Just finished this and wow. Why isn't it more universally praised?

Just finished this and wow. Why isn't it more universally praised?

>Minmay is much better than the show.
>Animation and art are a lot better.
>Incredible OST (Even without Do You Remember Love?)

Only criticism is the way they handled the Zentradi and Misa-Hikaru's relationship.

Other urls found in this thread:


Probably because it's an in-universe propaganda movie

Because it's shit compared to the show

In what ways apart from the ones I mentioned?

>Minmay is much better than the show
Really? I hated her in the show so that makes me a little interested, though I guess the real reason I dropped it was because I hated Haru especially.

>Why isn't it more universally praised?
By who? This is every other grandpa's favorite anime movie

Harus better as well. I think it works better in the movie since they're both adults from the beginning. Minmays acts more mature and less entitled than in the show.

Do You Remember Love? Is considered a classic though?

>Minmay is much better than the show.
Who the fuck cares about Minmay.
>the way they handled the Zentradi
They completely ruined them, making the entire Human-Zentradi completely pale and introducing a new enemy for the sake of it.
>Misa-Hikaru's relationship
At least they gave them proper closure.

Only self-inserters like DYRL

It is a classic, probably one of the best things that came out of the mecha fever of the 80s.

The Zentradi lack any personality, human characters are barely outlines of their series counterparts, fights are cooler but planning is non-existent, best scenes are just prettier versions of preexisting ones, final song is not even as good as My Boyfriend is a Piloto.

Inarguably an anime touchstone and a must watch.

Do You Remember Love? Should never be taken as a replacement for a series, but it's pretty much THE standard of how to get a compilation movie to work.

The only anime community I browse is Sup Forums so I guess its natural I've not seen it on here often considering the amount of shit taste.

What a coincidence, I also finished this a couple days ago. Pretty to watch but completely forgettable otherwise. Even the condensed plot is incredibly generic, and why was the Misa-Hikaru relationship completely reversed? That was weird. I like the explanation of it being an in-universe adaptation of what happened, though.

It's a pretty good one though.

Well the first thing you need to realize about Sup Forums is that they are all niggers. Big fat slovenly niggers collecting their welfare check while beatboxing and chugging purple drank got a below 50 IQ goes home and beats their son fucking dumb niggers.

And that's why you should never trust what Sup Forums thinks fucking shit asses fucking dick suckers fucking gay dick niggers fucking nigegrs who are gay and suck dick

If I had to choose I'd choose TV every time. I think it's one of the best stories of conflict ever told in anime.

But DYRL is still really great as a kind of greatest hits show. Don't forget to cap watching it with Flashback 2012.

Are you okay user?

>beats their son
>implying Sup Forumsnons have the potential to breed

While I do like DYRL, its kinda only at its best if you've already seen SDFM since there are moments where the movie glosses over things that the show covers in more detail

It's a fucking movie. It set priorities and set them reasonably well. #1 being cutting all the shittiest parts out of the romance and replacing them with something more reasonable and succinct.

>final song is not even as good as My Boyfriend is a Piloto.
shit taste

>Animation and art are a lot better.
ignorant piece of shit, art doesn't have anything to do with animation

Misa and Hikaru are the best part of DYRL.

"Art and animation" implies that they're separate things already. What point are you even trying to make?

I think this is a key part of it. Most people going back and trying to get into macross can't make it through the show. It's a real slog.

The important thing about macross and especially DYRL is the place it holds in history much more than the quality of the show / movie itself. It changed the anime landscape forever. The climax of DYRL is probably the single most pivotal even int the history of anime (for better or for worse). What's crazy about it is that the whole concept started as basically satirical. You don't have the meta-modernist saccharine while cynical, heartfelt while exploitative, nostalgic yet self-aware field of anime without macross, at least not anything like the way you do now. You don't have Haruhi, you don't have idol shows, you don't have Utena, and arguably you don't have Eva.

To be clear, I find SDF to be a struggle to sit through, but all anime fans should be exposed to SDF and definitely DYRL just due to its importance when trying to understand the medium.

