Vividred Operation

Vividred aired 5 years ago now. Where's Season 2? I need more butts and Dockingu.

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never forget

I'm gonna push it.

Five years?

God, just kill me now. How is that even possible?

u old

Back the fuck up nigga

I rewatched it recently and it's still really fun. What would a season 2 even be about? Akane's yuri harem?

Blue should get her own pair so she stops being a cuck.

Why is Akane's butt so great?

It's called Yuyuyu

It took place in the game.

Akane has a cute laugh.

>tfw blue always reminds me of Toga

Don't equate that piece of shit with Vividred

I want to bathe with the Vivids

Vivid Blue was the hottest.

I get it.

All I remember of this show are butts.

Any butt webms?

I know this room

It was before the webm era


Actually what did happen to this? I loved the show and if I recall it did quite well for an original. So what happened?

Vividred was fine but there are so many other series I would rather have a S2 of. Like probably a hundred.



>It was before the webm era
Dark times.


>Vividred was 5 years ago
No... no, say it ain't so. Tell me that ain't true. Where the hell has my life gone?


I literally can't remember her actual name

It's Rei you homo

This character literally exists for people to watch and imagine they're seeing Homura's naked butt and nipples.


She has more boob than Homura though
Still one of my favourite OP's.

Eh, I knew it was something like that

Where's the Bakaba?



They should pull a Neptunia and have the girls trapped inside a tentacle monster while Momo ensembles a loli squad to rescue them.

I'd watch it

And then Momo killed everyone.

>5 years ago
>remember all the small hype around it and how it was going to be the next Strike Witches
>s2 never

Whatever happened to that manga? Ever get moer than one chapter?

Green vivid was best.

>Momo for ants

It's been 5 years, I forgot.

>mfw the chances of this getting a season 2 are nill
>no vividblack
>no vividpink
>no more butts

With all the shit that is getting new seasons I wouldn't lose hope.

Nothing. It finished as intended and that's it. Not all shows become some never ending multifuckfest franchises.
Success does not always equal milking till the end stuff.

Yeah but butts is more than enough reason to continue.

I don't know what's worse. Thinking it's going in, or thinking it's coming out.

What's stopping you from making .webm's from raws? You do have the raws, right?

I spilled my drink laughing when first watching that.

I deleted it a long time ago user

Good thing at least one of us isn't a poorfag like you.

Space is valuable, poorfag or not

I recall /m/ making a few, though they weren't of butts.



Vivid Red was the shittiest of them all though.