What is the best age for lolis?

What is the best age for lolis?

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Age doesn't matter at all.

14 is prime.

This guy gets it

5000 years vampire god




Agree. Body type is more important.
Personally, I like budding breasts and a hint of pubic hair, but I get off to anything above toddlers.

A century, at the least.


I love oppai lolis too.

I'd say 3 to 9 for me but that's just me


Oppai lolis are shit though.

I would impregnate the embryo in your image though.

>Oppai lolis are shit though.
Why? What did oppai lolis ever do to you?


hado seems to be one of the best artists I've found who do this. I've fapped to his galleries many many times.


This so much.

this, cake lolis are perfection


Make it 4-11 and we're good


Pretty much.

late 7

Male lolies are the best.


14 is fully mature wtf.

11 is prime

>budding breasts
That's the good stuff

>A hint of pubic hair

Pubic hair is only good for fat chested, big booty MILF's

10 to 14

14 is prime.

The prime should always be 11, 12 is when they get icky pubic hair and other stuff

Any age as long as she's your daughter



>People saying anything over 10

Yuck, 4-10 should be the limit

meh 4-9

Whatever age this is

I like the way you think.

But Chicken-chan is 11. Would you refuse her if she wanted to kiss and do lovey-dovey stuff?

I was going to say 10-13 but 9-12 is better.

are loli threads a thing in that board?
maybe I should visit more often

fite me bitch

This, but also older.

Between 6 and 9.

Age doesn't matter but every lolicon have preferences, I like any lolis but I'll tend to get fond of the youngest ones with 1 digit age.

/qa/ is the temp /l/ until /l/ is made.

It's literally the "be yourself" board.

this guy gets it

>until /qa/ is deleted

They listed it, it's not going anywhere.


You mean everyone roleplays as lolis?



Check the catalogue. There are a bunch of loli threads up and even a loli general there.

>18 hours ago

I have no interest in double digits


You're right, what the hell?

I want to style those eyebrows with my love

There isn't a lot of moderation there outside of illegal stuff or spam.

The fact this has both NIS games and an entire Witch category but didn't include original DFC Metallica is a goddamn crime

rip user

>Implying it will ever be made again
You know, an /l/ board cannot last much because of disgusting normalfag criminals not keeping it 2D-only.
Original /l/ died for this.

The original /l/ died because advertisers threatened to stop advertising on Sup Forums if moot didn't get rid of it.
Sup Forums was exponentially worse in that regard back then and Sup Forums now is worse than it was back then too

Teenagers cannot be lolis
4-11 is the ideal range

>Teenagers cannot be lolis
When will this stupid meme die?

Koume is so cute

Her new upload on the panda was a good fap.



tetsu please go

>Gengorou Koume
>only the 1st one was translated
Holy shit, this is a gold mine.

18 with small but developed breasts, but a girly and brattish personality. The mental loli.

How is some of that stuff not deleted? It's a blue board.

Do they not have janitors there?

/l/ died way before that, moot had to kill it.


concentrated cuteness


/qa/ has no janitors, only mods can moderate it. Didn't you notice /qa/ was exempt from the janitor applications?

Only illegal stuff gets removed.
Otherwise, porn generally archives. Stuff like
will probably too

Not it you keep linking it here it won't.