
How increased are the chances of a Part 5 anime?
Are you excited?
What could the ending song possibly be?

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What are the best manga panels of Yasuho iyo? Color preferrably

Mosaicanon said this last thread.

>Hey everyone! Fuck, this thread is already on Page 10, I hope all of you can read this before it's too late.

>I know we were supposed to continue the Mosaic today, but... life is hard, a lot of stuff happened and keeps happening. You'll have to wait a bit more before we continue this project, mark the 19th on your calendars because that day we'll finish Chapter 12, and Chapter 13 will be probably started on the 26th.

>Sorry for the long wait and everything, this break ended up being longer than expected. I hope to see you all on the 19th!

>By the way, the remaining chapters will probably be done on regular threads. I know what I said on the past, but things have changed and it looks like it's safe again to do these things on regular thread without the fear to be deleted. Also, it was difficult to keep Mosaic Threads alive and, in the end, I think it'll be easier to work again on regular threads.

>mosaicanon dies of a cold next week

How much you want to bet he goes off the rails and keeps procrastinating?

Gappy makes me happy


JOJO part 9: if SBR is a remake of PB, and JJL is a remake of DiU, then it makes sense that part 9 will be a remake of SBR because 1(+3),4(+3),7, thus creating another JOJO universe. eg:

>SBR remake

It's actually a remake of Part 2.
Pillar Men are Rock Humans.

>part 9

I thought Part 8 is going to be the last one since it's already playing in 2011 like SO and also the name "Jojolion" seems like a nice name for a final part.

I'd say JJL is a remake of both Part 2 and Part 4.

It doesn't feel like a final part, and JoJo has always had trilogies.
This will probably also be a trilogy.
Araki may be old but he could still have his assistants do a lot more, and he could just do the storyboarding and writing.

Joshuu makes ME happy

Nah it's a remake of Part 4 sprinkled with all the parts.
We had PB at the start with Joshu and the knight.
>BT calls backs with the Rock Men
>SDC with Holly and where the Jojos sit lineage-wise.
>DiU with the setting, stands ect.
>GW with the Yasuho/Trish panel, Urban/Cioccolata + Diavolo/Jobin theories.
>SO with Kaato's prison name.
I would say considering we are bumping up the Part 5 references, and we have ticked off Highway Star and Superfly. This "act" of Jojolion will cover that small chunk and have more Part 5 references. I just wanted to shoehorn my theories in, I'm sorry.
With Araki's age, it will most likely. That's probably why JJL is re-writing the part he wanted to re-write, with his "Personal hero" Kira as a Joestar, and seems to be making for other things that have happened in past. He's hammering the tones of family, happiness and fate again which was key to when he was wrapping SO in a neat bow. JJL feels like it's going to be long, epic and reference all the parts then wrap up before he retires.

That would mean that Part 9 could be a remake of both Part 3 and Part 5? That would be fucking nice. Especially of Araki takes the things both parts did right and puts them together(like part 3's final fight and Part 5's story and minor villains).

Is it weird to feel sad over this ending?


I really need to re-read Part V since I just couldn't be bothered anymore due to how bad the translation I was using was. Somehow I managed to make it through Diamond's piss poor English but VA I couldn't manage it. I think I gave up around the time Trish realized she was a Stand user.

Reread it my man, it's amazing.

trish's stand reveal was one of the best moments in all of part 5 user. shit taste desu

This. It's too bad that she didn't have any more fights. Her Stand has a lot of potential for more creative fights, or for her to even have a fight with Diavolo.

What's the best way to order Jojoniums online, if I live in east Europe?

It's better on a reread but part V is still the weakest part.
Based XChad exposes the truth

I'm glad, because I'm out of town and really busy. Besides, I forgot which were my panels.

Why didn't he mention specification number 41?

The guy from that movie is literally Joahu

He probably never noticed the second page on the trademarks; you can see him skimming the first page in the video.

finally best part gets a anime

I'm kind surprised everyone was (and still a little bit) freaking out about part 5 not being adapted since there has been a fairly consistent 2 year gap between parts
Parts 1 and 2:started 2012
Part 3: started 2014
Part 4: Started 2016


But part 2 already got adapted.

Part 9 could be a merge of the universes à la DB, I don't care I'm only half-joking, let me dream. I don't think jojolion is the last part, has Araki ever showed interest in ending JJBA?

It'll be "All Star" or "Steal My Sunshine" or "Every Morning" or "Heartbreaker" or something like that.

Beautiful, isn't it?

based hairwindow poster

What's happening with Mosaicanon?

How many gallons of cum will you release when Part 5 gets confirmed?

depends on how it looks after seeing the Rohan OVA

what do you mean?

Rohan looked really weird despite being loyal to the art style.

as long as they don't pull something like this it's ok

Help, ever since the part 5 logo's were shown I can't stop listening to coco jumbo.

