Why does anime food look so delicious?

Why does anime food look so delicious?

2D food > 3D food

Anime is inherently romantic by nature, so it makes everything look good. People, places, food. It's looking at the world through the eyes of a little kid.

Sorry, what food? I can't see shit through all this fog.

I think you need to get your eyes checked.

Thank you Chitanda

Same reason food in advertisements looks delicious. It's not real; it's art specifically created to look delicious and make you want it.

I'll take a bite if you know what I mean

because you're a dumb burger who's never seen a healthy meal in his life?

I didn't get this. Has she never eaten fish before?

>Chopsticks, turkish pizza, tamagoyaki
What did they mean by this?

Who the fuck serves fish whole anyway

bread and soup or field rations.


I was waiting constantly for the food to slide off the plate from a slip of the hands


Most asian cultures

What is Mrs. Eru Oreki's favorite dish to make?

>read shokugeki no soma
>the plot is okay, but not something extremely good
>read on anyway because i need to see the next dish they'll make
>every time there's a cookoff i want to make something like that to eat
it's like some kind of self-flagellation. i wish there was more manga about cooking

>"western" anime setting
>staple food is always rice
>never potatoes, cereals or pasta

>what are military food rations

>never potatoes, cereals or pasta
Jesus no wonder you fucks are so fat.

Pineapple is the best pizza topping.

Well we don't have an endless supply of muslim semen to swallow

my BMI is 21, you dip

Everywhere when the fish is small enough for your plate.

>Not eating it directly from the can

Which uma delicia is that? gator?