
Draw or request Sup Forumsrt

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Can someone please draw this but with the egg blushing and saying "W-what are you doing, Piyo-chan!? N-not here!"
I need it for reasons.

Requesting a blushing and embarrassed Uzuki please!

/r/ing my waifu Kamille

Requesting Ingrid baking cookies

Saotome like this but showing her butt.

Requesting smug Megumin detonating her ovum as it gets fertilized by an (un)lucky sperm


All the time, every day.

Let the thirst games begin

Go get them tiger!

Requesting Susie Evans from Valkyria Chronicles.
Sharing halved apple to viewer while sitting and holding knife.

Don't give up user.

Though I appreciated that last guy who drew Yuuri, I would still like a drawing of her in a wedding dress.

Requesting Rena-chan in one of these two outfits!

Requesting Fuwa and Galvantula tuning up a sitting Genos. Fuwa on the left side of Genos fixing wires and Galvantula on the right side of charging him up



Thumbs up.
authentically awesome.

Nice, it finally got done.

I really like the detail.

id give my life for more of this absolute beauty
please, if somebody minds, can you draw more of her? doing absolutely anything, i just need more

Requesting Rukia doing something cute/cool with any pokemon in the spreadsheet below
Pokemon: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Y6I0a_8jXF4isxPYXyMeRgWtqThR7fS5-v33GuFIkV8/edit?usp=sharing
Rukia refs: imgur.com/a/qItQA

Who is this cinnamon demon?

Requesting Ikishima
1. in a wedding dress
2. or just posing like in one of the following




Great work user.

Saw some people requesting this in the last thread so I'm re-requesting it.

Can somebody please draw Seo posing her bare feet in the foreground just like the Kino picture?
It would be greatly appreciated!

Requesting this but with Mafuyu from Blend-S.

Requesting RPG party of Aqua, Akko, Mordred, and Yoshiko

Draw Nui

>Group title
The Easy-going and Carefree team

i have no idea, i cannot find any source, i got her from this random youtuber youtube.com/watch?v=iMRRfm0tev8
and had to screencap the video for the pic
i cannot find her anywhere.

that is why i need Sup Forums's services

where is the cinnamon bun hairstyle? missed oppertunity there

Anchor post!

Now you mention it.
I remember see this from Deviantart.
another thing is can't memorize the title and

Pretty sure that's just an anthropomorphic cinnamon bun

Requesting Granity and Pixie symmetrically docking

How am I doing so far?

fuck you
she is literal perfection
i havent had love for a 2d girl for so long. it might be because she looks like my ex. but i dont care. cinnamon bun-chan is beauty, is perfection
my heart aches for her.
imagine going home from a shitty day at work, and that freckled smile greets you with some freshly baked cinnamon buns because she knows their your favorite.
imagine her being insecure, because her skin is "too white", and you just hold her in your arms and comfort her
just IMAGINE it
this isnt lust
i want, hell i NEED to live the rest of my life with her. shes everything i want. everything i need
god i wish i had her sitting next to me now, hand in hand, with a quick kiss before good night,,,


I like it

Pretty Nice!

Its cool bro. Cinnamon is cutie. calm down.
I love Cinnamon like.
Dark-Roast black coffee and Frosted Cinnamon is morning delightful breakfast at 9AM.

Haruhi for user is done. Now to the next one.

I think she's ugly to be honest.y

Requesting Sora Takenouchi as a Starving Venom Fusion Dragon gijinka

Requesting Kei Kurono from Gantz parodying Back to the Future movie poster.

>tfw it's so good it looks like a ref image from the thumbnail and is an user requesting

you absolute fucking idiot
shes the most beautiful woman on the goddamn planet
look just LOOK at her eyes. i could stare into them forever. look at that pale white skin, it looks so soft, holding her naked body against your would be like bathing in silk
her luscious red locks and perfectly trimmed eyebrows are just the perfect shade of red, it is the perfect contrast to her skin
her slender body would be the perfect size to hold and cuddle every night
and that smile fucking melts anything in sight
she wouldnt need an oven to cook those buns, because her radiant smile could do it for her

you have to be a legitimately gay retard to not consider her to be the perfect mate for life.
in fact i pity you...

the nose doesnt follow perfect proportions, its too low compared to the rest of the features of the face

I wish you'd draw lewd of my waifu again

thats just not true.
her facial structure is perfect, its a cute little button nose, and dont say anything different.

I wish I could draw cute girls

I thought you said you weren't good at coloring.

Requesting lewds of this bellend

Request Kei Kugimiya from Majestic Prince unzipping her space suit after a hot day of mecha piloting

nice render, though her arms and legs are too straight, lacking curves making it less organic and flatter or robotic

Amazing coloring man. Please give tips.

A sexy pinup of Fio, could give attention her "bigger than it looks" butt.

thank you so much, i love it :)

Could someone color this thing that I found on soundcloud pls? Do it for ACE.

anime is Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musme for reference

/r/ing "Violet Ex Machina". Pretty please.

Requesting Ainz riding on a zombie dragon decked out with futuristic weapons

If you mean her getting blacked okay sure.
user that was last year. This is this year. Plus I need the color if I wanna get better.
Thanks for the tips. I do go back and do a few fixing.
I don't tips. Get a better job waiter.

With that I am ready for the weekend

Thanks for the delicious Haruhi my man, as said I love the coloring especially her eyes. I wish you the best on your journey of getting even better, and please have a nice rest.

Requesting Gyujiro and Groke staring disturbingly

is she a full robot or just arms, and how is it attached to her body?

Requesting the entire drawthread as diamond dogs from mgsv. With blazh as Kaz, doodleman as ocelot and viper as punished snake.


Requesting Claire from Claymore as a witcher.

Who is AV in this?

Am I some guy who shouts it's an honour sir when I get punched?



Which drawfag/obnoxious requester are you?

Requesting the scene on the top left but with Champa and Caulifla.


Requesting colors if possible.

Sophia Ref: i.imgur.com/2omrwTZ.jpg

>color request on an old delivery
Man, I remember when I used to be good.

I'm burnt outta ideas and need to watch more anime.

That and I'm saving certain ideas for February

Nothing wrong with that. I was just lamenting on the fact I used to be a lot better at sketching than I am right now.

Requesting Kaworu in drinking milk tea boba!

just her arms, like technolize but more steampunkish.


Requesting more PIO

Requesting eclaire seattle doing a morning jog while wearing a tracksuit or fully armored.

I am Drawfag That Hardly Draws and Therefore Has No Personality.

Requesting Natsumi from Non Non Biyori being instant_loss_2koma'd. First panel can be her going "Eh? Stop bullying onee-chan? But it's so fun, besides what are you going to do about it?" Second panel can be up to your imagination, as long as it ends with her being fucked.

Requesting my Sylvie in a kimono smiling at me.

Requesting Sena and Yozora (left) holding hands while looking tsundere and embarassed sorta like Mei and Yuzu (right)

Requesting Elsie piloting a fire truck mecha.

Requesting Raynare and Belial fusion

So I can't ask this on /cm/ or /y/, so I'll try here again. Is there any artist here that is willing to draw shota yaoi porn? I'll commission it if need be.

That's really cute.

Requesting Klan Klein and Diane as portrayed in these pictures in a city setting. I'd like them looming over buildings in sexy poses, please. Thanks!

i did it

You, did it.

You did it!

>demo come back you

Yuu, did it!

>green socks


You smart.
You a genius.