"art and animation"
what does that mean?
>dance and art
>i said they're different xdd

What a retard: he clearly puts art alongside animation because it's the freaking "same thing"; otherwise, he wouldn't
Don't treat me like a fool who would eat your shit just like that

>Don't have Eva
Bullshit. Eva would've existed without Macross. The only element of Eva that would be missing would be the Eighth Angel battle.


If you cut the earth arc out from the tv series its a 9/10 series, with it its a 6/10 series.

Are you kidding? It's nothing compared to SDF. I still don't understand how people can shill this film so much.

Macross II Lovers Again is a GOOD Macross. A GOOD anime!

>Most people going back and trying to get into macross can't make it through the show. It's a real slog.
What? No it's not, I watched SDF early last year and was hooked. Unlike another certain mecha show from the same era.
I really don't see how you could find it boring at all, it's so good.

that's a little harsh user.

At least the parts dealing with the aftermath for the Zentradi was fine.

A problem with "film versions" is that they tend to cram in focus on too much characters and plot points. DYRL's narrowed focus, welcome character rewrites and easy to follow plotting (compared to other movies of it's kind) made it a way better then a movie based on 27 episodes should be. It also looks and sounds like sex.

6 doesn't mean its bad, just not amazing.

It's the prettiest chinese cartoon ever made, but it makes sense that people don't really talk about it. Like it or not, the general population doesn't really care for the older stuff.

It's still absolutely perfect imo

I dunno I just don't think DYRL is anywhere near as close to being as good as the series. It's definitely not close to being as good as even this single episode.

>Grading on a 10 point scale
What heresy is this?


Pick which ever one you like.

I think it's the most important movie for getting into the Macross universe. The story was certainly better written than in SDF. Animation even if it doesn't hold up for "today" standards/aesthetics it keeps everything so beautifully it's hard to explain. Minmay is the real queen.

The joke is that 6/10 is actually a 1/5 in most rating systems because nothing ever gets less than a 5.5.

But it is universally praised.

Thanks for the laugh.

Oh I get it now.

>The story was certainly better written than in SDF

I've never seen SDF but I find it funny how I thought Minmay was the much more interesting character over Misa given how infamous Minmay is in SDF, and I was pretty sad when she lost in DYRL.

It was sad when she lost in SDF too though.

Misa was better written in SDF. Her conflict and development really centered around her growing beyond the confines of her role as a bridge bunny and making meaningful friendships outside of Claudia and her family. It's a shame that after Kawamori became the head of Macross he made sure none of the heroines were military, until Delta and we all know what happened there.

This is actually the best part. I love how they incorporated it into the story without making it an alternative reality. Shame megaload-01, the supervision army & the meltrandi haven't been expanded on. Guess we'll be settling on idol bands from here on out.

Also, Hikaru was essentially a piece of shit to her the entire series, NTRing her at every chance he could to see Minmay. I wasn't entirely convinced in that last episode he was even fully committed to Misa either.

Nah, I think he pretty definitively said he was for Misa by the last big battle. His flirtation with Minmay after that was a preternaturally early mid-life crisis.

Also, I meant to say this but what the fuck was wrong with the ages? Misa was only 19. Yet everyone acted like she was 25+.

No he definitely didn't, Minmay made the choice for Hikaru in that last episode.

Is discussing "SDF vs. DYRL" the same as "Minmay vs. Misa"? Or is that a stretch?

It's a stretch. They're very different forms of media and the stories are really different. One was self-contained and the other opened up a whole can of worms.

All the will-they-won't-they stuff would have been bearable for me, but it was also incredibly stilted and weakly written, super repetitive, wallowing in the worst parts of the show. To be fair, the actual mecha elements and the zentradi / protoculture plot was a lot better, but I'm not really a mecha fan in the first place so it wasn't my cup of tea.

I dunno, I thought all the characters were really great. It had loads of funny moments too. I only really had a problem with the show post-timeskip.

I'm saying that Eva couldn't have existed without the way in which Macross changed the industry. It's pretty clear that Gainax wouldn't have existed in the form it did. It's clear that Gunbuster is directly dependent upon DYRL and so is Eva as a corollary.

