Tsugumomo Chapter 105 LiveTL

It's another Tsugumomo thread!

Today's live translation is chapter 105.

Link to our website: tsugumo.moe

1. I read up to chapter x. Why are there further chapters released here?
A. Because this is just translation and alpha speed TS.
2. Where can I get more chapters? I only read up to [current Batoto releases].
A. Website.

Other urls found in this thread:


Text(magazine): Celebrating 10 years of serialization!!!
Text: Chapter 105: Fighting Platform Repair
Text(magazine): Sunao, post-Ascension.

oh fug, here we go

Awesome, thanks.

>Saki: ...A-!!
>Saki: A-
sfx: *screech*
>Saki: Huge upset!!
>Saki: The early matches of the tournament were going favorably for the "servitude" faction-
>Saki: But now here we are at four and four!! Only one match remains!!

>Saki: Nowww, everything rests on this final battle!
sfx: *jerk*
>Saki: These two will be finishing it off with a bang!!
>Saki: Why's this unranked guy the captain?! The ultra-mysterious outsider exorcist
>Saki: Kagami Kazuya!
>Saki: Versus!
>Saki: Holding his head high with confident strength, the present head priest of Tsuzura Temple
>Saki: Madarai Masuji!
>Saki: Nnnnggggh!
sfx: *screech*
>Saki: Let's goooo!!!

sfx: *silence*
>Saki: ...huh?
sfx: *gasp*x2
sfx: *step*x2
>Bonami: Hello, everyone. This is chief referee Bounouto speaking.
>Bonami: As you may have guessed, it would be difficult to continue the tournament with the platform in this state.
sfx: *crumble*

>Bonami: Therefore, we are working to repair the fighting platform.
sfx: *roll*x2
>Bonami: On account of this, the final match will be held tomorrow. Everyone, please take care as you leave the arena.
Text: Shall we go...
Text: Good work.
Text: That was awesome.
Text: Funnn!
Text: Whew.
>Saki: Awwww.
>Kyouka: Huh?
>Kyouka: Where are Oriobana and Kazuya?
>Takano: Sunao is missing, too.

>Ouhi: Quickly now. No one will see us if we use this corridor.
>Ouhi: The paralysis after using Ascension... The fewer people there are who know about this weak point, the better.
>Kazuya: Y-yes.
>Ouhi: We have this bath all to ourselves, so take your time and clean her up thoroughly. I shall stand watch.

sfx: *slump*
sfx: *tighten*
>Kazuya: Are you sure, Sunao...
>Sunao: Kotetsu can't move either. This is the only way.
>Kazuya: Okay...

sfx: *slide*
>Sunao: Ggh...
sfx: *sliiide*

>Sunao: Why start from the bottom...
sfx: *tug*

sfx: *jiggle*
>Sunao: Kazuya...
>Sunao: You seem awful used to this.
sfx: *gulp*
>Kazuya: Ehh?! Ahaha, do I?
Text: It's Kiriha's fault...
Text: Kiriha, you should change out of your uniform.
Text: Ah, what a pain. Do it for me, Kazuya.
Text: Sheesh...

>Kazuya: Um... It'd be dangerous for me to carry you with the blindfold on, so...
>Sunao: Oh well, looks like you have to take it off!
>Kazuya: Up we go...
>Kazuya: Ohhh, this feeling of soft meat all over my back...!!
sfx: *press*
sfx: *pull*
>Sunao: Mmmnngghh! Too deeeep!!
sfx: *squish*

Tfw want to participate in threads but scared of unspoilered spoilers from the stream that is 3 chapters ahead.

Whats up with the timezones of the translator, sometimes its 10pm now its 10am UTC

>Sunao: Fingers!
>Sunao: Fingers!!
>Kazuya: Ahh! Sorry!
sfx: *plop*
>Sunao: Ahh.
>Kazuya: Was... the front okay?
>Sunao: They weren't as deep there...
>Sunao: Er, what are you making me say?!!

