Post the objectively real best girl of her respective series.
Post the objectively real best girl of her respective series
>Post the objectively real best girl of her respective series.
>doesn't post the objectively real best girl
No one but me got love for Lan
nice shit taste
No. Bad start, really bad start.
GOAT ninja in anime
Let me fix that.
Jesus Christ.
But you cant have sex with a train
Can't go wrong with the MC.
You're both wrong
Kill yourself, spamming fuckwad.
Perfect taste user
my nigga
My man!
I love Shinka, but Toka is beyond awesome
>Saten's entire character is being skirt flipping dyke and muh level 0
Even if that was the case, which it isn't, it'd be fine.
Blind, stupid, or both?
>/u/ tier yuribait trash
I even have a preference for dark haired 2D with cool eyes. Such a waste.
Ruri is ruv. Don't listen to the sinners.
considering her competition is a soulless abomination an a donut steel, yeah shes the best
Better than being dead, I guess
dumb pitofag
But not quite yotsugi.
>want to go for other girl on ng+
>still end up with her
Goddamit Rise.
>Better than being dead, I guess
rise is canonically dead because of her stds
>people still think Pitou isn't female
Just give up
Every best girl thread I see.
Ok the other one's can be debated but Shinobu is objective best girl, Nisio says it in the novel
only 2 posts in this entire thread are right
shes literally the only girl
That's where you're wrong kiddo.
>/u/ tier yuribait
I like it when idiots out themselves.
Second best. Best girl was Selesia. I hope we get a spin off about her show.
I'll make a deal and have her share the throne with Tsukihi.
fuck off pitofag. just accept the fact that you waifu'd a MALE character and thus you are an homosexual
There are at least seven more girls and one of them is the actual best girl. All of them are good though.
nobody else gets much screentime though, they are practically just props
I disagree with the order but respect your choice in girls.
>no rebuttal
Saten is the type of character that literally doesn't contribute to the plot of To Aru in any meaningful way. Her entire schtick is flipping skirts.
Best girl
You need to watch the show again. Latifa gets plenty of screen time.
yeah but latifa is... latifa
also adding to thread
Your posts alone are the rebuttal, there is no need for me to post anything. I suggest you watch both seasons again and pay attention this time, provided you have the ability to do so.
You still felt the need to respond to my posts.