Dominant and Sadistic Anime Girls

Dominant and Sadistic Anime Girls

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I think you mean best girls

why start the thread wit the shittiest girl possible

best girl coming through

>tfw there are too many sadistic girls and so few that are just dominant

You shut your mouth. Erza is a goddess.

of shit!

Why oh why oh why did he not just GIVE HER THE DICK?!?!

Imagine Erza sitting on your face to asphyxiation

Are you forgetting her position as the true goddess of bondage's sex slave?

Nice chest.

Not to the dick, though.


Is the new chapter up?

I have no idea.

Niiiiiiiice. Needs to be animated with sound.


Honestly I'm not sure if Ezra is dominant or sadistic.

When I read her lines I imagine Akatsuki Kotone's voice, it makes me diamond.

>have lip fetish


Erza is dominant not sadistic
Fuck off Juan Alejandro Santiago
Shit characters

user you keep making this thread every day

and I love it

I think it's more than one person doing this kind of thread.

>licking lips
>moist tongue

This is a real dominant and sadistic girl.
I wanna spanking Nemesis ass to discipline her.

Dominant and sadistic are cut from the same cloth.

They're not even remotely the same thing.

Sauce? Nothing works when I image search it.

In sexual terms, dominance is part of sadism. You could say "dominance" in a non sexual way, like "the team dominated in football." But as far as bedroom activities go - deriving sexual gratification from dominating someone, having power/control over them, is sadistic.

Tsumi to Kai. Google can find it just fine here.


>inb4 people start posting serial MC abusers who have a tendency to be sadistic bitches
I'm proud of you Sup Forums.

Frogurt isn't dominant

Are almost always best girl.

I don't think Erza falls under either category, though. And even if she does, she's pretty shit.



Satanafoni is just Deathtopia after the artist realized people just like his evil babes and nothing else. I love it. Is anyone translating it these days?

Sounds like it. I have no idea why they are using magazine raws when the tank have corrected artwork though.


Is she tan or what?

enjoy the report retard


Shit taste

Most dominant women are secretly subs. It's better to go for the subs who are in reality the dominant ones.

>not subbing to subs
What the fuck are you even doing?



I would probably die after a few months, but I want to be the pet of a girl like the Morimoto girls.