So even SMT was a retelling of Devilman?
Gotta remember pal Devilman is like 3 or 4 generations back and it was incredibly influential, wich leave a lot of contemporaneous cretors making echoes of it.
Fuck, now I want an SMT anime
he,allegedly, inspired:
kazuma kaneko
miyazaki (dark souls)
SMT III is basically devilman
You forgot Hideaki Anno.
The DDS games on PS2 as well, with the entire cast being Devilmen
There's a couple of ovas
The original Megami Tensei game was based off a series of novels called "Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei" originally released in 1986, almost fifteen years after Devilman was first started. The two series have some superficial similarities, but there's still a lot that's very different. The spin-off Persona series was also based loosely off of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, but most of the similarities are once again superficial.
Literally 2.
First one, the one you posted, is an inaccurate and badly written adaptation of an already badly written shlock book, namely the first of the Megami Tensei book trilogy.
The second one is an adaptation of some fujo spinoff manga, and it's the most fujo thing I've ever seen next to Kuroshitsuji.
>The spin-off Persona series was also based loosely off of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Underages please get the fuck out, seeing as you clearly started with Persona 3 and think JoJo invented personas.
One could argue that pretty much any story that involves demons and the apocalypse are pretty much based off the Book of Revelations. A demonic apocalypse scenario is really nothing unique, and Devilman was not the first series to use this concept.
enjoy your ban frogposter
>that list
Alright user. I'm sold that I need to digest all Devilman content I should. What do I need to watch/read.
Seimen Kongou was clearly vaguely inspired by Star Platinum.
People still get stopped by being banned nowadays? that's silly.
You're an A grade retard considering you made that leap just now.
Start with the original manga and go from there.
Jojo is older than persona. Persona 4 is blatantly a copy if part 4 down to settings and premise and characters types.
Even starting with Persona 3, it’s more based off Jung’s psychology than anything like JoJo. JoJo never really dabbled on shit like death of the self.
Will do. Is there any content not worth bothering with? Otherwise I'll end up just reading+watching everything.
Again, thanks for proving you started with Persona 3, or worse yet, 4.
1 and 2 have literally fuck all to do with JoJo and are explicitly inspired by Carl Gustav Jung's teachings exclusively as told by the series creator Satomi Tadashi himself, now please kill yourself.
Here you go, complete version of Devilman.
It's better than what you can find online, since this one actually includes all the extra pages from Deluxe and Revised Edition that scanlators never did. I did this shit myself over the course of this week.
>1 and 2 have literally fuck all to do with JoJo
Doesn't refute anything i said here Nice try
What you said only relates to Persona 4 and to lesser extent 3.
Persona wasn't such cancer before those games which is my point you underage cockmuncher.
Thanks user, you're doing god's or should I say devil's? work
The manga after the original are mostly kind of schlocky, but they're still entertaining. The original is the only thing that I think is absolutely essential, but there's no harm in reading the rest.
Don't read for your first time, though. The added pages are pretty lame, in my opinion.
>this one actually includes all the extra pages from Deluxe and Revised Edition
Fuck no, always see the revised version as something extra AFTER you've initialy read the originaly version.
I'm a neutralfag, fuck higher forces, humanity uber alles.
>having this much of a shit taste
They aren't added for no reason, the original manga ending was literally rushed and unfinished. This is entirely Go Nagai's own work that he himself explicitly wanted added.
Read this version after the original, even if they are nice expansion on themselves the gut punches of the original are crucial to understand the impact it actually had.
The revised version doesn't alter the gut punch at all though you fucking retard, you never even read it considering it didn't exist in English until I fucking made it this week.
>the original manga ending was literally rushed and unfinished
And it's better for it. The new pages might be good on their own merit, but they're really jarring and odd if you just slot them in like that. In any case, if someone really wants to understand Devilman's influence and impact, they should go with the original first for obvious reasons.
They're not jarring at all, it's the fucking original that was jarring, download it yourself and you'll see how perfectly it fits.
There's two + the persona anime
One is pretty great and has amazing atmosphere. The other is shit but features best boy so it's good too.
>humanity uber alles.
Glad to see another Neutral Chad here.
You just posted this in the /smtg/ thread you literal homo so I'll repeat what I said there.
Are you retarded? people are talking about the inflence devilman had on future authors, obviously you have to read the original version to read what influenced them. No one is saying to never read the revised version, just that it should be read after the original.
You mean they lacked any personality before 3. Stop trying so hard, faggot, they're good games.
If you take Go Nagai as whole his influence is probably all around and everywhere.
I could understand reading the original for no other reason than historical study one, but you're still telling him to effectively ruin his first experience with unfinished and rushed ending, an ending that Go Nagai himself explicitly expanded in the re-release. The original basically has no ending, it's just 5 pages of "lol we timeskip 20 years, apocalypse happened offscreen, devilman died and god hates fags, the end lol".
>This thread.
>tfw no IV anime/OVA
>ywn see bro walter fighting
>ywn see lil jonathan getting mindbroken when he sees the tokyo god abandoned
>ywn see cliche, unfunny fujo scene with Isabeau
>ywn see edgy nanashi going genocide on everything
Life is unfair
So other than Devilman, spin offs and Violence Jack, what of Nagai's work is worth reading? The other stuff just seems boring mechashit and ecchishit to me
I think you'll find very few people who feel their first experience with Devilman was ruined by the ending.
>One is pretty great and has amazing atmosphere. The other is shit but features best boy so it's good too.
the demikids anime and DeSu2 anime?
