ITT: anime about true love

What is love, Sup Forums? I don't think it can be put in words, prove me wrong.

Is it even right to call this feeling "love"?

Maybe there is no such thing as love, and, therefore, there is no sorrow.

I wouldn't disagree if you called those feelings "stupid".

stop blogging, OP

True love is actually caring about image quality.

I don't want the thread to die before any kind of discussion happens. Also, how is this a blog, I'm trying to have a conversation.

Sorry user, I'll try harder now.


True love doesnt exist user.

This is the exact opposite of love.

Then what does?

Do you want a list of things that actually exist?

Tell me what exists out there which people mistake for true love.

All of this?

True love is replying even though your thread is shit.

Unless it's samefag.

True dat, if you didn't, I wouldn't know it was shit.


I don't understand.

A shame you seemed an honest man


Well, all the things I hold so dear turned back to whisper in my ear.

We know you cut off the stream part, faggot.

Would you rather I kept the slider?

The problem is that you stream at all
lurk more

My father died.

Stop posting Violet Evergarden

>What is love, Sup Forums?

understanding, and accepting.

idk, this was pretty romantic though