ITT: Post an Anime character and other anons describe what they probably smell like
ITT: Post an Anime character and other anons describe what they probably smell like
> buy expensive Egyptian cotton sheets
> wash in pure alpine springwater
> leave to dry in the sun of the African veldt
> gather in at sunset
> hold to face and inhale deeply
> multiply by 9,000
This is the scent of Gabiru's 5 day old pantsu
candy and perfume
What did she smell like when she was with him?
A lot of sweaty musk.
Literally heaven.
Her hair, for instance, would smell incredibly good.
smells like used clothes
Like shit
Leather and dusty old books.
Gab would have really a nice strong musk to her, stinky armpits, musky unwashed hair and very fragrant panties that smell strongly of pee.
9 out of 10.
Body smells like oil, gunpowder and sweat, hair would smell nice and clean but not particularly strongly of any type of conditioner, just clean.
6 out of 10.
Smells strongly of perfume and other overpowering fragrances, can't smell any of her body odours even if she's been out catching demons. Hair smells strongly of fragrant shampoo and conditioner.
Clothes smell clean, but you'd be able to smell her strong body odour if she's been sweating, her tights would also smell very musky. Hair would smell washed, but not strongly of any shampoo or conditioning products.
>1/10 for Stocking
>faggot detected
She'd get a higher score if you could smell her, not just the shitty perfume products she uses.
poo poo pee pee
my semen
smells like dirty hair and sweat
Oil and gunpowder if she's been working with tanks all day. Strawberry shampoo if she just took a shower.
candy and murder