Is it normal for parents to grope their children?

Is it normal for parents to grope their children?

You never had your mother handling your balls?

My mother used to touch my balls. Like, every week or so.

The fuck. Go call the cops.


No. Closest thing to that was something everyone in my house did. No one wanted to bend over, because there was no way you weren't going to get your ass smacked while it was up in the air. It sucked even worse when you were under something and you conked yourself in the head either getting spanked or trying to avoid it.

I do have a vague memory of when I was like 3, where I wanted to know what a vagina looked like and my mother showed me, but I'm sure that was just a nightmare. There's no way that happened. Hahahah.

>where I wanted to know what a vagina looked like and my mother showed me, but I'm sure that was just a nightmare

Don't you know? Sluts are girls who didn't experience enough physical human contact when growing up.

Based Cao Mengde

Yes, yes it is.

My mother has walked around naked in her house all my life. She's not hot though.

Yes. It's also normal for fathers to get raging boners from their daughters if they turn out well.

>There are anons here that never practiced making children with their mom

No wonder you anons turned out to be failures.

Oh boy here we go

Of course, the opposite is true as well.

Stop I can only do one at a time

I don't think she'll listen


I can say this here because it's anonymous, but my mother used to give me genital inspections.

She'd make me show her my vagina and then she'd prod around and say she was just "inspecting its health" or something.

Anyway she stopped doing it after I grew old enough to know that shit was weird and it's never been brought up again.

It's over user, I will treasure this forever
Fuck me that was a good one

Then make sure to treasure the best one of them all.

I can almost see how they start looking more and more retarded and inbred with every generation.



As long as their genders are opposite

As long as there's no more than 1 dick involved.


It's absolutely normal.

Ayyy the spambots return

I've seen like 5 of those in like 10 minutes, what is that scam about?


I am trying to cut back from it user, PLEASE.
One time is enough

The chicken lays an egg.

Between siblings is sort of normal, me and my sister would sometimes slap each others butt when the other was distracted

Is he immortal?

When is the hiatus ending?

>In all fairness, it's not normal for a guy to have a vagina

Who's the artist?