Is GOOD a meme that means utter shitfest now?

Holy shit this is some autism. Art and animation are obviously related to one another in that they combine to create the visual aspect of anime, but he clearly listed them separately because they are two distinct things. Why are you so upset dude.

>World is exploding and right now everyone we care about is fucking dying
>Yeah, let's totally make out

SDF Misa >>>>>>>> shit >>>> Cousin fucker

DYRL Minmay >>> Misa

Coming soon to silver screen The guy behind IT is directing and the writer behind Wonder Woman is writing the script.

>The climax of DYRL is probably the single most pivotal even int the history of anime (for better or for worse).

...no, just no. While incredible, and edited. (a major 3-4 minute scenes missing that was animated by Anno and can be briefly viewed as part of the intro to Daicon IV is the so-called Rain of Death that turns Earth into the doomed desert that Misa and Hikaru go to.) the movie is nothing compared to the works of Ghibli or Gainax's Wings of Honneamise

Yes, the whole human race is save'd by a 500,000 y/o song sung by a THOT.

I'm not referring to the visuals at all. They're irrelevant to what I'm saying.

Yet are what carry a good portion of the film. This can not be denied, visually beautiful and for its time, but others have come since. The climax of WoH was more memorable. Hell, Memories even individually had better climaxes.

my man, SDFM do you remember love is one of the best anime movies i had ever watched, and i what got me into anime back in the 90, good to see people still watche it now a days

LET'S GO tsukinukeyou ze
yume de mita yoake e

I don't deny anything you're saying, those things are just parallel to the point I'm making. I didn't even think DYRL was particularly entertaining, and I'm not saying it's important for its content, I'm saying it's important for its place in history and its impact on the medium, not the audience (though those two things are obviously linked).

DYRL is like star wars. It was far from perfect, there were plenty of better sci-fi offerings before and after, and any individual element can be critiqued as either derivative or surpassed by some other example. The important part of the matter is that something about the novel combination of its constituent parts, the tone, the subject matter, the themes, resonated with audiences in such a novel way that it changed the face of the medium in perpetuity.

Oh, ok, then that I can agree with. However the climax looking back on it just...Idk, causes a great deal of cringe.


The climax was great, almost as good as Frontier's reenactment.


>Just finished this and wow. Why isn't it more universally praised?

1. It's not that accessible unfortunately, with the whole never had a proper release thing
2. It's a very shallow, dumbed down spectacle compared to the show

Macross will never be universally praised because the series as a whole is monumentally stupid.

I never watched this series, but this is my favorite version of the track.


This sounds like a desperate young woman justifying to her lover why she is leaving him...or is a ho, who knows?

It's extremely funny that you think that's like, weird or a strange thing to do.

I don't remember DYRL's story but I do remember that I hated it and a lot of the character interactions and that I thought it was inferior to SDF's in every way. The movie has brilliant visuals but I would rather just watch the show again.

We have threads about DYRL and Macross at least once a week. Even more frequently on /m/

>animation and art look a lot better
Good job underselling DYRL, which is bar none the most impressive visual accomplishment of the entire medium.

What's surprising in an unpleasant way is how compromised it is by unfixable mistakes/corner cutting they did during production - it often kind of looks a little distracting and shit when you see it at full quality on Blu-ray

DYRL is very well regarded. I'm not sure what you're on about, OP.

Hayase should have won in the show.
Minmay should have won in DYRL.
You cannot deny this.

Its a miracle and DYRL even exists the way it does. You can quite literally observe the money burn on the screen, especially considering how "small" of a franchise Macross is compared to something like Gundam. The versatilty of its depicted environments and backgrounds will probably never find an equal. The only 2 movies that are worth mentioning next to it, which arent really contenders either, though, would be Tekkon Kinkreet and the first half of Nausicaa. The art direction blows every single other movies/show so hard out of the water that its not even funny.

...and this coming from a "parody" of Gundam.

Macross wasn't a parody beyond the very early concept stage

>almost as good as frontier
>all that trash cgi
Hah.. ha... ha..............................