What? I’ve read every JoJo part if that’s what you’re getting at.
Most people don't know the extended version even exists so they don't have comparison.
I literally started with the original just like you and everyone else and after reading the extended version all I see is what Go Nagai saw, an unfinished gaping hole that acts as a fuck you to the reader.
About how many extra pages are there on this director's cut version?
Maybe you guys are figthing over nothing.
Okay, man. I really don't agree, but I don't think this argument is going to go anywhere. It probably doesn't matter all that much, anyway. The important thing is that Devilman is good and we all like it.
In the manga there are some cases of death of the self
Entirety of Shin Devilman got implemented between Volumes 2 and 3, but with the spoilers removed, the one shot chapter with Miki's funeral got added before the apocalypse chapter, the spider attack on school was greatly expanded (~17 new pages), there's 5 new pages introducing Sirene, 32 new pages introducing Volume 1, 18 new pages about at the start of Volume 4 with Miki on beach, 8 new pages with Ryo having a vague dream about his true nature at start of Volume 5, and finally the Apocalypse itself is actually shown instead of being just said "lol it happened offscreen", there's about 46 new pages for it.
Is there actually an official edition of Devilman that just sticks the entirety of Shin Devilman in the middle of the original? Because that seems like a little bit much.
"Show don't tell" is an important rule for a reason.
The original goes with "tell but don't show" because it's unfinished, just like Eva episodes 25/26. Nobody would praise Eva if it wasn't for EoE.
All those extra Apocalypse chapters are the definition of "Show don't tell" and equivalent of EoE.
Yes, the Deluxe Edition, the one that Go Nagai considers canon and the one that's officially being released in English later this year.
Meant to say pages*
Also another comparison I can make is Xenogears, which also is blatantly unfinished towards the end, though that's a videogame comparison rather than anime and I can't really think of better anime example than Eva.
I like the sudden timeskips.
The sudden timeskip is still there, it's just that the final fight between Devilman and Satan is actually shown this time.
Everything was Devilman.
Those old EVA fags from back in 2007 must feel pretty dumb now.
Yeah, they fight against their inhumanity and they need of cannibalism
But it's also Matrix. That game is Matrix+Devilman+Hindu
Only DDS1 and in the books it has even less importance because the plot of the game was rushed due to the writer getting ill and being replaced by Tadashi to salvage the project and make some sense of it.
If we ever get the 5 Quantum Devil Saga books translated, you'll see how irrelevant the Matrix portion was to the plot (being there only in Volume 1 and 1/3 of Volume 2) since the books are written by the original writer as the original intended plot that the games would have if not for the sick leave.
This is God, say something nice about him.
Does that include content from the original manga too? I know Deluxe and Revised edition removed some of them.
Yes, it's why I called it complete.
It has everything from the original and all the new content of the Revised and Deluxe but without removing anything. It's basically a hybrid.
i heard the added pages ruined the manga
Are you xpearse?
>i heard
>but didnt form my own opinion
>yet I'll parrot it anyway
nu4chan in a nutshell
I don't think they do.
Do you have a page where I can download it in case I lose it?
Go Nagai invented moe/ecchi/hentai and mecha too
If fujo shit has demons being summoned by way of lesbian foursomes I think I'm gonna get on board.
My mega account link here You can always ask around on /smtg/ on /vg/ as well probably since I'm a regular there.
But i though everything was Dragonball
He's a big guy
And to clarify so I don't get accused for stealing credit, I only translated the untranslated new pages from Deluxe and Revised editions, all the original translated pages of 5 Devilman volumes come from Dynamic Pro Scanlations and the Shin Devilman ones come from Neptise Scans with me only removing the spoilers in one dialogue page just like they were in the Deluxe Edition.
Pic related is an example of a new page I translated myself (from the extended spider attack on school in Volume 3).
I forgot those two. I was thinking about the OVA.
Is DemiKids good anyway? I was thinking of watching it just for Jack Bro scenes.
DeSu 2 bad
thanks for the work user
How can I enjoy this adaptation if the manga is all about the inner fight between Amon and Akira and the anime has nothing?And what about the impotence of the humanity and the regression to the primitive state of the crowds
Even Kiseijuu was done better
>this pasta again
literally fuck off parasite
>Is DemiKids good anyway?
Fuck no, neither the anime nor the games, the games are basically borderline kusoge.
but yuasa did nothing good
there is no inner fight in the manga between amon and akira, fuck off
Guerilla High is good.
A while ago I shitposted that Go Nagai invented anime & manga, but the thing is it isn't a shitpost at all, it's true.
Kekko Kamen and Cutey Honey are also decent gag/ecchi comics if that's your thing.
what? pewdiepie say it is
That's Osamu Tezuka
Also Osamu Tezuka ripped off the concept from Disney... Yeah, anime are a rip off
He was a talentless hack, copied The Lion King, and was a furry.
Meanwhile Nagai's influence is still heavily felt in all aspects of anime & manga to this day, and he hasn't died like a bitch.
Susanoo, Shutendoji (the OVAs are very rsuhed for adapting 10 vol), Mist Story and Skull Manor,
>copied The Lion King
check the dates again
Disney is one of the biggest companies on Earth. They used their unmatched wealth to cloud history in order to hide the truth.
Tezuka was a huge Disney's fanboy and only say good things about his works. Meanwhile the Disney corporation...
fucking chan coin shit
>Copied the lion king
sounds very american