>Kazuya: Sunao, I'm setting you down...
>Sunao: Mmm...
sfx: *jolt*
sfx: *spread*

This is the more convenient time for me right now, that's all.

I do wish Kazuya would stop being embarrassed by now. It's been done a bit too many times by now.
There, sunao has the right expression. "oh well who cares".

sfx: *gasp*
>Sunao: Don't staaare!!
sfx: *blush*
>Kazuya: Oh right, the blindfold!
sfx: *pull*
>Kazuya: Uhhh, you're over...
>Kazuya: Here!
>Sunao: My boobs!!
sfx: *grope*
>Kazuya: Gaaaah! Sorry! Oh dear!
sfx: *slip*
sfx: *tumble*
>Sunao: Eek!

>Kazuya: Sunao, are you okay?
>Sunao: Mmph! Mmph!
>Sunao: Mmmmmpphhh!!
>Kazuya: Ahh! What's this strange sensation?!
>Sunao: Mmph! Mmph!
>Sunao: Mmmmph!
>Ouna: You are really going at it.
sfx: *clatter*

>Link to our website: tsugumo.moe
You should make it so the download link is in the post preview.

>cursed child/tsukumogami/goddes/once every thousand years talent
I wonder how many weird stuff Kazuya could pile on his descendants if he becomes a gigolo like his mom.

>Ouna: Sorry to interrupt your fun, but I would like to "pick up where we left off".
>Kazuya: Eh- umm... Restoring her spirit power with my "heavy touch"... Is that what you mean?
Text: See Ch. 101
>Ouna: Yes. Shall we call it "spirit intercourse"?
>Ouna: It did not go well last time, but
>Ouna: That may have been because Sunao was already filled to the brim with spirit power.
>Ouna: But right now, she's empty!
Text: Empty.

>Ouna: I think there is value in testing ways to
>Ouna: Eliminate Ascension's weak point!
Text: There is certainly value...
Text: I can feel the possibility, because...
Text: Since I lost my energy, being touched by Kazuya has felt...
Text: Incredibly...
Text: Incredibly...

>Sunao: G-got it. I'll try.
>Ouna: Oh, she approves.
>Ouna: Here, use this.
sfx: *poof*
sfx: *lift*
sfx: *thump*
>Sunao: Wai- What's with this pose?!

>Ouna: Kazuya, this blindfold won't do.
>Kazuya: Ehh?!
>Sunao: Ehh?!
>Ouna: It is important for the spirit intercourse that both of you feel pleasure.
>Ouna: Keep your eyes open and enjoy.
>Ouna: Now, look closely!
sfx: *spread*
>Sunao: Noooo!
>Ouna: Deep inside!
sfx: *open*
>Ouna: Oh, she's already prepared to greet you.
Text: Aaaaaah!

Text: Oh.
>Ouna: You're all fired up as well, Kazuya.
sfx: *rub rub*
>Kazuya: Ah! Ah!
>Ouna: Okay, you two are in top form.
>Ouna: Let us begin [b]spirit intercourse[/b]!
sfx: *wham*
sfx: *panic*
sfx: *gasp*x3

Tomboy and granny best

>Ouna: If you don't keep up the pace, I shall intervene with [b]this[/b].
sfx: *pile up*
>Kazuya: Eeeek!
>Kazuya: O- Okay, here I go.
>Sunao: Mm...
sfx: *grope*
>Sunao: Ooooooh!
>Sunao: Ahhh! Oooh!
sfx: *slide*
>Sunao: Mm! Mmmm!
>Sunao: What theeee-
>Sunao: I can't control my voice!

>Ouna: Heey!
sfx: *grip*
>Kazuya: Haaaa?!
>Ouna: How long are you going to keep toying around with her butt flab?
sfx: *squeeze*x2
>Ouna: There's a desperate someone quivering with anticipation right next door!
Text: Ah! Ah!
>Kazuya: Ehhh?
>Kazuya: Desp... desperate someone?
>Sunao: I'm not desperate!
>Ouna: Now, hurry up! If you don't...
sfx: *clench*
>Kazuya: I'll do it! I'll do it!
sfx: *plop*
>Sunao: Ahhhhhnn!

