Dragon Ball Super

So if 17 gets eliminated, do we consider it to be Gohan's fault for choking and not listening to him? It seems he will be since Gohan and Frieza are fighting Dyspo and Vegeta and Goku fight Jiren but no mention of 17 and Toppo. Curious. Maybe they will still be fighting in the background.

Also, reminder that the anime is the primary product because they ToP will be finished and moving to the island arc while the manga will just be finishing the recruitment. If the manga was the primary product, it would be coming out first and the anime would be basing it's storyboards on it. But the manga is clearly a promotional product meant to generate interest for the anime.
>ignores the entire arc of Frieza coming back for briefness so the get to the U6 tournament
That decision right there is all the proof you need because Toyo needed to get to that arc ASAP since the anime was already on it and he needed to generate buzz.

Gohan's fault 100%. This isn't even a debate.

I don't understand why dbfags are salty about the ToP. Everyone has done some cool shit besides Tien and really, who is unironically a Tienfag?

>who is unironically a Tienfag
Redditos and TFS normalfags


He goes blanco

Why the fuck would Frieza need Gohan's help against Dyspo anyway? Unless Dyspo has been hiding his power level, Frieza hasn't even gone golden yet and got caught off guard by being cocky. And there's no way I can buy 17 being able to 1v1 Toppo after the last episode.

Sometimes I can't figure out whether Toei loves this pairing or hates it.


17 actually damaged Toppo with a ki blast. Gohan fired a fucking Kamehameha at him and Toppo laughed. I could see 17 buying a couple of minutes for Gohan and Frieza to deal with Dyspo.

>hesitated to save Videl from getting her ass kicked by Spopovich
>hesitated to stop Buu from absorbing Gotenks
>now this
Why is this queer always hesitating to be useful?


>being a powerlevel fag

I think it depends on the writer but most of them seem to like it. They have gotten way more attention on being a couple then they had in Z, as proven over multiple episodes by different writers where their relationship was a major focus.

Was more like 17 got in a shot that stunned Toppo for a sec, unless 17 really has gone full gary stu and is somehow able to beat Toppo alone.

Because Dyspo is stronger than Frieza.

I hope he has a nice life after everything is done and dealt with...

It's par for the fucking course.


Maybe base Frieza but people shouldn't sleep on Dyspo. He was wrecking Hit for a little bit as well.

More like gaudy.

>power levels don't matter

>no one wants to talk about about my shitty pairing
>better samefag to save face

Spoilers for episode 124 as a reminder.

>hesitated to save Videl from getting her ass kicked by Spopovich
No he didn't. He had enough and was going to jump in despite everyone's protest, but Yamu told Spopovich to stop fucking around and end the match.

>Gohan's in big trouble

Am I the only one who thinks this character is cool as shit? It's about time we have a strong character who is actually ultra buff.

All I see is people mad that he's "boring" or "unoriginal". But sometimes less is more.

Is the fight more brutal in the manga?

>He had enough and was going to jump in
But he didn't and just by taking THAT long to take action about a huge muscular guy beating up his almost girlfriend already makes him incompetent.

Sometimes less is more, yes. But with Jiren, less is way, way less

Don't worry, mate these are just salty waifufags who can't digest the fact that their waifu didn't even make the to 10.

No matter how much they lie it won't change the fact that Gohan has simply outperformed them.

Didn't Hit have the exact same personality? At least Black was sexy and smug as fuck.

To be fair, the summary/preview made out like U7 was in trouble against U4 too, and we all know how that went.

I hope he gets pets and treats.

It's a fighting competition, he is there not to protect here.


His design is indeed unoriginal. outside of that I like him.

So what's YOUR headcannon?

>Android 17 getting KO because of Soyhan
No way TOEI will make everyone hate him more.

>missing teeth
>bleeding profusely
Jesus Christ and Tori's editors were cool with this?

Holy shit Toriyama's artstyle really dropped in Boo's arc

This arc has produced some solid fucking memes.

>gohan's friend getting brutally beaten like a ragdoll
>krillin and goku just tell him to relax
Is the Turtle school made up of sociopaths or something? I mean Goku I can understand, but Krillin too? I bet if that was 18 getting her ass brutally beat he wouldn't calm down either.

It doesn't matter, Spopovich was clearly too much for her and Gohan knew it.
But instead of being a man and doing something about this quickly, he decided to listen to his retarded manchildren friends.

is Jiren a U11 saiyan?

The virgin protoge vs the chad legend, almost finished. What do you guys think?

