This is creepy af, how can anyone watch this unironically?
This is creepy af, how can anyone watch this unironically?
Because it's awesome
How does one even get in that sort of situation?
I got upset when she cut off her ponytail.
Watch the anime
Because they aren't from reddit or tumblr.
They watch it using their eyes, user.
I watch it with my dick
This is Nisio's best work. His editor had to convince him to release it because it was only written as basically fanfiction to lewd his own characters for himself. Then out of all material SHAFT had to work with, they fucking picked it. The fact it even exists is a miracle of the universe. Get out.
>this is creepy af
Go back to tumblr, faggot.
ironic weebs from reddit love it
>he never brushed his sister's teeth
What a faggot.
You mean hot af
>creepy af
Go back where you came from or better, kill yourself.
They got past being 12y old.
Don't worry, I watch all my anime ironically
when i saw it for the first time it wasn't creepy, i had a big virgin dick boner and i still have it
Araragi asked for consent not only for the hygienic game of toothbrushing but also for what came after that. It shows that despite his rapist tendencies he can respect his sister and that resulted in a beautiful bond that lasted years. Nothing creepy about that.
>watch this unironically?
As opposed to watching it ironically? What the fuck does that even mean? Do you even know the meaning of words you vomit onto your computer screen?
don't take internet posts too serious. many of them written by that brainless feelguy copy irl
The monogatari seires is actually a very intelligent series that reflects upon the nature of human relationships, which I doubt most of you reading this would understand. The brushing of the teeth is actually a reference to Sun Tzu's Art of War; more pacifically the part that states, "Those that succor to the left will be weak to the right." Araraki brushes all parts of her mouth in order to make sure that no bacteria is able to strike any undefended tooth. Obviously, this was probably lost on many of you vermin, who most likely have an iq lower than 140. it is shows like this that bifurcates the plebs from the intelligent intellectuals.
Weekend is fast approaching again, you should just disregard shit like this until monday.
normos get out
The only movies worth watching are all creepy "af" can't help it either.
>they haven't heard of ironically watching things
How new?
>if I play the newfag card, maybe others will forget about my reddit vocabulary
>How new?
You seriously believe that will work?
Wow im gay for rrrgi
>How new?
Pretty new I guess, I've only been here since 2011. But this "ironic watching" meme has exploded quite recently and it's most prevalent on weekends and during school holidays just like all shitposting.
I want to ______________________ Karen
>How new?
The fact that you’re asking that shows how new you really are
So I can't ask how new someone is anymore? Didn't see that anywhere in the rules.
Quality thread, guys.
Why would you even expect anything better with an op like that
That scene is amazing.
Fuck off, faggot
>but he was merely pretending
fuck off
>This is creepy af, how can anyone watch this unironically?
It's harem shit, the kind of people that watch it like that kind of stuff.
You mean it's fucking hot
This is one of those extremely rare cases of fanservice done right.
I wondered if karen and araragi fucked on the side in his adult life as a cop.
He probably plowed the bee when he broke up with crab multiple times.
You can but it makes you look stupid when you're newfriend yourself. That thing really is apparent to people who have been here longer than you. At least lurk a bit if you want to pose as an oldfag.
Good thing I'm not then
That scene is what gave me the imouto fetish.
That's all what her character can provide
>How can anyone watch the purest form of love happening unironically
I don't understand your question, OP.
yeah this show was complete shit
You mean hot, right?
In my headcannon, Araragi fucks everyone, including his sisters.
Bets do happen.
Karen is pure!
Karen is the worst sister.
She's basically the only sister, you filthy NBRfag
You'd be amazed at what you can watch after you get over your insecurities.
I love Karen's body
It's an awful harem anime with a fake deep plot and style. The only people who like this are turbo virgins who want to fuck their sister because no one else wants to even look at them.
>that projection
>defending garbage
>calling my favorite anime garbage
If this is your favorite then you might have some issues to work on user
>uses a reddit series
I've seen it called a Sup Forums series, a Sup Forums series, a Sup Forums series, and a reddit series. Make up your mind already.
Defend this!
And these!
By not being an Homosexual faggot, it's one way.
Yeah, how dare those Japanese guys use their local symbols in their works
Not gonna lie. It's a very fetishistic anime. Maybe people enjoy this kind of stuff? Nothing's wrong with being a pervert or liking cute girls.
Tsukihi's body is 100% blood related.
Nii-chan u mirin'?
Nadeko is so fucking cute.
thanks for the gif motherfucker
>all these wal-mart shopping weebs supporting this shit.
>This is hot af
mate with tsukihi and
Which girl has best feet?