>right next door!
This seems weird choice of words to refer to sunao.

>Ouna: I see, I see, you're desperate as well.
sfx: *squeeze*x2
Text: Ooh! Ooh! Ooooh!
sfx: *squish*x3
>Sunao: Ah! Ahh! Ahhhhhn!
sfx: *gasp*x3
>Kazuya: Miss Ouna! I'll do it properly, so stop with your hand!
sfx: *squeeze*x4
>Ouna: What are you talking about? Your pleasure has to be heightened too, Kazuya.
>Ouna: That being said, there's still not enough drive to it. Let us try changing positions.
>Kazuya: Whaa?!
sfx: *wrap*
>Sunao: Ahh!

sfx: *flop*
>Ouna: Now it's time for the boobs!
sfx: *grab*
>Kazuya: Y-yes.
>Sunao: Ahn!
sfx: *squeeze*x2

Just "right in front of you" instead then.

>Sunao: Oo... oooooooh.
sfx: *squeeze*x2
>Sunao: Aa... aaaaaaah.
sfx: *squeeze*x2
>Sunao: F... feels gooood... and...
sfx: *squeeze*x4
>Sunao: Kazuya's... is touching my lower back...
sfx: *hiss*
>Ouna: Oh my...
>Ouna: Somehow, it's working!

Text: Just like the in-and-out of the genitals
Text: The in-and-out flow of spirit power may be accompanied by strong pleasure.
sfx: *gasp*x2
Text: Especially for the one on the receiving end!
>Ouna: Now, Sunao's perfectly posed to receive it. Time to top off her spirit power in one go, Kazuya.

>Ouna: Okay, do it! Here!!
>both: Ehhh?!
sfx: *grab*x2
>Kazuya: Ah- ah- this is...!
sfx: *squish*x3
>Sunao: Ah! Ah! Ahhhh!
Text: Ahhhhhhh!
sfx: *jerk*x2

sfx: *gasp*x4
>Kazuya: Ah... wet herself...
Text: Ah... Ah...
sfx: *trickle*
>Ouna: She reached the climax in both body and spirit.
>Sunao: Th... that's because you keep messing around...
sfx: *pow*
>Ouna: Ohh, she moved! The spirit intercourse is a success!!
sfx: *splash*
Text: Tight...

>Kazuya: Thank you, Miss Ouna. Being able to eliminate the weak point after Ascension is a big help.
>Ouna: Ho ho ho, don't mention it.
>Ouna: Just repay me with your body sometime.
sfx: *hug*
>Kazuya: Ah! Ah!
>Sunao: Hold it...
>Ouna: Even so, you're still not perfectly normal right after the spirit intercourse.
>Sunao: Ah. Yeah, you're right.
>Sunao: So I'll need to observe how I recover from here on out, then.

>Kazuya: I disappeared without a word... I wonder if Kyouka's going to be angry?
>Kazuya: Oh.
>Kazuya: From Mayoiga... Shinobu, was it?
>Shinobu: Kagami Kazuya.
>Shinobu: We need to talk.
Text(magazine): Next issue, the curtain opens on the final battle... Kazuya VS Madarai!!!

And that's the end of this chapter. Sorry about the weird time, hopefully next month I can do it at a more normal hour.

God bless you user. I didn't get a chance to donate before Christmas but I'll try to help you out after I pay off my classes

Great as always, thanks.

I love how hype this announcer girl gets.

Godly notporn.

Thank you very much. Keep up the great work.

>Text(magazine): Celebrating 10 years of serialization!!!
Does anyone know who owns the English language rights for this manga? Or are they floating?

>The ultra-mysterious outsider exorcist
And future resident unwilling man-whore temple master.