>18 getting brutally beaten
18 does the beating.

based Gohan, at last something good will come out of his jobbing


I think it isn't finished.

>No rematch vs gotenks
18 is lucky

I mean in the end they were right. He didn't actually kill her.

>implying 17 hasn't been the most base character here
>implying Gohan isn't the most JUST

Maximum/10, looks like you used pencil. Try going over it with some pen or marker and erase some of those smudges.

It's easy for Krillin to say that because he married a mechanical sex doll with incredible strength and infinite energy.
I guess they are all sociopaths who can't feel empathy.

I miss when Vegeta was short

Kefla a better legendary saiyan than both of them

18 would have fucked them up.

But he completely fucked her shit in front of him.
Would you be okay with someone doing that to your girlfriend?

Videl would have been against the help, Hard R

17 is jut plain shitty and bland, I can't wait to see him out of the series

How will you guys react if the reason for Gohan not blowing up Toppo was because he wasn't sure it would work and Freeza also needed his help the same time. He chooses to Save Freeza over 17 because 17 is the bigger jobber.

Base Kektenks destroys her

How old is Goku?

Bulma is 5 years old during Jaco the Galactic Patrolman, but Goku looks almost the same. Originally (early Dragon Ball), Bulma and Yamcha were 16, Krillin was 13 and Goku was allegedly 12, but given the longer infancy from saiyans, Son Gohan probably made a mistake in estimating his age.

In a sanctioned martial arts match? Yeah, so would she

You can't be serious
18 would've lost to fucking premystic jobhan and that says a lot

Obviously but then again I am not a fighter or have their code of honour and shit.

This is the same universe where Goku gave the senzu bean to a mass murderer in his fight against his son.

>Hit left a tear in the space-time continuum
>he will later use it to undo his erasure
>When Jiren is least expecting it Hit will do his job

Post handsome boys.


Best boy

>17 is jut plain shitty and bland.
That's just your opinion. Most people find him to be a cool yet funny guy who isn't a retarded fighting lover or a crybaby beta.


That's not cute boy, this is a cute boy.

Yeah this reminds me Rocky 4. He could've thrown in the Towel but he didn't do it unless it felt like if she was actually going to(and when it looked like he was going to kill her he decided to jump in).

This has been a common thing in DB people didn't butt in when piccolo was torturing Goku(and Like Gohan they only tried when it looked like he was going to die)

Read the last chapter of Jaco, "Dragon Ball Minus". Goku was 3 years old when he went to Earth and the Jaco manga take places 10 years before the start of the manga, so Goku was 13.
Which is funny because he said he was 13 but he made a mistake because he knww nothing about basic maths until he was trained by Roshi. He was right about his real age by being wrong about his estimated age

Again, that doesn't matter. The problem here is how much of a pussy Gohan was for not doing anything. If Videl is that retarded, then it was up to him, who is supposedly more down to earth than the other guys, to have some common sense and stop that shit.

Good taste.

You've clearly never dated a girl with a lot of pride and self worth

Have another screenshot user

He did go for it though, even when others were against it.

He is relatively grounded compared to those guys, Even when he was about to interfere they were stopping him.


Not my opinion, he just is.

And again you're ignoring context. It's a martial arts tournament not a picnic, and Gohan knows Videl well enough at this point the he knows interrupting would piss her off. She's a martial artist too after all. He only decided to finally interrupt when the match was going too far, and right at that second the other guy told Spopovich to stop fucking around and end the match.

Dubs speaks the truth. Gohan didn't want to interfere(unless it went way too far like her death).

Yes, it's your own personal opinion, faggot.

what a slut

Thanks, have a broly butt.

And he still obeyed them until it was too late.

Dubs speaks the truth. Gohan didn't want to interfere(unless it went way too far like her death).The rest of the Gang literally tried to stop him when Gohan decided to end it.

it's a fact

I notice we constantly see 18 in trouble but not actually "getting the shit beat out of her". Hell even Kale was getting Spopovitch'd by the crab guy. Why is that?

The match had been going too far for a while until he finally did something.

He gave up. He literally made a monster out of bubblegum to fuck with his editors.

>And he still obeyed them until it was too late.
Too late for what? You would've had a point if he went in too late to save her life but as others guessed there was no need.

Thanks I guess

she always needs to get her ass saved by someone, these androids are shitty as fuck

17 got his ass beat on a cellular level

Too late to be useful. I never said it was too late to save her life, the point is that he let Videl get her ass kicked that badly.

But 17 was in a position where he falls out anyway
People always forget the phrase "but..." in these previews
