Find a flaw

Find a flaw

She's not living in my shadow

not in her 17yo form

She's not wearing panties.

>tfw that one frame where it shows an upskirt
>she has a bandaid over her cleft of venus

too perfect

I can't

Messy eater

I can't. She's utterly flawless.

Her 8yo form isn't on my cock RIGHT now

the bangle is a 'factory second'; the vampire 'girl' not so much.

I still have to wait for Pachimonogatari 15 to get translated.

The fact that the character has multiple forms to pander to every single age fetish

It waters down her appeal to any of those fetishes in particular. If you want to get the christmas cake lovers, make a christmas cake. If you want to get the lolicons, make a loli. Don't make both and put them in one character.


Having so many different types of appeal is part of her charm. Plebians who only go for one type of girl are crippling their enjoyment of everything anyways.

Sounds like you're a fucking pleb who can't appreciate each and every one of them.

>It waters down her appeal to any of those fetishes in particular.
I heartily disagree.

Why did you reply twice, in a 60 second interval, using the exact same type of image and filename?

Are you new to Sup Forums?

>everyone who disagrees with me is the same person
Nevermind the fact that shape/ageshifting is a fetish in itself

You literally could not be more obvious even if you used a tripcode. Go lick your wounds.

>samefagging this obvious

i'd impregnate all her forms especially the loli ones

>not knowing the post timer interval
>actually naming your files is an identifying pattern

lolis can't get pregnant

You also used basically the same words in both posts

>Plebians who only go for(...)
>Sounds like you're a fucking pleb(...)

I can't imagine how retarded a person has to be, to actually think others wouldn't notice them doing this

If she’s a vampire, then why does she look like a cockatiel?

just stop

i think youngest recorded pregnancy was like 4 or 5 so im pretty sure her 8yo form will eventually bear a child if in my possession long enough

Go back to whatever board you're from posthaste

>this buttmad over getting instantly shut down
>still crying

She has no eyes.


Her eyes are the best.

>he doesn't have an age progression fetish

I like her because she can be anyone she wants.

Her hair flips are a distinguishing feature that are easily recognizable across different forms. They're also cute.

True. It's annoying how many fan artists draw them off model.

>age progression fetish
Disgusting. Now, age regression on the other hand, that's where dreams are made.

More like:
>you don't have a cute vampire loli living in shadow
Which is your flaw, not hers.

>Shinobu in spats

Today was a good day

>i think youngest recorded pregnancy was like 4 or 5 so im pretty sure her 8yo form will eventually bear a child if in my possession long enough

But would her hymen regenerate every time you have sex with her?

I want big Shinobu to snusnu me.

>can't beat snake

everyone knows snake is the worst.

Isn't that Birb's deal?