Is anime becoming mainstream?

Is anime becoming mainstream?
Netflix is a big company but they house cult classic like the road and other unknown movies so it’s still kinda niche I think

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>Is anime becoming mainstream?

Where have you been the last decade

Battle shonens have been fairly mainstream for the past thirty years.

That depends on the anime. It's a genre so there's a spectrum here. On one end we have digestible stuff like One Punch Man and Bebop where it's just good fun and doesn't freak anybody out. And on one hand we have animes where lolis show up at your door step wanting to live with you. I imagine the latter won't gain much traction with the majority of people.

>manga at walmart

Under your Dad
Everyone knows the big shonens but only Asians watch shit like kaiji or the like

Anime is normalfag tier now. People don't know how to closet anymore because every single thought they have and how being broadcast has become the only way to confirm their existence.

This. Fun anime like he said were meant to be mainstream. But there's also niche shit that not everyone will enjoy. Kind of like every other form of media.

Fuck how do I leave normie land user?

sure, but there were a lot of shonun that aired over the years i wouldnt be surprised if quite a lot of people know about more obscure ones

By leaving Sup Forums.

True I guess. Everyone and their mother has seen a studio Miyazaki film


I-Is that an iPhone file name?


Computer is broken

It's 2018 now there is no (((mainstream)))


god i hope not. we already have enough garbage on TV as it is.

I mean I wouldn’t HATE to see a HBO anime, without all the censorship and actual budgets


>lolis at Walmart


That looks like a nice cartoon for children

It has been for a long time, mate. The thing about Netflix is that they can post ass, tits and blood and no one would bat an eyelid because it's on a paid internet service and you need a code to watch said ass, tits and blood.

I mean future diarrhea had the same stuff as well but it’s not getting Netflix original slapped on it