>hey guys, remember Pokemon?
>that's it. That's the joke.
How low of an IQ do I need in order to find this show funny?
>hey guys, remember Pokemon?
>that's it. That's the joke.
How low of an IQ do I need in order to find this show funny?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm pretty sure the joke here is "look how fucking stupid these things look."
Fucking hilarious.
You obviously don't get it. There's no use explaining it to an ironic weeaboo like you.
is an unironic weeaboo defined as someone who likes reference humor? Are "real" weeaboos' favorite TV show Big Bag Theory?
It's an anime based on a manga strip series with unfunny gags, what the fuck did you expect?
Have you ever seen any of those said strips getting posted here any time before?
this is nostalgia not asking your IQ dipshit
How edgy do you have to be to not have even the faintest sense of humor?
Remember when is the lowest form of conversation
Truly they were, a Pop Team Epic.
>watching some reactions on youtube to see what normies think of this
>they actually clapped at this scene
Youtube reactions never again
i rofl'd so hard at the fidget spinner xd
Tony stop posting on Sup Forums
This was pretty funny, admit it.
The only good part of Pop Team Epic was literally the part that wasn't Pop Team Epic, Hoshiiro Girldrop.
This one was nice just because it was unexpected, and was technically a joke. The references to video games like Skyrim and Pokemon were not jokes, though. Just fucking references.
Those references weren't meant to be jokes, they're part of the set-up leading to the Kadokawa committee punchline.
Dumb anime-only fags.
The show having no pacing whatsoever in its jokes and just bombarding you with random shit is really unfunny.
I really like bkub's manga but the way the anime handle comedy is really bad.
It's exactly the same as the manga.
which is a bad thing because anime isn’t manga
You missed the overall joke. I can't explain it to you, because then you'd use it as the new question of "that's the joke".
This but hold the irony.
No it's not, this show simply doesn't work as an anime or it should've been handled differently.
>anime differs from the source material
hurr they aren't faithful to the original, it's shit!
>anime is a faithful adaptation
hurr this doesn't work as an anime!
Another fun thread for me to laugh at niggers and spics, whose brains are too undeveloped to comprehend surrealistic thought and anti-humor, implode from rage and failure to grasp the masterpiece that is Pop Team Epic.
Dance for me, monkeys.
>u just don't get it!!!
Let me guess, you have an IQ of 150?
>Sup Forums is one person
He's right though. Poptepipic was never supposed to be funny. At least not in a way it makes you laugh. If you think otherwise, you're the one pretending.
>it's actually not supposed to be funny!!!
Getting desperate now.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ level to understand Pop Team Epic! The humor is extremely dense, and without a solid grasp of western pop culture and some animes most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Pop Team's post-modern outlook, which is deftly woven into its direction - its two second long references draw heavily from Skyrim video games, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of dumb jokes that are not funny on purpose, to realize that they're not just funny after all- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Plebbit Turd Ebin truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in changing the dub half way through which itself is a cryptic reference to the deep problem of anime having low budgets way too often. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as this genius unfolds on my Kiss Anime stream. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I have already preordered the BD. And no, you cannot see the screenshot. It's for my waifu' eyes only
The best version so far
You fucking ignorants, you absolute morons! Do I have to teach how to appreciate this gem of humor, this CROWN JEWEL of comedy? I take it as a yes so listen carefully you literal children. This. Show. Is. Smart.I've seen only one episode, but I can assure you that this show is a masterpiece. And trust me, I can recognize a work of art when I see one. Want to know how? It's simple you donkey, by the amount of references. The more references show has the smarter it is. If you don't know this rule then you should leave this place and educate yourself you fucking imbecile. And one more thing - if I ever see one more of those "clever" and "snarky" comments about how Pop Team Epic is "reddit" then let's just say you will not live through the night. Don't feel threatened, feel warned.
Most people are only about as smart as rpg town NPCs. That's why awful shit like this always makes money
They actually did it. They actually fucking made an anime about Reddit. No dog whistles, no allusions, just pure straight Reddit pleb shit. Every fucking line is a meme. EVERY SINGLE ONE. There isn't one joke or quote in this series that wouldn't get you at least 50 upvotes. If you plan on voting for Bernie Sanders this show is for you. If you own a fedora this show is for you. If you like taking turns with your girlfriend getting rammed in the ass by imported black cock this show is for you. If you're a normal fucking person who votes Republican and enjoys anime about ideas, characters, and interesting settings this piece of shit show is not for you and given the fact that there are no series like that anymore because critics and audiences can't get enough meme CGDCT shit you're better off just finding another hobby or killing yourself.
Fuck Reddit, fuck memes, and fuck whoever likes this anime.
the americlap meme is real
>I'm playing Super Mario on a poorly coded Nintendo 64 emulator
Yet faggots on here will defend this garbage because it's Japanese and "it's okay guys it was supposed to be bad and unfunny xD"
I can't believe people are getting legit angry at this
People always need something to be angry at.
About 150.
It's pretty low, I agree, but that's what's needed.
That wasn't the joke.
The short one was in a scientists' tube having a fever dream full of games references that lead to the shocking truth that evil scientists are actually Kadokawa representatives trying hard to be trendy with spinners. That's the joke.
Judge the whole sketch and not the part of it.
This show is what Sup Forums needed to have its final breakdown. I wish I had popcorn everytime I see one of these threads. I used to post to defend the show but just reading everyone's posts is too damn entertaining. If nothing else it occupies me at work.
