What the FUCK was her problem?

What the FUCK was her problem?

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time meguca

All these underwear headgear posters... Her love is pure and not at all ecchi!

she is a selfish cunt that doesn't respect the wishes of others including the ones she claims to love. awful person, the type leads to a toxic relationship

>rejected law of cycles from taking her
>rewrote the universe
>became evil
>madoka would still remember what happened
>says that she would soon be her enemy because of that
>sayaka still remembers
>jumps off of cliff
Conclusion is that she is mentally ill.

Every Madoka thread has to be about Homura nowadays, eh? M-maybe I just want to discuss Kyouko's eating habits...

Question for you. If your friend decided to commit suicide, would you respect his wish and let him do it?

Yes, maybe. But rejecting law of cycles from taking her and rewriting the universe was reasonable.

Lesbians are evil and will ruin your life.

Just to be exact, she didn't really commit suicide at the end of Rebellion. This would make no sense.

Also, it is not much of a breakthrough to say that she is mentally ill after events of MSMM. Who wouldn't be?


>Question for you. If your friend decided to commit suicide, would you respect his wish and let him do it?

thats not a comparable analogy, its more like if she decided to live abroad and live her friends and family behind but like a selfish ass hole I broke her legs and locked her in my basement. which is hot but still wrong

Pretty much this, and it’s the only logical conclusion to the franchise. Unfortunately, that would alienated the vast majority of the fanbase, so the producers and committee are twidling their thumbs wondering how the fuck they can end this sensibly without betraying yurifags.

Disagree. I will bring my usual argument. Episode 12, Mami says that what Madoka is about to become will make her fate worse than death. Madoka doesn't disagree, instead she says she's ready for it. So we know that it is painful to be Madokami, collecting grief for all eternity and paying for decisions of other magical girls.

Homura says she will not allow one girl to suffer for everyone, that's not fair. Yes, she is selfless and all fired up. She is also very naive and is doing something worse than suicide.

>Homura says she will not allow

It is not her decision to make and saying its worse than suicide is subjective as some would see actually dying worse than an eternity of suffering.

She’s disrespecting Madoka’s decision and shitting all over it. Homura is a dumb crazy bitch that needs to be put down.

Ep10: madoka literally asks homura to prevent all of this and her stupid decision

With the limited knowledge she had, her actions are justifiable. It was morally ambiguous. If Godoka wakes up she's probably fucked though.

Since Madoka can't revert her wish by herself whenever she feels she doesn't like it anymore, Homura was the only one with any capability for making decisions. Also, Homura is mad at herself for going against Madoka's will, that's where her self loathing and calling herself Evil comes from. Yet she made better decision than you would have.

This is a dumb one, but I'll reply. It is not confirmed (and will most likely never be) that Homura has sexual feelings for Madoka.

She is talking about becoming a Mahou, the Madoka we know from the series has embraced her decision.

Yeah but how is Homu supposed to know that?

Angsty Lesbian brought over the edge by obsessive love.

This is a template thread. lets see if the mods will delete a thread of their beloved madoka

Because she already witnessed Madoka’s wish in the final timeline. There’s no excuse other than Homura being batshit.

But Madoka only did the wish out of desperation. Homu had a chance to make things right, and she did.

Your entire defense now is making up a head canon on how Madoka feels to justify Homuras actions.

Its never gonna happen because yurifags but a logical route would be if Mami and Sayaka somehow break Madoka free or revert back memories to everyone or some shit. Itd be like a couple of friends rescuing their friend from an abusive relationship.

Being a giant bitch who doesn't exist

Did we watch the same show? It was pure confidence on Madoka’s part, and that’s all that matters. She went away with a pure and loving smile, unlike the despair filled end she got in previous timelines.

My entire defense is based on my first message where I ask "is it okay to let your friend commit suicide?"

Sometimes, you have to put some sense into a friend like that, you know?

Frankly there's no saying whether what Homura did was right or wrong. Maybe Madoka would have agreed with Homura wanting to take the burden for her and remake the universe so Incubators would be the despair generator. But even if she didn't agree, what Homura did still wouldn't necessarily be wrong. Madoka took her own decision, but so did Homura, and if suicide by godhood is a valid decision, then both are right and the only matter is who will seize the power to do it.

What makes Homura wrong is if she did that with no regards to the fate of the universe and the other people. Which is unknown to this day, Homura played up her devil act so we can't say how benevolent or malevolent she has been all this time.

I like to think she did it out of pure selfishness, as opposed to Madoka's endless devotion, which would mean Homura did something good for the wrong reasons and bring a balance between altruism and individualism, which seems to be one of Madoka's main themes.

Homura did nothing wrong!

and like I said, its a bad analogy as she isn't actually dead. You can try to argue its a fate worse than death and then argue that its morally wrong to allow someone to live that way even if it means stripping them of their free will. a lot of people would rather die than being deprived of their free will.

We also have to start weighting the lives of the people they affected. madoka rewrote the the lives of people on earth as a last resort to save them, homura rewrote their lives for her own selfish motives.

What is this? I'm only used to answering childish meme statements in these threads, why are you suddenly like this?

Homura's face and words when she grabbed Madoka sort of suggests an evil selfish intent. On the other hand, she made it clear that what she wanted was happiness for Madoka, AND she knew she wouldn't be able to have a healthy relationship with her in the new universe (the reason for half-moon and jumping off cliff), so it is not immediately clear what's so good in Homura's decision for Homura. I see it as altruistic at least a little bit, not pure selfishness.

Also there was Kyubey's threat. But Homura did bring it upon by herself telling them everything.

Well, since non of this is clear, you cannot say she made bad decision, right? A controversial decision I will agree with,

Kyubey, that was what. Anyone who put Kyubey under the locks are automatically good girls who did nothing wrong. It's like Hitler and Communism, if you know what I mean.

I fucking love perverted Homu

There were actual discussion threads until about 2013-2014. If someone's interested: archived.moe/a/thread/98050870

By now all of it has been talked about to death, which is why I don't expect serious replies to my posts.

Too bad the next movie is not coming any time soon with all the money-making from games. Especially if there are plans to end the story tragically, it will surely ruin their milking capabilities (like if everyone dies, what side story for a game can you build on top of that?).

Here's a webm of lonely Homu in her new universe: my.mixtape.moe/zohwtw.webm


>Here's a webm of lonely Homu in her new universe: my.mixtape.moe/zohwtw.webm (embed)

I thought it was gunna be animated at least. Nope. Just a picture with music

Sorry to disappoint you. It's expressive enough for me.


I am Akemi Homura. Ask me anything.

Why were you so obsessed with pink girl?


Can I please have sex with you?

Too gay to live

You're not Madoka. I am Madoka. Don't mimic me.

She did not kill $hinbo.

"The juicy Apple" flirts with "Madoka"! What will you do?

You can make love to "Madoka" instead of the dyke.

Have you ever masturbate before?