Let's talk about the miracle of the universe, Altair

Let's talk about the miracle of the universe, Altair.

second worst character after Meteora

i hate this series and yet i watched it all the way to the end

I love Altair

A character so shit it's considered a miracle.

Me too.

Could somebody like Kumagawa beat her by erasing all the creators?

Holopsicon is omnipotent. It's the beginning and the end of everything.


Altair is going to get all the girls!


What's that even mean? If she had an omnipotent power at her disposal she would be able to do anything she wanted from the beginning and just inmediately revive her creator GF

Altair's harem must grow.

I skipped from 12 to 20 the other day because that's right when they set up the "we need to make the cinematic universe and have an epic final battle"

literally nothing happened except the blonde idiot and redhead died I guess, 8 episodes of literally nothing

altair just fucked off with her creators clone or something and meteor lady got stuck in the real world

this show had a great premise but boy did they fuck up the execution

shame because altairs character design is top fucking tier and the OP is pretty dope

>shame because altairs character design is top fucking tier
I think japs are addicted to wasting good character designs on shitty stories

The teeth girl was hotter.

Complain elsewhere plz thx
This is not a complaint thread

A cute


Not for lewd

Maybe she didn't realize she could just re:create Setsuna.

You missed on fourth wall breaks and you are not my dear brother.

>Thinking that you're waifu doesn't deserve the best of the lewds
You can choose not to be a philistine

What are those pouckes on her belt for?

Stick magazines