Two volumes were published by JManga, but now it's dead.

Me thinks Mangaka-san fucked up here. As she has no strength at that moments whatsoever.

Would he even be able to carry her like that?
How did he get her down?

(I guess she walked into the back room and onto his back before her strength left her.

Don't fear spoilers. If anything they make things better when you finally get there.

>There, sunao has the right expression. "oh well who cares".
More like: He will marry me, one way or another.

>Ouna: Let us begin [b]spirit intercourse[/b]!
I wonder what would happen if they actually fuck at this point.

So is the one on the last panel a guy or girl

Kazuya will break and fuck every non-blood related female he knows, won't he.

>Tsugumomo was started because the Author was initially disappointed in the ending of Omamori Himari. It needed to go further.

>Granny gives sex education/marriage training

He already had skinship with his sister

Doesn't tell me the current status of the rights.

My fucking god, this whole chapter.

It's the
>Somehow, it's working!
that gets me. She was clearly just arranging this for her own amusement and the fact that it's actually helping is a convenient thing that means she'll be able to make it happen again in the future.

That's because I have no idea. Maybe JManga still has it or it died when they died. Your guess is as good as mine.

>every non-blood related

Like that would stop him. His sister and his mother's cold possessed corpse are all in line for the dick. It's only a matter of time.
All the tsugumomo/amasogi he makes could also be considered a part of him in a way as well, they're basically just tulpas with the ability to affect the world around them so he's already well on his way.

many thanks user


Best thing is: They wouldn't care to answer some random user.

>10 years

I wonder how old Yoshi is now.

I guess no-one ever scanned the JManga ones? Or maybe no-one saved it, since it was published online, apparently.

>Those practiced movements
Kiriha taught him well

Thanks user.

He's at least 10 years old.

holy shit

Thank you very much my dear user

I don't believe it was ever mentioned explicitly.

Thanks as always

This chapter


Thank you for your hard work.

>skim through images
>over half are spoilered

i hope it's translated and on a website before the day is done

I never understood why people spoiler nsfw images. Theres no rule saying you should do that.

>no censor on the cunny

>Theres no rule saying you should do that
Yeah, but mods are still retarded.

just because of retard mods, the fact that tons of autists look at Sup Forums in the presence of others so nsfw images are hidden and not in the open

Thanks for the monthly threat user.

He can't keep getting away with it!

Sunao is pretty much confirmed to be his legal wife at this point. There's literally no way she's not. She probably knows it too which is why she's not really that bothered at all he stuff Kazuya is doing this chapter.

Omamori Himari did need to go further. It ended too soon.

Did this series ever come back from the full retard that was the flashback arc and the lead up to it? I dumped it into my hiatus pile a few chapters into that shit and haven't checked back in since.

She still can die.

And as long as I'm asking questions, was this the series where it's revealed in a side chapter that the girl the MC likes the most is his gender-bent dream self? Or am I thinking of something else?

We're right at the end of the tournament arc, if that tells you something.

It tells me it has a tournament arc, which bodes ill for any series that isn't YYH.

tournament arc about to end, stream revealed alot of interesting things about the next two chapters. also the last fight was pretty nice too
just catch up with the current chapter, I think it might be worth it now
>And as long as I'm asking questions, was this the series where it's revealed in a side chapter that the girl the MC likes the most is his gender-bent dream self? Or am I thinking of something else?

This one hasn't been too bad. Mostly because it's just gonna be nine different 1v1 fights, a fair few of which got handled offscreen anyway. There's no second round bullshit or rivals in the opposite bracket or "getting to the final".

Why don't those people use "@"? It irritates me so much.

Good lord this chapter.

So their comments won't be read by his TTS.

And I misread your post, I'm a fucking retard.

Yoshi really was pent up on the lewd. Thanks for the TL.

was it rape?

No, she enjoyed every second of it.

Made a folder with lewd stream screencaps yesterday.
Not all are my screencaps btw.