Did you notice how colonialist Violet Evergarden was?

Did you notice how colonialist Violet Evergarden was?

>post world war 1 early 1920s society
>victorian england
This guy surely knows his stuff.

>fake victorian

Do they EVER wonder about stuff that is not translated into Japanese?

>literally who twitter
Kill yourself and fuck off.

>literally who

>literal who twitter thread

Remember to report twitter shit that has nothing to do with authors or people directly working on anime or manga

Just because some literally who faggot posts something on twitter doesn't mean you need to repost it here, you humongous cockgoblin.
Fuck off.

this desu

Kill yourself already retard.

>Kyoani are teaboos obsessed with Empire

>victorian england
Yes, and?

Also it infantilizes women.

But Victorian England was imperialist. Hell, so was Japan back then.
What the hell are they even whining about? You don't just get to paint over the past when it doesn't suit you. Amor fati.

The absolute fucking state of Sup Forums

It's baffling how many people here refuse to challenge their perceptions about anime and to engage in meaningful discussion about it.

Go back to whatever tumblr shithole you've crawled from.

This is like posting random youtube comments.

>refuse to challenge their perceptions about anime
You mean like you do? This cuts both ways you know.

>some mongoloid's opinion on shitter
>meaningful discussion

A master scholar in the making

>waaaaahhhhh why won't they take the bait and turn the board into Sup Forums
Fuck off


Why do kyoanus show attract e-celeb cocksuckers so much

KyoAni is the only studio willing to explore serious concepts in their worKs.