Going in I was so excited, I really wanted to like this one because it was doing something fresh, but holy shit is the OST repetitive.
literally 90% of this anime's music that isn't the OPs or EDs is just a slight remix of this track
It sucks because although the composer wanted to do something new to make this series stand out it becomes extremely repetitive and old by the time you reach the end of S1.
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Medaka Box
it was pretty meh
there's so many things in IBO that are worse and you go for the OST?
You should care about other things more. Anyway, is hardly the worst Gundam out there to watch.
Thunderbolt>IBO>Wing>Everything Gundam
Clannad, i liked it for the most part i just feel like they didn't really capitalize on the drama parts enough to justify them putting it in. Also the ending was explained at all
I'm working on the assumption that everybody is aware of all it's numerous issues, but this is one I see that's literally never been brought up.
best entries
After story or the highschool arc?
both, they did well with nagisa after the birth but aside from the father scene and the part where he imagines her alive it just feels like they brought up good ideas but never actually act on them
Gundam is pretty shit overall. The lack of budget for fights, the lack of moneyshoots for mech geeks, the layman strategy for tacticsfags, the babypolitics for the 2deep5u crowd. Is all very lacking. The idea how giant robot suit fighting is still nice. Thunderbolt does it best.
>where he imagines her alive
iirc after he collected enough dragonballs he was given the happy end
You sound like you'd enjoy something more along the lines of LotGH or FLAG rather than Gundam.
If you didn't enjoy 0079 then the series pretty much isn't for you.
>You must like X
Mate, there are several Gundam shows dedicated for several audience. We got the collector, the medabots, the okada drama, the nostalgia rides and so on. Hell, even a Three Kingdom one. If I enjoyed two out of them, seems like the franchise is good enough for me you little fucking retard.
It's just anime, don't see why you're getting mad over it.
0079 just tends to be the foundation that most of he franchise's entries use to build up from, so even though a few entries have taken a radical departure from it, it still remains a viable standard of comparison.
>Nuhu you are the one getting upset
More like I think your opinion is dumb, and I had to call you out on that. 0079 animation is nothing in this day and age, is a good museum piece of anything. The characters and story is not impressive after LotGH, but I never thought LotGH was that good anyway. So being worse than that, well.
I respect that and can understand it.
> seems like the franchise is good enough for me
Not him, but when you literally go ahead and say "the franchise is shit overall," then obviously it isn't good enough for you.
Well, anime got low standards, and I enjoy anime, so I enjoy trash sometimes.
You missed the entire point of the post.
All I was saying was that 0079 is a good metric for getting a proper sense of the franchise as a whole.
I never said it was exceptionally good.
>but holy shit is the OST repetitive.
90% of Japanese television, not just anime. They don't care about liberally reusing tracks.
>I have low standards
I would personally put Thunderbolt as the standard of what Gundam should really be, can be, and is, when it is Thunderbolt. S2 was underwhelming but still miles ahead of many Gundam shows.
We all do, unless you can prove me wrong.
I'm highly aware of this, but IBO takes it to another level, like they use the same motif for almost every song in the OST leading to confusion when it comes to exactly what the composer wants to express.
It sounded good for the first few episodes, then you realize that's all it is. It's that bad.
>The Rogue One of Gundam
>the standard of what Gundam should really be
We really should have put Gundam out of its misery after IBO. It has nothing left in the tank.
>Thunderbolt as the standard of what Gundam should really be, can be, and is
It can't though because it's not the first series.
I think Thunderbolt's alright, but it's a highly specialized kind of story that doesn't lend itself to expansion and alteration the way 0079 did without becoming extremely convoluted(like in the later parts of the manga for example)
>Rouge One of Gundam
Well not every series can be Seed/Destiny and spend the entire budget on TM Revolution songs.
The first? You are so hung up on first. Different techniques, different equipment, different tech, different era, we are all so far from that. The first Fate was a fucking porn game, but almost no newfag knows that. And people know a days know Fate by Fate Zero, FGO and Extra/Extella more than Stay/night. Being the first series is not important on a massive franchise line.
