Haha tits

>haha tits
>haha gore
>woah this is really edgy guys

Seriously? Where am I again?

Other urls found in this thread:


>haha feels

lurk more retard

>devil in the title
>why is it edgy and has boobs??
Have you ever seen medieval art of demons?

Brilliant points anons

What is the appeal of this show? It was kinda fun, but the reason it stands out is the hyperviolence and sex. Not exactly revolutionary, and certainly not worthy of the hype surrounding it. I suppose it's different in that regard.

I never said that it is great, I'd give it a 6 or 7 at best or anything but hating a show which is clearly going to be edgy is retarded, the edge part fits in with the theme of the story.

It has many more valid criticisms like the flash animation or the rushed plot after the demons are revealed.

Its a legacy series thats been around long before the internet. You clearly don't know where you are lurk more.

People who use the word "edgy" are children and under18fags. Anime has always been "mature". What is defined under "edgy" is actually "mature" but because you fags watch so much anime, you've become normalized to the stimulus. Shit that shocks you is not "edgy", it's simply just shocking, but anyone who isn't a fucking NEET highschooler shouldn't be shocked by what's already mature.

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate it for it's edgy nature, I'm just unimpressed by the tidal wave of praise it's recieved when for the most part it's a mediocre show.

you dont like tits and sex user? what are you gay?

All of the sex scenes outside of episode 1 are non canon.
Yuasa just wanted to capture some prepubescent normalfag audience with it.

of course devilman is edgy, its basically the manga that gave birth to edge in japanese media


Netflix-watching crossboarders are infesting Sup Forums at the moment

Yeah Sup Forums shits on "edgy" shit, but Devilman has thematically appropriate sex and violence that doesn't feel tacked on purely for shock value. It aired all at once hence the strong feelings about it right now. Plus it has a fantastic OST. It's the flavor of the month and conversation will slow down soon enough. I think it's slightly above average and doesn't really have much lasting appeal.

Nagai is shit, more news at 10

>Where am I again?

This is one of the worst heaps of trash in recent memory.

>Shitty low budget animation but we will pretend this shit is some supreme form of expressionism to dodge criticism.
>Last episode worse than fucking Charlotte.
>Introduces the mc as a wimp. Some moments later... Holy fuck he is taller has more muscle and has become a literal /r9k/ approved chad. C H A R A A C T E R Developed.
> One-dimensional love interest who exist for the sole purpose of dying dies in the most horrific and gruesome way possible.
> Disposes of side characters, no one even notices.
>Mc become demon, existential crisis starts. I'm a human... No, I'm a demon... No, I am Debirumann.Existential crisis ends.

This shit belongs in the 70s. No adult without severe mental retardation should be watching this shit in the present day.

You got less emotional intelligence than Satan. Omedetou.

Brilliant rebuttal

It's not THAT bad but you have a point

Unironically speaking, the only thing this show taught me, or reminded me, is that everyone's a thug and I should live like a thug and fuck Eurocucks. Am I on track?

>What is defined under "edgy" is actually "mature"

I'm calling the asylum.

No, you didn't catch the baton.

read go nagai you fucking burger piece of shit

yes it's almost as if it's a faithful adaptation of a 70s manga or some shit

>seemingly perfect childhood friend as love interest
That shit was so lame and forced and had absolutely zero impact. The only reason they had a connection at all was because they're conveniently childhood friends. Y'all are acting like Miki and Akira had some kinda next level romance, but it was typical shallow anime bullshit.

fuck off to where you came from because it sure isn't from here

All of this. It will be forgotten this time next year.

Only thing show taught me is that everyone suffers and loses what they hold dear.

And that even if you put faith in something, it doesn't stop you and the people you care about from suffering.

>Kaim puts his faith in Silene, who puts her faith in Amon. bad end.
>Trackstar puts his faith in himself, then the Demons. bad end.
>Miko put faith in herself, then in Miki. bad end.
>Miki's family put faith in god. bad end.
>Miki put faith in human race and akira. bad end.
>Akira put faith in Ryu, then himself, then Miki. bad end.
>Demon's put their faith in Ryu/Satan. bad end.
>Ryu put faith in Akira/Amon that he'd help him fight God. bad end.

You know NEET high schooler is an oxymoron right

I'm still feeling like shit. Fuck you Sup Forums.

