I haven't seen anything worse in in more than decade since Elfen Lied. This shit goes beyond edgy...

I haven't seen anything worse in in more than decade since Elfen Lied. This shit goes beyond edgy. It's just plain torture misery porn that masquerades for something deeper and pretends to have some kind of meaningful message. Except the only message I can make out from this mess is "humans are shit, the world is shit, nothing remotely good can survive, there's no hope" The anime is competently done on technical level, it looks good and stylish which makes it even worse. It's like decorating a decaying corpse with flowers. I'm fucking mad and would unironically spit in the faces of this garbage's creators.

No, its really good actually.

Look up Marquis de Sade, Uziga Waita, Mein Kampf and Old Testament, same shit basically.

why, i watched devilman first so theyre just gonna be trash now since theyre the same shit

>There's no hope
So you didn't watch Crybaby?

what hope? Everyone's fucking dead, the humanity, the devilmen, Satan is killed off by God too. After the credits there's just the next cycle which is basically a new planet. What does it matter to everyone who's died?

The message is that war is pretty shit when you think of it.

You fool. It's a happy end. Read the sequel - Book of Revelation.

>not geting all the war message
>not geting all the racism message
Is like you people need to be info dumped to understand anything

It's certainly overrated.

So much for a "Netflix© Original®", that's just standard amerimutt garbage Sup Forums series in 2D form.

Another puritanical murican getting outraged.

>puritanical murican

Dude, have you been living under a rock these past few decades?
That show is a monstrous concatenation of everything that the US vomits into your europoor TV you pay taxes for: Sex, taboo sex, unjustifiable violence, drugs, interpersonal drama, pseudo intellectualism. Except this time it's in animated form with Eva references instead of normies' GoT or hunger games or I don't know what else is "in" and edgy nowadays. It's still the same shit. It's not about the puritanism of us, viewers of acquired taste, that makes us dislike the show - it's the simple fact that the show tried to distinguish itself by being indistinguishable from any other american garbage you can watch on netflix.
There's no "puritan american" they are used to this kind of thing on a daily basis.

You know Im getting pretty tired of kids these days calling everything thats dark in anime or manga edgy.God forbid you show some gore or how humans act under certsin situations because where theres blood theres edgy.FU Sup Forums for this shitty edgy meme

>Eva references
Oh boy.

Between Crybaby and VEG we're getting some really nice shitposting every day.
I love all of you, and both anime.

>referencing eva
>when eva is the one taking from devilman
And im sorry if you dont want your shows with nothing than isnt PG13

I blame the endless stream of moeshit and muh escapism

About the only thing you're right about is that Go Nagai is a massive faggot that deserves to be treated like shit

>eva reference
seriously faggot?

How can you not call this objectively edgy when the adaptation had more unnecessary death than the source material?

>comparing to Elfen Lied

I'm not sucking Crybaby's dick like a lot of people are, but at least all the violence and nudity is in tone with the overall theme of the show.
There are only so little media that can top the edge that is Elfen Lied.

And the funny thing is, while Crybaby had a bad end, it still manages to give off a better feeling than Elfen Lied's supposedly happy end.

Dammit Satan is really the best girl


Don't fool yourself user.

Okay, best boy then.

>puritanical american
Talk about an oxymoron.

>Mein Kampf
Back to MAL retard

This is exactly how I feel about Eva.

And before you say anything, I have no idea how people can unironically take the idea that Eva has an 'uplifting message' at its ending seriously, regardless of the one you accept. There's no way to take the 'omedetou' scene at face value, and there's no reason to not believe that having people go back to anything resembling old lives (even carrying their old identity, which there is reason to believe would not be p[reserved for everyone) after second impact would barely be possible.

kill youself faggot