I know that, but the weird thing is IBO has a very distinct sound, and didn't even need a crazy budget to get a good OST.
All they needed was to have the composer not use the same motif for most of it, or to at least do something interesting other than alter tempo and instrumentation on occasion.
The heavy use of guitar and string instruments gave that western/mars feel, it was fine. I remember the tunes which means it served it´s purpose. And really, it was a drama show and not really a mech show.
ya that's basically how i took it. I guess he helped enough people to grant his wish? Still makes 0 sense. The part where Nagisa says you "shouldnt say you should have never met me." Would have been better to work with, like he was being shown a vision to change his ways or something.
Are we pretending that Thunderbolt isn't just the latest attempt to milk nostalgia-bucks from people who can't let go of the OYW? Are we pretending that Jazzman and Pegleg Pete are actual characters instead of planks of wood who are "cool" with "edgy backstories"? Are we pretending that the plot is both not good or interesting enough to justify existing in a setting it shouldn't? Are we pretending that the "new designs" are not overdone to the extreme and nonsensical when compared to the simplicity of the OYW designs?
These are all problems that have already been said at length in every Rogue One discussion and Thunderbolt is just as guilty of every one.
>Being the first series is not important on a massive franchise line.
This varies from franchise to franchise, while it may mean nothing in Fate in stories like Gundam and Star Wars the first entries are extremely important because they're the core of the story and without understanding them everything falls apart.
In fact the Thunderbolt series you love so much is a direct spin-off of 0079, sure it came out decades ago,but its influence and presence is very important to the series as a whole.
But to come back to the start of this derailment 0079 is the core of the Gundam franchise because everything builds upon it, Thunderbolt can't start a franchise or be used as a standard because it doesn't have enough material or depth.
I never said their choice of instruments was bad I actually like it and think that's exactly what made IBO's compositions stand out.
Also being memorable doesn't really mean a song is good, that just means it was an earworm which it was.
What I've been talking about was the OST's repetitive use of motifs if you're not familiar with musical terminology then I don't know how else to explain it.
I haven't seen Clannad in years, but I remember watching some video essay a while back where someone talks about this and brings up how it was apparently foreshadowed throughout the series.
iirc it had something to do with the robot and the girl in the alternate world.
I have no nostalgia other than catching some episodes dubbed in cantonese. They are action characters serving the purpose of killing goons and each other, and their backstory is not told but shown, so is quite alright pill to swallow. Edgy backstory in a war story? Alright with me. Plot about two factions fighting? Barebones but is not why Thunderboltfags are watching Thunderbolt for. New suits are dumb, but hey, we got retards using giant robo suits to kill each other instead of just bringing out real effective weapons, so who complains? Rule of cool.
Rogue One is shit because is FUCK THE EMPIRE GLORY TO REBELLION. Do not compare it to a good anime about two sides, right or wrong, fighting for different things in cool dumb robo suits.
How about you demonstrate a good use of what you want? Video link and all.
Having a laugh? /m/ can tell you right that every Gundam Thunderbolt included is a variation of FUCK THE *faction* GLORY TO *faction*
Also there are dark backgrounds in war stories that's a given and they should be there but "I have no limbs but this Zaku is so cool" is just retarded on every level.
I don't think I can explain it that simply
This video might help you understand the general concept.
And if you listen from about 0:57 - 0:59
It's just one of the many constantly repeated elements in this OST that really drag it down for me.
What's the point of defending a show when you're just gonna shit on it?
Is this next level shitposting?
>The first Fate was a fucking porn game, but almost no newfag knows that.
This isn't true, right? Newfags aren't seriously unaware of FSN, are they?
it wasn't really foreshadowed, its just that the lights grant happiness, but theres no real reason given why it was given to him in the first place.
>hating draGon ball Gundam
come on man