How about an old fashioned desktop thread? Post your anime & manga related desktops.
How about an old fashioned desktop thread? Post your anime & manga related desktops
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See I kind of want to just judge you for you applications instead
Am i cool now?
there is literally an entire board for this
This thread is embarrassing, please fuck off back to Sup Forums.
it's better than half the threads on this board
I kinda miss '05-'07 when you could have a thread like this, the mods would allow it, and nobody would complain. The board had different kinds of problems due to this attitude but it was a lot more fun.
anime/random board again when
mods hate fun, so never
I would post mine but its nothing special, I don't know how to make those cool hacker desktop you guys have
Install DF
install gentoo
Learn a real language
Probably is a student just starting out. Pretty soon he'll get to the professor that only programs in the terminal with emacs/vim or whatever shit, idk im not CS
eclipse is not a language you mong
>cs professor
>using vim or emacs
Is it popular in france? i played a lot but was very unknown.
have some decency
Even more embarrassing if you don't know what language I'm referring to when ripping on you for using Eclipse. Do you just have it for show? Strange IDE to pick for screencap show and tell.
idk man, I had a weird turkish old man for some linux system programming class and he used VIM, I am EE/CpE not CS, I'm no expert
Java is forced by almost all high schools and colleges
Is this really what you wanted to see?
No it isn't.
Maybe in Burundi or Cameroon or whatever shithole you come from but no that's not normal at all.
First langauge we did in high school was C++ followed by Java, then engineering school forced an entire year of Java before C
Michigan is Cameroon apparently then
eclipse is not a java exclusive ide and i'm not that guy
Nobody who uses Eclipse uses anything other than Java.
if you got I bet you would be invited lol
I live in GR and there was zero CS in high school.
UQ holder was a mistake
People like are the reason threads like these got moved to /w/ for containment by the way.
I haven't played Dofus 2 in years but I heard the game lost a fuckton of players because the lead game designer is pushing the tactical agenda too hard. Dofus Touch which is essentially Dofus 2 from 2012 for mobile - some guys made it playable on desktop thanks to angular and electron and the game is pretty big.
>not appreciating ero-hon
Come on, user.
cute wallpaper
Can you share your pape op?
Sure, I made two versions.
post your desktop
The irony. There are two kinds of people in this thread: people who are having fun, and people who are complaining and causing problems.
But I already did
which one's yours?
but also the Java hate is just to be contrarian, I work in big projects for big companies and Java is used as much as C for many things, its flaws are taken into account but its not hated just because.