and assuming Netflix doesn't have the rights to the entire series, then I'd say Devilman is the most likely victim of a future Hollywood live action adaptation. With the eventual burn out of reboots and Comic adaptations, they need a new source of "fresh" ideas and stuff to adapt, so Japan is their new target, and thank to Netflix, Devilman now stands at the top of the list.
The real problem tho, is that UNLESS we get a very good director behind it, what we will get will be:
>Everything is watered down to fit a PG13 audience
>Devilman is a black woman in her college who is so good and so powerful she easily dominates her demon
>Beat the shit out of male demons and wins at the end
>Bad ending of the series turns into her boyfriend dying and she going lesbo
>Wouldn't be surprised if she turned out to be a half-angel half-demon being that was already more powerful than anyone
>Demons will either look too human, so the actors get to show their faces, or they will be design to be turned into toys

You're overly cynical about Hollywood. People catch on to that shit fast now like they did with Ghostbusters.

but not star wars. normies couldn't even tell the problem with the movie was leftist political convergence.

And catching up didn't solved the problem, the movie was still made and debated. And as the other user said, you also have things like Star Wars, where it took 3 movies for them to finally realize what was going on.
Now, a semi underground series like Devilman (which I bet you half of the audience will think it's related to Daredevil, or that it is another Marvel/DC adaptation, or even that Gargoyle show from the 90s/80s) is completely defenseless. By the time people find out it's shit, the damage will already be done.
The only way for this to not happen is if it gets a very good director that has a lot of points with the studio and has enough freedom to pull out something as unthinkable as a true Devilman adaptation.

So a shit already in existence justifies creation of another shit?