
NonononononononO I refuse anything but a happy ending WHERE IS TKMZ IM GONNA KILL HIM

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Why are the images so small? Some of them are really fucking tiny, especially that first spread. RIP Potatoes.

Because the one who got the raws from Baidu was too much of a baka to enlarge the picture before saving it.

Damn,season 2 never.

they can make a parachute with the rope and blanket

While parachuting down with what they have now seems retarded, only good end will be them going places they never been before, scavenging like the usual. I guess with this ending like this I'll just go 50/50 on killing themselves or just roam another part of the city for survival. The loss of their kettentrad though ;_;.




more one night

>the whole journey was for nothing

why must they suffer so much

when they run out of food, skinnier chii will die first
yuu will be left alone



>sorry about the shitty bubbles, this resolution is impossible to work with
Poor typesetter got the shortest end of the stick.

So what does the tweet say

They all del

Wait what, Tkmiz tweet where?

So they're dead. It's just that tkmiz didn't know how to write "and then they died" without being hamfisted. Fuck.

So, is he going to prison now? The last few chapters sure felt rushed.

Why are speedscanlators such idiots?

What kind of meme/shitposting this time?

It truly was the Girls' Last Tour.

more one night

It's not really the end is it?

They might continue touring, but this is the end of the story.

>still have some ration left
>also still have some fuel to get water off snow
>going downstairs is faster
At least they now have a better chance to survive for more days.

So, which one will die first?

Good night.
I wonder what tkmiz will work on next

>the anime ED was actually the animated last chapter
Fucking poetry

>yuu will never let you borrow some body heat

Oh fuck it was

Getting Over It with B̶e̶n̶n̶e̶t̶ ̶F̶o̶d̶d̶y̶Tsukumizu


Someone help, this simply hurts too much.



>owaru made wa owaranai yo
>it's now owaru

It's all 終わり now.

>Last scene in the ED is them in the kettenkrad
t-they just went back down and fixed it right?


The ending will be expanded on in the tank release in 3 months.

T-they will find a settlement, right?

>The work's events will continue a little bit further, so please stay with us until the end.

Fucking Jewish mind tricks.

Anyone who speaks rune what to make sure we're not being niggered?

It's safe to assume the "continue a bit more" is an extra chapter (there are already 2 extra).
So not really something happening after 42, but just a SoL side story.

I bet it's just the story of Idol-Titus and Idol-Yuri we saw in the submarine. Actual Titus and Yuri would still be dead.

I shouldn't be this emotional over this.
So essentially there was nothing on the top level but snow and they no longer have enough supplies to survive since they spent everything they had climbing?

Is tkmiz cute irl?
Would tkmiz date anons?


I feel as though suicide was implied since the first episode of the anime. Don't remember much of the first couple of chapters, but it probably was implied too.


Hope should have stayed in that fucking box man. Don't do this to me


I decided to rewatch the ED, and if they legitimately had the intent to hint at this ending, then you can take a few other things from the ED as well.

>ED shows a scene from the final chapter
>Also shows them in a few other places they've been (temple / fishery)
>They tossed the key to the ketty hinting at the break down
>Both have the same face as tkmiz's insert after her plane completely fell apart
>Shows them sleeping next to the rock

If we take the scenes we don't know about as well as exclude any scenes with the ketty, we'll see them climbing down a set of stairs with their gear. Considering how their entire journey was a journey upward, seeing them go down must mean they left the top just before that scene took place. The camera was smashed because there was nothing left to see, and levels were crumbling because the world is dead.
But they still have each other even after that.
If the ED really is intended to hint at anything, it at least shows them surviving long enough to head back down. They didn't die there.

That whole scene was pretty kino.

Then who was Kettenkrado?

There is nothing more dangerous than little bit of hope.


It was never going to end any other way

Are they going to use the bomb and the rest to kill themselves?

Map dude and plane girl gonna find them huddling at the top and say "get in fags, we gon die together" and fly into the distant city.The scene will be caused by their organ shutting down one by one.

The bomb was another pack of ratios

One will watch the other die, then make a hat out of her and eat what's leftover.


...I actually would prefer if they died together by killing themselves with the bomb.

Starvation is such a shitty way to go. Yuu should have brought the bomb.

>One more night
>The way they say it can also means "mo wanai"
What a bunch of sly bastards

They could just choose to not wake up and let the warmth dissipate.

This translation is awful.