That was more trying to copy Araki's later part 7/8 style wasn't it?

imo Rohan looked really good in the OVA.

Which is the best part and why is it Steel Ball Run?

because your mom gay


Nice trips hairposter

Now that is going to die, where can I read Jojo at?

He originally planned on it being a trilogy then decided to continue with a fourth Part at some point in DIO’s World, and Part 6 actually WAS the ending for a while and the C-Moon arc onwards was called END OF JOJO in WSJ as it was still releasing. SBR started a year later and didn’t have JoJo in the title since he wanted a new beginning after feeling like he reached the peak of his creativity in SO, and was sort of like a spiritual successor that continued the themes but in a different setting. However, reusing the names of heaps of JoJo characters and including Stands confused a fuck ton of people so after 4 volumes it was removed from WSJ for a couple months and returned in UJ as a monthly series with JoJo added to the title and officially referred to as Part 7, probably for marketing purposes since it’s still JoJo in essence despite the fact it was originally published as an original series.

Reminder it's called GOLDEN WIND and always has been!


No, it's called VENTO OREO.


Actually, it's called ジョジョの奇妙な冒険:黄金の風 and it always has been.


I don't speak Chinese.

i imagine part 9 like this

The son of gappy is studying in italy dealing with school stuff and such, but when a mysterious cult which worships the holy corpe is born inside his school, little gappy must infiltrate it to know whos the responsible of it (be aware the cult probably murders someone important to little gappy)
going as far as defeating the leader of the cult in his school.
Getting caught red handed on the scene hes sent to jail where the cult has its main base, beating many stand users, the corpse manages to get to italy due to stream waves and its up to little gappy to get out of jail, before the unknown leader of the cult gets the body and ascends as Jesus

Is Gappy's preference to sleep with something placed on top of him an actual thing?

I find myself that I'm actually a lot more comfortable when I have some weighty thing putting pressure on me when I sleep too, almost like I can breathe better. I really can't explain it.

>tfw you sleep with three blankets, not including your thicc ass comforter

Same here, got that habit to like pressure on top since childhood. Gappy's sure got good taste in autism

I hope that DP decides to stick with completely 2D OPs.


CGI is better.


Literally the worst part and worst MC

Why does everyone on here think Araki is going to retire soon? His health isn’t too bad, 60 isn’t that old (I have relatives still working in their 90s), and his art is still really good. I think he has at least one more part in him.

your mom is literally the worst part and worst MC

>implying he won't give each universe an even number of parts
>yfw Part 12 Jojo is a japanese NEET who was disowned by his parents

Agreed very hard.

I hate Cioccolata.

Is anyone else pissed that Hayato wrongfully came to the conclusion that Kira would've killed him and his mother if the main cast was permanently erased with BtD?

No, he’s a little kid that’s worried about a serial killer, it makes sense he’d jump to that conclusion. I love Kira, but it’s understandable.

a little kid that watches his parents fuck like a fucking creeper

I miss Naranciafag.

If Kira had no more reason to hide his identity, why would he leave loose ends like them alive? I mean I agree that he didn't have to kill them, but let's be real, that's kind of who he is.

the only correct choice

I feel sad for Polnafeff, Buccellatti, Narancia and Abbacchio.
3 and 6 had the most bittersweet endings for me. 1's ending was more bitter than it was sweet.

part 5 will probably be 3d

I always take a blanket or a sheet, even if it's hot. I did since I waa child. Heh, back then I couldn't sleep if a blanket didn't cover my body up to and including my neck. It's because I thought that that way, if a vampire or a monster wanted to bite me, they'd have to remove the blanket first, which would wake me up. As long as I had a blanket, I was safe. I suppose that stuck with me as a feeling of comfort when I can cover myself with something.

>part 5 is 3D but with a 2D OP

I love~~~
'Fish Sausages'.

I just can't win... I always fall for it.

Off by one number there buddy

Part 4 and 6 aren't weak, user.

I hate myself

Which villain do you all think is the most attractive

I have to say Diavolo. I just love his tattoos, eyes, and his personality. Something about someone being so powerful yet so paranoid and reclusive just makes me love him.

Pucci. Broken men turn me on.

>part 6 isn't weak

>having shit taste
How nice of you to not even try breaking the stereotype.

> no other laughing Jojo memes on my phone
> insecure part 6 fag attacks the pic because he can't prove part 6 isn't weak
Typical waifufags

will this be the best part 5 anime scene? (barring ending scenes of course)

Typical Josephfag, trying to project himself onto another user to protect his fragile ego.
Go along.

stop replying to people with shit taste

36 Kars on Mars!

King crimson reveal has potential to be the best scene.

I'm looking forward to the grateful dead fight. If they do it correctly, its going to be insane.

Bruno is the best JoJo.

I think the weeps gently activation will be a better scene. As for a fight although grateful dead is my favorite, I'd say Notorious B.I.G. and Clash and Talking head will be better.