What really pissed the fuck out of me was seeing Akira having demonic sexual lust over the girl but was INTERRUPTED by a fucking CAT and now he doesn't have to worry. The show literally depicted him as inept schmuck with extra chromosomes. He talked so big and wanted everyone to see the bright side equivalent to winning a lottery but he got away easy, fuck you.

>that fucking cat

Yeah, I'm also don't see the point of all that violence and sex except for muh shocking value.
>Turn out demon exist among us because....
>All this happened because Satan was "that special kid of the family" and he really really wanted Akira dick.
Papa God must be so disappoint when he discovered that his brightest most beautiful son was a fag, thus banished his ass.

I'm someone who liked the Devilman OVA's but thought Amon was edgy shit and the ending to the original manga was trash which made the entire story pointless

will I like the new series?

>That shit was so lame and forced and had absolutely zero impact.
Hey, there Satan. How's that empathy thing working for you?
>next level romance
What the fuck is this even supposed to mean? The viewer should only care about a "next level romance" and not give a shit about an ordinary one? Hell, they don't even have a "romance" as such - he just comes to the realization that he loves her over the course of show, and while it's clear that she loves him as family, we never find out if those feelings develop into something more.That doesn't make losing her any less powerful. Your weird lack of empathy is starting to concern me. Please stay away from scruffy kittens and capybara.

Devilcat did it on purpose, making sure he didn't lose himself in a moment of weakness. Devilcat was a bro.

>the ending to the original manga was trash
neck yourself

it rendered the entire story meangingless
literally "nothing mattered because God's gonna come down at the last second and reset everything"

fuck that, that's lazy bullshit

Truth to be told, this show was so mediocre with full of American style hype that I'll tell others Code Geass is better.

>oh awesome a gory show for once
>oh cool primal nudity and sex
and then episodes 8 through 10 happened and I wish I'd never watched the show. I have enough trauma to deal with already

I think she loved him, the weak Akira as much as the devilman one. Various hints were dropped, and she seemed to be an extremely emotionally aware person.

That's like saying the old testament isn't good because gilgamesh also exists.

everything also dies in the end whether you see it or not.

This. Up until 7 it was a 6/10 at best. The last three, specially 9, are beyond anything I saw in anime in a long time.

I think she did, too - it wouldn't be particularly surprising, especially since everyone else who meant something to her up and died; she would have been even more drawn to him than before. But we never get real confirmation for that... they certainly don't have a "relationship" in the romantic sense. They never get the chance.

Nine was a real punch in the gut, even if you knew it was coming.

There's this feeling inside me that wishes Akira never had a good loving family and the twat didn't deserve them. Do I have a demon inside me?

I don't get the hate for Miki and Akira's relationship. It never was about romance at the core of things. Not at all. Akira's been living with her and her family since childhood. They're his family at that point, and he loves them dearly as such. You could see his love for Miki as romantic or platonic or familial but it's all equally a really genuine love and care even before becoming turbo chad devilman. The world went to shit and they were all they had left. Akira was outed as a monster and she still accepted him. She was an immense part of his life and then she died the way she did. Crybaby wanted to emphasize the power of love and the immense pain that comes with losing it. Losing her cost him his hope and faith in humanity. You're doing it wrong if you saw them only as "Are they gonna kiss and hook up or not?"

tell me about it. I had to have a break after the mob was dancing around with her head on a spike. It was bad enough she had to die but that was so uncalled for

Do you make donkey sounds when you masturbate?

>mfw The little fucking traitor dancing with them
I wish we saw more than we did I wanted Akira to fucking rip them apart for what they did

I'm sitting here with "crybaby" on repeat. Why am I doing this to myself?


Was he literally shown dancing too?
I mean, two of those were his best friends.

OP, isn’t it a bit too late to complain about a manga that came out almost 50 years ago?

It was unique and shocking at the time it came out, Go Nagai is the one that made violence and sex happen in anime.

Yeah, he was bouncing around happily and shit like they never fucking mattered to him.

What exactly is OP criticizing?

It's post-modern critique, it's about nothing.

>Sup Forums won't STFU about MUH DEVILMAN CRYBABY
>cave in and download it
>the animation is REALLY FUCKING BAD, bottom of the barrel production values and fucking ugly to boot
>it's so jarring I couldn't even finish the first episode

Why does Sup Forums loves this garbage anyway? PTE sucks LESS, at least the PTE animators tried.

OP's a fuckwit who doesn't realize this shit was codified 40 goddamn years ago and is acting like this is just another FOTM "shock" anime like King's Game.

