In all of Anime, who is best girl Sup Forums?
In all of Anime, who is best girl Sup Forums?
definitely not that one
explain yourself heathen
That show was trash.
How can you even live with such shit taste, please kill yourself immediately
nice tiddies
Dunno about your question, OP, but I do know that Yame-chan is best girl of her series. Ranko comes in as a close second for being delicious brown.
so it begins again, the holy waifu wars
The ones that NTR the protagonist automatically makes them best girl.
Not that user, but you're right. As long as they don't abuse the MC.
I love Yuuko
>best girl thread
>posts worst girl
My girl Rin Natsume
Manga Yukana is better than your waifu though.
Not even best in her own series.
Find a flaw that isn't her cooking
Protip: You can't
the existence of Rachnera, that's her flaw user
i know exactly who it is but im not telling you creeps because my wife is not a slut
No legs
Ara Ara
He said flaws nigga
look, we gotta set aside our differences for now, i propose a truce
together we can narrow this disgraceful war to only 2 sides
i'm counting on you
This one.
>irrefutable jealousy
>not accepting of others
>weighs enough to damage a foundation on a traditional house
>has injured Darling the most
>can't accept her cooking is bad
>Papi and Sup trust/like her the least
She's great but she is bottom tier MonMusu. Sorry dude. Spider an undeniable best
good taste user, good taste
find a flaw
protip: you're gay
You're Waifu is the only correct answer.
The one who was just going to let a random dullahan kill darling?
As long as she's perfect to you, that's all that matters.
Discount Galko?
Shouldn't even be a serious question
Eternal best girl.
Yo, Kirino, I'm really happy for you, I'ma let you finish, but Jaunne had better get confirmation
The major wins and you all have bad taste
My wife Pitou
Fuu (SamurĂ¡i Champloo)
Raphi (Gabriel DropOut)
And Rem
>In the end fascism saved humanity from ayys
As a Amerimutt how should I feel about this?
PLOX delet thread... we dont need Waifu Wars LXIX here. This is a pure and waifuless board.
>SAC Mokoto
You want arise you fucking degenerate?
her spider sense wasn't tingling
(Sigh) Sup Forums you should have knew by now that there can be only one & only.