What does Sup Forums think of the Great Teacher Onizuka?

What does Sup Forums think of the Great Teacher Onizuka?

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Can't speak for the rest of Sup Forums but I personally liked it, it was a fun watch even if it did get repetitive

Onizuka is the perfect teacher and protagonist.

Prove me wrong.

The show is great and the first op is the best

good shit, I'm reading it now. tons of chapters so it's taking me some time but the art is funny at times and the story is pretty good.

Definitely my favorite anime.

The anime was amazing, still too lazy to start the manga but I'll eventually do it one day.

Have yet to watch the anime but I just finished reading 14 days and I'm about halfway through what's out of Paradise Lost, quite liking it.

Definitely one of the OPs one never skips.

best comedy series.

He's part of why I haven't quit smoking.

he's a big part of what i deem an acceptable asspull
i.e. you don't give a fuck if it's logical or not, you just want him to be fucking alive godamnit

As soon as I start re watching, I see this thread

>Great first manga
>Anime is bad
>New manga is meh and dropped

Onizuka is top tier husbendo

Paradise lost is a disappointment.

Onizuka as a character is great, his faces and funny and its great when it focuses on comedy, but the series tends to get too melodramatic for me at times which I don't really like.
Talking about the anime tho.

Reaction image goldmine.

Some of the arcs kind of dragged on and the last few arcs didn't leave an impression on me. The show itself ran just a bit too long but was otherwise humorous and enjoyable.

Some of the best facial expressions I've ever seen in an anime.

Skipping OPs and EDs is for impatient philistines.

I've only seen the anime and I generally didn't feel much for it but I watched it back when I'd let expectations get to me and didn't pay attention to comedic timing or anything, which also led me to foolishly dislike Cromartie. Uchiyamada was amazing though. His dub voice was hilarious but the rest were shit so I watched most of it in Japanese.

This is one of those shows I remember hearing a lot about years ago but now it seems to have been forgotten. Kinda like AMG.

GTO had the Oblivion of anime dubs -- everyone was voiced by about four people altogether. It's very distracting

I cant stop cracking up reading this shit man

>Great first manga
That's Shonan Junai Gumi.

It's pretty much impossible that we'll get BDs for this, right?


Has anyone seen the 1998 live-action series? I thought that was pretty good.

GTO is really good. Fun ride and enjoyable characters. The thing is, autor keeps repeating The same formula over and over again and by Paradise Lost, it gets Boring. Also The romance part was a let down, and The fact that onizuka could survive really serious damage with no other explanation apart from "he must have demon blood, lol" often bugged me

one of my personal favs

>The fact that onizuka could survive really serious damage with no other explanation apart from "he must have demon blood, lol" often bugged me
That's kinda part of the appeal. Him and Ryuji were already plowing through dozens of people in SJG, lifting bikes and all that stuff. It would feel cheap if he survived lethal damage many times but it only happens twice so I'm fine with that.

GTO and School Rumble were great. Nowadays, school comedies are all the same shit and boring as hell

One of the best, most comical anime I've ever watched. (Never read the manga 'cuz I'm a lazy, cheap fuck.)

I would have killed to have a teacher like Onizuka, back in mid/high school.

Pretty good. Although while reading the manga it completely jumped the shark with the stupid fucking arm-wrestling arc.

That was the best one though. Smug shitty kid got btfo

Having only read the manga, am I missing out by not watching the anime?
If so dub or sub?

>dub or sub?

The story was good because it was placed in a realistic setting. So there was tension in the scenes, it allowed you to connect and care about the characters more. It was interesting watching Onizuka solve real world problems, although maybe in a atypical fashion; at least it made sense.

So why all of a sudden just give Onizuka something akin to super powers. Being able to just beat 100 guys back-to-back in arm wrestling is just stupid. Might as well just have him summon a fucking dragon if the story was going to turn to fantasy.

He beat up 20 people with guns way before that. Onizuka being superhuman is just a way to create hype.

The arm wrestling bit was challenging even for Onizuka.

The new manga feels odd since it doesnt seem to have character build up for the new students so I really dont care about them. Unlike the original manga where there were chapters focused on the students with Onizuka randomly popping by for comedy.

Havent checked the latest chapters so maybe it has changed.

hes a fucking beta male

Why didn't he just fuck Azusa?

GOAT!! im also reading the manga

>tfw no proper Bluray or even DVD remaster