Man, he must be one sad cunt then.
They actually did it. They actually fucking made an anime about Sup Forums. No dog whistles, no allusions, just pure straight Sup Forums retardation and hypocrisy. Every fucking line is bait. EVERY SINGLE ONE. There isn't one joke or quote in this series that wouldn't get you at least 50 (you)s. If you plan on making fun from wanna-be special snowflakes while being one yourself this show is for you. If you lie about not owning a fedora this show is for you. If you like taking turns with your ego getting butthurt by how popular a piece of media has become this show is for you. If you're a normal fucking person who enjoys media and likes to discuss it with others and doesn't sperg out when he hears an opinion that doesn't feed his ego and fit his narative this glorious piece of (japanese) animation is not for you and given the fact that there are no people like that anymore because they're either ultra-tumblr tier special snowflakes or their equally annoying hypocritical counterpart that pretty much shares their same attributes and likes to believe they're the internet underground and that their cabal controls how people interact on the world wide web.
Fuck Sup Forums, fuck the circlejerking anonymous hivemind, and fuck whoever wrote this pasta.
Isn't that part of the joke of the "committee" cramming in as much pop culture bullshit to Popuko until Pipimi has to get her out, which in turn became a pop-culture joke in itself, and after that, being panned out to said "committee" being the actual anime committee, trying to sabotage the adaptation in itself?
Reminder that these are all bullshit Popuko and Pipimi made up in a playground. It is suppose to be childish shit.
Comedy gold
I sincerely don't understand the appeal of this show either.
The only one that got me was the Chrono Trigger reference, because of how subtle it was
You have to have a high power lv to get it. You clearly dont get it.
A real weeb's favourite anime is CitH, and in full subbed glory, haha XD
Big Bang Theory is legit comedy genius compared to this though.
Nah, it's shit. It has to have some reference to some dead Russian for maximum pretense.
the joke is making her look like the pokemon with minimal changes to the character design, op
No, the joke is that the pokemon professor got the same Seiyou as in the actual series
You need big 85 iq to understand the gooder and nicer than normal jokes in this anime
idiots wont understand
The sheer amount of shitposting this anime generates is simply amazing
>being excited about Sup Forums turning into Sup Forums lite
> be me
> go into ep1
> opening is a generic anime
> exit out and look all around thinking I downloaded the wrong one
> re download
> open again
> same shit
> wait a few days for new release with correct file
> nothing
> fuck it I'll skim through
> mfw they successfully trolled me
Congratulations. You have a sufficiently low IQ to understand Pop Team Epic.
I'm pretty sure the joke here is that she's hitting a mass reset button to keep starting different skits but not finishing any.
Those were all part of the same joke you fucking mouthbreather. The villains were forcing in dumb references to pander to a dumb audience.
You have a low IQ of 10 points. The reason for the references was to create a complex narrative about dragons.
He first started off with Pokemon. There was Charmander (dragon) in it. Pokemon hatch from eggs.
The next skit had two eggs with one hatching into a dragon. This second skit was key to allowing the high 130+ IQ viewers to realize what the animators were trying to do when they made these consecutive skits have such an obvious pattern.
The next skit had a Behilit (represents an egg) that gives birth to demons (metaphor for dragons) that Guts kills with the Dragonslayer.
The final skit showed Skyrim, the greatest series in the universe which is about dragons.
I wouldn't expect a low IQ retard like you to understand this superb show though. Kill yourself.
>There are people on Sup Forums who didn't like Super Milk Chan
So it's the Big Bang Theory of anime?
Can anyone explain the reset marathon joke to me?
No, BBT created to make stupid people feel clever and full of pseudo-intellectual humour. PPT created to make otaku laugh and packed with clever jokes.
> IQ 50 - 85
Hahahahaha funny show
> IQ 85 - 110
Only dumbasses like this. Total shit unfunny
> IQ > 110
> having sufficient IQ to be able to manipulate your brain to enjoy simpler things
Hahahahaha funny show
This joke is already dated unless fidget spinners are just now coming to Japan.
Literally this
That's not a narrative, that's just a long reference to dragons
>haha remember skyrim?
>wow don't you like pogeymon?
>lmao fidget spinner! didn't expect that!
what a smart anime
So it has no entertainment value whatsoever? Protip: comedies are meant to be funny
What's the latest show Sup Forums meme you into watching and you were there rightfully watching shit?
For me? it was this.
Executive Meddling
my iq 33 what my reaction
Hoping we get more of Hoshiiro Girldrop.
No its not. Its a cringe show for Political Correct people.
Pipimi is playing a mobage and is rerolling to get a better character from the starter Gacha roll.
There's no punchline, it's part of the Kadokawa committee sequence.
The anime itself is a shitpost. People are ironically defending a show that's ironically terrible.This is getting too meta for me.
Which part of the word "compared" and the general idea of contrasting in argumentation eludes the single-digit IQ festering shitheap that you call your brain?
(you) 0 - 1 bkub
lmaoing @ your life fampai
Episode 2 ETA?
February 29, 2018
This is just a failure of the studio to adapt the comics unique sense of comedy
Poptepipic's takeover of animu and mango has already begun.
Will they actually animate this?
Pipimi suggesting Popuko to kill herself might be a bit too much for television wouldn't it
Are you sure the list doesn't say to use the gun to murder anyone who doubts their love?