I think that's more of a transcendental
bait. It baits no matter what side you on.

>Crybaby wanted to emphasize the power of love and the immense pain that comes with losing it.
Would you say this was true of the original manga? The tone of their interactions for most of the source material is kind of risque and not so high-concept.

Good post, in any case.

I don't think you deserve any serious replies, if you think the animation is bad.

I feel sorry for you, autist-kun. The subtleties over human interaction will forever be beyond your understanding.

In the world of people who understand animation it is considered good, but people who judge animation by the amount of glitter and post-effects are getting easily confused so I get why you are upset.

I bet you hated Kick Heart too you faggot.

>the animation is REALLY FUCKING BAD
you could argue the style is bad, but the animation itself is pretty good

Would you say he's a crybaby?

I would put his waifu's head on a stake and burn to a crisp in the fires of his assache.

this is the worst fucking thing I have ever seen. I just keep watching it because it's like watching a train wreck
>hello from Sup Forums

>this is what Sup Forumsddit considers good animation now

I hate Nu-Sup Forums so much.

>but people who judge animation by the amount of glitter and post-effects

That's a fucking stupid argument when Devilman is FULL of cheap post-production glitter and the cheesiest CGI I've seen in years.

>posts a frame
>when we're talking about animation quality
post a webm/gif at least you fuck

>stops before anything that would benefit from animation can actually happen

>Sup Forumsddit
>nu-Sup Forums
Here's a pity (you).

Animation is about moving, you pathetic dumbass. You can't criticize it by posting still shots.

>when we're talking about animation quality

Their proportions are not even consistent when doing head turns ffs and the walk cycles are fucking stupid, and it's very noticeable to the point of being distracting. Shitty art with shitty rushed animation quality. So this is the power of NETFLIX production....

>again mixing animation with style
Go cream yourself over how pretty VEG looks, but don't post about actual animation ever again.

Also barely anything moves, there's so many scenes where it's just a fucking still shot with a little bit of camera panning, and that's not mentioning the stock CGI during the first driving scene. You can tell this garbage was made with as little effort as possible, quit defending the animation you obtuse shit taste redditors.

>"the animation is bad"
>posts a jpeg
Every. Fucking. Time.

I don't get it. I simply can't understand why you shits can't just be honest and say that you personally don't care for the art style. You always, always try to make it some sort of objective statement about the technical competence of the artists when what you really mean is you don't like the way they decided to draw the pictures.

>obbtuse shit taste
You dumb monkey won't be able to understand good animation if I shoved a book about it up your ass, so quit pretending you know what you're talking about

>"hurrdurr a camera panning over poorly drawn still shots iz gud animation!!!"

Pic related, you.

I'm sorry, I don't keep picture of pathetic little cumstains on my HDD, so I can't attach a picture of you

>People unironically think devilman crybaby has good animation.


Postmodernism itself is transcendental bait. It baits you into the matrix, but you're only really a blood dose for the ruling elite.

I mean, I liked the show and still acknowledge that the animation quality was inconsistent and shockingly bad at times.

You're allowed to like something and still acknowledge it has flaws, guys. Not everything is perfect.

it's so fucking shit, what the fuck is this. it's like a meme anime

I bet Netflix said to them "We really want something like those gritty 80-90s OVAs"

Has Sup Forums forgotten in their blanket of moe and comfy that the reason anime took off in the west was exactly because of the ultra violent and explicit OVAs?

It might have weird moments, but in general it's amazing how good it looks in motion.

You are cancer

Yeah, the guy who's made Ping Pong really needed that kind of encouragement.

>falseflagging this hard
keep trying newfag

tell me why this is good, the writing is shit and the animation if just shit computer generated shit

The art sucks balls as for the actual movement its decent with it being fluid. I wish people would know the difference. Still I have more issues with the way rushed shit and how it ended.

>It might have weird moments, but in general it's amazing how good it looks in motion.
>Sup Forums now loves this style of animation

>We really want something like those gritty 80-90s OVAs

Bullshit, even the gritty underground OVAs from back then were drawn well, and they didn't had the advantages of computer workflow.

>That scene
Someone cutting up onions in here?

who ever wrote this shit has autism, it's cringey as fuck

>le cringe XDDD

Fuck off, redditor.

>Not exactly revolutionary
That's exactly what the source material was. Having sex and hyper-violence in the age of Astroboy was something new.