It's called building atmosphere

It's called building atmosphere.

Every frame a boring waste of time.

Is the right frames from funi stream?

Why is Edward Elric not wearing his coat?

What's with the shitty gray filter?

Everything about kyoani disgusts me. It's like a man-made disaster only possible through a coincidence of manchildren gathering together

Unfiltered version when?
>inb4it's a clever ploy to buy the Blurays

i will try to do it, but don't expect much.

t. saturation faggot

Kyoani thought it would look good when nothing looks its color and it's all grey whatever.

Anime has been effectively building atmosphere for decades without the use of cheap, ugly tricks. The late 90s were the golden age of tone pieces, shows like GITS, Eva, Berserk, Lain, Bebop, etc all sucked veiwers in with their atmosphere, and there were no digital filters to be found anywhere in them.

Boring shit
Pretentious shit
Edgy shit
Boring pretentious edgy shit
Yeah this one's cool

No one cares about your pleb opinions, the point is that they're all shows which are known for having great atmosphere but they never needed to pull any digital bullshit like KyoAni is.

>replying to bait

Incredible shit taste

This show is so pretty, too bad you can't see it under the light filterss

Looks more like someone fucked the color space while encoding.

That's how it looks everywhere.

Maybe it has something to do with japanese TVs ?

it has something to do with kyoani being retarded,

Nope, stuff epilepsy filters are applied to specific scenes only and it's a dark filter.
Basiclaly their 'vision' is grey shit all over otherwise great looking pictures.

Even with the filter on the left, the right side looks far worse with it's over saturation.

Because in the end it's just color correction over a filtered image and half the shots look betetr instead of utterly dead, nevermind the night scenes where the actual show looks terrible.

>watched all of these during high school
>realize later that Dragon Ball has more meaning to me than any of those

Is there a way to do this with MPC-HC using madVR?

Yeah but not everyone is a spic here

Like aliens?

Maybe the filter is used to create the aesthetic of an old, faded out photograph - kind of fitting imo, considering the setting.


Even the Netflix version looks like that.