SSR Ending Fixed

>Instead of finding nothing, they find space launch pads used by refugees to escape to the moon colonies
>There's still one left
>They try ride the rocket to space
>It explodes spectacularly before it reaches the stratosphere
>Miraculously, their shuttle ejects before the explosion
>Potatoes see the entire skyline
>Shuttle lands in the middle of the ocean
>It was a great life, wasn't it?

They don't actually scanlate. They rip from publisher server

inb4 it's just a single page showing their lifeless bodies covered in snow, still peacefully lying there.

But with a single ray of sunlight shining on them.

This TL is pretty shit as well. Will anyone competent scanlate this or are we stuck with this until yenpress catches up in a year or so?

Hell, even the fucking duwang from last thread was better. At least it made some sense despite being barely coherent English

How about you learn japanese and do it yourselves.
>oh wait you can't learn japanese

WTF is with Tsukumizu rushing the ending and doing a proper epilogue on the last tank release? Akira hiramoto is doing that thing with his Prison school.

I mean, if they really intended to survive they wouldn't fall asleep in the open where it's freezing cold, they would just go downstairs and find a spot to sleep there or something. I think that they simply choose to fall asleep and never wake up again, the stone symbolizing their grave or something.

In the scene climbing down, Yuu has her Gun though

Did you accept the ending yet, Sup Forums?


The way I see it is that SSR is the perfect illustration of the Zen principle of the journey being more important than the goal.
Grandfather didn't give Yuuri and Chito directions to a fixed goal. He sent them on a journey, knowing that was the best thing he could do for them, in a dystopian world where predetermined landmarks have lost all meaning.

Seen in that light, SSR is the latest instalment in a string of works like YKK, Haibane Renmei and Aria. In YKK the focus is not on the decline of humanity, it's on Alpha's way of coping with her changing environments. Aria isn't about the girls' ultimate goal, graduation, it's about the spiritual journey that leads to it. In all these works we can find proof that life is a meandering river, not a straight speedway.


If we look at the final chapter of SSR with western eyes, we see only overwhelming tragedy, enhanced by our conviction that the lives of the girls have been pointless, their journey in vain and their existence ultimately futile, since the goal they were traveling towards was just a purgatory, a white plane of nothingness.

Eastern readers will feel that sadness too of course, but it will be a gentler sadness, the famed "mono no aware", pity for the eternal transience of things. No zetsubou, just intimate, sweet bitterness. Because death is just the natural end of our journey, not its ultimate destination. Eastern wisdom tells us that if we accept that our journey through life doesn't have a definite goal or conclusion, we must accept too that it can never be complete.

And since our journey will never be complete (illustrated by Chito's lament that she will never be able to learn enough about the world), it doesn't matter if it's a long or a short "tour". As long as we can find something worthwhile in life, in the meanderings of our life's river, it's worth going on that journey.

And that's what matters. Like Yuu said, their life had been great. That should be consolation enough, not only for them, but for us readers too. We can learn a lot about our own lives from these brave potatoes.

>some other surviors find their belongings, wonder what they are/who they were.

>Did you accept the ending

I agree with everything you said user.
But the big difference between SSR and YKK is that, their doom is imminent.
So it hurts just a little bit.

>Did you accept the ending yet, Sup Forums?
I did it as soon as it was released and I read it.

>with western eyes, we see only overwhelming tragedy
This explains a lot
t. Eastern European

Starving to death doesn't sound very fun either.
I don't mind them dying but I'd greatly prefer it be something instant or painless.
Loses it's romanticism a bit when you know their final moments will be long, painful and zetsubou.


I felt this was what was waiting for them in the previous chapter, I've had a while to accept it. That didn't stop the tears though

Their drowsiness and sudden lack of concern are symptoms of severe hypothermia. They're not going to wake up again, so it's a rather sweet death for them.

You've not accepted a damned thing. You're just bargaining.

No, you're bargaining!


They said they would talk about going back down later, but probably won't.

wait, so it's not over?

Didn't the mushroom things said that earth is already done for? Does that mean that the earth couldn't sustain life anymore?

So is it John Hogan or not?

They're talking about tankobon release, not extra content.

Bonus chapter I think, too bad it might have nothing to do with ending.

Don't worry, they are going to freeze to death, that rooftop without a single place to use as shelter should be so fucking cold that the shitty blanket they cover themselves with won't do anything.

>bonus chapter will be mushroom family coming to devour the bodies
Maximum zetsubou.

Here's what happens when you write their names using the in-universe kana script and run them through.